Christian Heritage was founded in June 2005 to provide families in Washington with a thoroughly biblical vision not only for home education, but also family discipleship. Since then, Christian Heritage has been greatly blessed by the Lord and we continue to receive reports of lives changed and families following Christ more fully.
Position Statement on Home Education
Christian Heritage strongly encourages parents to diligently seek the Lord and search the Bible regarding the education of their children. Christian Heritage stands firm in its conviction that parents have the Biblical authority and responsibility to direct and control that education.
Although many forms of home education have emerged, Christian Heritage advocates the Biblical model where parents exercise direct control and authority over their children's education.
Although many educational choices exist, Christian Heritage recognizes that the statistical evidence shows the most effective option is where the child's curriculum is chosen and taught by the parents.
Although certain aspects of a child's education may be delegated, Christian Heritage affirms that character training is best accomplished directly by the parents. We caution parents who use curriculum and/or instruction that is out of their direct control or supervision, that is funded directly or indirectly by any public/governmental source, and/or centered on any world view other than Jesus Christ and the Bible.
Therefore, Christian Heritage’s central focus is to encourage all home educators to choose the most effective educational option where the child's curriculum and instruction are chosen, taught, and funded by the parents, and to defend the inalienable rights of the private, independent home educator.
Alternative Phone Number: 360-871-3279