BTS Vocabulary On-line Tool
Learn vocabulary words using flashcards and quizzes.
- Size. Our glossary includes more than 118,000 words.
- Level. Our glossary includes both elementary and advanced terms; therefore, it appeals to learners on all levels.
- Sources. We use the combined scholarship of the Webster’s 1913 Dictionary and the Easton’s Bible Dictionary.
- Add Terms. If a specialty term or modern term is not found, you can add words and elect to make them public or keep as private. This feature may prove helpful for those who wish to have highly simplified definitions or uniquely complex definitions with personalized illustrations.
- College Prep. We have identified more than 2,000 college prep words which are considered high-value terms by the College Board and others who create entrance exams.
- Affixes. We have identified 273 prefixes and 224 suffixes which will open understanding to countless English words.
- Rhetorical Devices. We have identified dozens of rhetorical devices to aid literary analysis.
- Flashcards. Our system generates flashcards for all of your words and calculates your success on each individual word.
- Quizzes. Our system generates quizzes customized from your words.
- Performance Reports. Our system tracks your success on each flashcard session, each quiz, and each individual word. Our system will also calculate your overall averages compared to your most recent quiz or flashcard session.
- Time Tracking. Our system tells you how many minutes of practice were invested during each flashcard session and quiz.
- Scripture. Definitions from the Easton Dictionary usually include Scripture references to demonstrate a term's use. Furthermore, we have added Bible verses and quotes from famous Christian writings to 200+ college prep terms to illustrate usage from the Bible and classic writings (e.g., St. Augustine's Confession).
- Budget. This is a budget-friendly tool because it eliminates hours producing flashcards and because each member of your family can create multiple word lists.
- Compatibility. Our system was designed for the latest versions of Microsoft's Internet Explorer, Mozilla's Firefox, Google's Chrome, and more. Our product was also designed for iPhones, iPod Touches, and other Web-enabled devices so you can practice anywhere!
- Share. You can share your word lists with other subscribers for easy facilitation within your group, class, or homeschooling co-op. For example, you can compile a list of keywords that you are attempting to learn which are found in a book being read by you and your study group. Then, you can elect to publish (or, share) your collection of terms for the benefit all other subscribers who are also reading the same book.
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