Heart to Heart for Dads
With the divorce rate among parents of special needs children hovering in the range of 85%, Doug and Patsy want to take some time to talk separately with dads and moms about how to maintain a strong marriage in the midst of stress in the home.
Tricks of the Trade
Often special needs families can use curriculum already in hand, but they need assistance knowing how to modify the work without losing content. This workshop will offer tips for parents who need help choosing or modifying curriculum.
Navigating the System
Do the seas of the various agencies seem overwhelming and intimidating? Find out how to get the help that is available from the social services system, Social Security, private agencies and even the public schools.
Students in Their Right Minds
Discover the differences between left and right-brain learners. Whether a child has ADHD, developmental delays, or autism spectrum disorders (or maybe you just can’t put your finger on it …), parents will pick up usable tips in this practical workshop. Celebrate the unique gifts of your child who learns differently by embracing meaningful strategies that will bring out the best in him!
Special Tools for Special Schools
Home school moms with special needs children often ask how to accomplish everything in the home school without dropping the ball on something. This workshop will address how to keep house, get a quiet time, teach the special needs child, go to all those therapy and doctor appointments, and teach typical siblings…all at the same time, without losing sanity or sleep!
Surviving and Thriving
Families with special needs children have a choice whether to become bitter or better. Rise above the challenges and learn to live, love and laugh in spite of the stress that a special needs child can bring into the home.
It's Elementary, My Dear Watson!
Put on your plaid cap and get out your magnifying glass to explore the answers to questions that plague some parents: "What is wrong? Is it my teaching? Is it my child? Is it the curriculum? Or is this a behavior issue?" Learn some tools to help discern whether a learning difference is at the heart of the matter, instead of the behavior being a matter of the heart.