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Dr. Voddie Baucham, Jr.:  Homeschool Conference Speaker and Workshop Leader Details



Phone 2
Baucham, Voddie

8765 Spring Cypress Road
Suite L
Spring, Texas (TX)  77379
United States of America (US)

1-877-TRUTH-58 ex702
Fax: 832-201-8913
Keynote PresentationsTri Counties Home Education Network (TCHEN) Convention (2010)
Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention - Omaha (2013, NE)
2012 Texas Home School Coalition's State Convention & Family Conference (2012, TX)
29th Annual CHEA Convention (2012, CA)
2012 Christian Heritage Homeschool Conference (2012, WA)
1st Annual 2012 Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention - Spartanburg (2012, SC)
The 17th Annual Oregon Christian Home Education Conference (2011, OR)
2011 Teaching Parents Association's Homeschool Conference (TPA) (2011, KS)
2011 Annual Michigan Home Education Convention (INCH) (2011, MI)
Christian Family Schools (CFS) 27th Annual Expo Homeschool Convention (2011, CA)
2011 Annual Georgia Home Education Association's Conference (GHEA) (2011, GA)
2010 Nevada Homeschool Expo (2010, NV)
Tri Counties Home Education Network (TCHEN) 4th Annual Convention (2010, CA)
2010 Christian Home Educators of Ohio Convention (CHEO) (2010, OH)
2010 Illinois Christian Home Educator's Annual State Convention (ICHE) (2010, IL)
2010 Annual Mississippi Home Educator's Spring Conference (MHEA-MS) (2010, MS)
2009 Texas Home School Coalition's State Convention & Family Conference (2009, TX)
2009 Home Educators Association of Virginia State Convention (2009, VA)
2009 NICHE Conference (2009, IA)
2009 Christian Heritage Homeschool Conference (2009, WA)
The 14th Annual OCEANetwork Conference and Curriculum Show (2008, OR)
2008 Christian Family Conference by CHEC (2008, CO)
2008 MPE Conference & Curriculum Fair (2008, MO)
2007 Christian Heritage Homeschool Conference (2007, WA)
2007 MPE Conference & Curriculum Fair (2007, MO)
Featured PresentationsValley Home Educators (VHE) Convention (2010)
Christian Home Educators of Colorado (CHEC) Christian Family Conference (2010)
2010 Valley Home Educators 17th Annual Home Education Convention (2010, CA)
2010 Christian Family Conference by CHEC (2010, CO)
Christian Family Schools (CFS) 25th Annual Expo Homeschool Convention (2009, CA)
Presentation Titles & Descriptions

Cultural Apologetics
In today’s world, knowing what we believe, why we believe it and being able to communicate it effectively to others isn’t so easy ... or is it? Join Voddie and find out how!

Ever Loving Truth
Voddie Baucham has a message for Christians in today's postmodern, post-Christian culture: It is time to take a stand for truth. The Ever Loving Truth addresses the cost of being a twenty-first century Christian in a world quickly running away from the concept of absolute truth.

Culture Wars:  How They Affect the Homeschool Family and How We Respond
There is a mighty clash of worldviews going on all around us, and there is no way to escape. Educating our children at home will only postpone the inevitable. Our children will engage the culture. The only question is, will they do so as lambs going off to slaughter, or will they be sheep among wolves who are “wise as serpents and innocent as doves”?

See It Through!
Trials and tribulations assail the homeschool family. Nevertheless this admonition of doing good remains true to the Christian homeschool parent. Is there a better education, discipleship, worldview development opportunity than that which exists within the four walls of your home? This generation has an opportunity to build the foundation of many godly generations if we will continue in doing good. Perseverance is required, but the reward is excellent.

Getting Your House in Order
In his opening message, Voddie examines Moses mandate in Deuteronomy Six and applies it to the contemporary cultural crisis. Conclusion: The Bible is not silent on how we raise our children.

Mending Fences
Most teens have strained relationships with their parents. This session is designed to illustrate the necessity and availability of intimate personal discipling relationships between teens and their parents.

Multi-Generational Promise
What does Jeremiah 29 mean? If God really plans to prosper us and not harm us, why are so many kids going bad? Perhaps we don't understand the promise.

How to Disciple Your Children

Raising Kids Who Walk with God
Most Christian parents, if they are honest, haven't a clue as to how to disciple the children God has entrusted to them. Thankfully, the Bible gives clear instructions

Why I Choose to Believe the Bible
Voddie teaches us why we can know, beyond doubt, that the Bible is true, authoritative, and historically correct, start to finish. And he gives us a valuable tool for explaining this to others--even the most convinced skeptics.

Why Homeschool? An Apologetic for Home Education
Moms are not qualified to teach higher math; children will miss out on socialization; our kids will not be Salt and Light in the world. These and other objections are all too common to homeschool families. However, what does the Bible say? Is the text silent on the issue of education? Or has God actually given us biblical principles to follow. In this session, Voddie Baucham will make a biblical argument for home education.

Biblical Discipleship in the Home
Once we know what we are called to do, its time to learn how to do it. This session will give you a birds-eye view of family discipleship. You will learn the step-by-step process outlined in the Bible, and receive tips on how to apply them.

Family Discipleship 101
What is your plan for discipling your children? This is a question most Christian parents cannot answer. What’s worse, they have never even asked the question. We must have a plan for walking with our children, teaching them, and encouraging them to walk with God. We all have an academic plan, yet it is simply tragic that the spiritual equivalent is largely nonexistent. This session will provide Biblical tools for walking our children through the discipline/training phase, the catechism phase and the discipleship phase as we prepare to launch them into the world.

The Cultural and Spiritual Attack on Faith and Family
This session will lay out the cold, hard facts about a generation that is rapidly turning away from God. We will look at the teen (church) dropout rate and the factors causing it. We will look at the breakdown in the family. And we will examine the effects of outside influences on our children.

Marriage: The Foundation of Family Driven Faith
God gives specific roles and responsibilities to husbands, wives, mothers and fathers as it relates to marriage and the family. When we ignore, or subvert these roles, our families suffer. In this session, we will examine the biblical purposes for marriage, the roles of men and fathers, the roles of women and mothers, and the roles of children in a biblically functioning home.

Family Driven Faith - A Parent's Job
It is the job of the parent, not the church, to disciple children. Unfortunately, most parents are unaware, ill equipped, and unaccountable for this task. This message raises the bar.

The Centrality of the Home in the Evangelism & Discipleship of the Next Generation
We are losing 75-88% of professing Christian kids by the end of their freshman year in college. In this message, Dr. Baucham explains why, and what the Bible has to say about stemming the tide and why mom and dad are the key to keeping them in the faith.

Multi-generational Vision
In this session you will learn what the Bible has to say about raising not just faithful children, but generations of faithful children. You will grasp a vision for preparing your children to impact the world for Christ long after you are gone.

Biblical Manhood
The Bible has much to say about manhood. Unfortunately what we learn from culture, from our families, and sometimes even from the church does not line up with what the Bible teaches. In this session we will examine key biblical texts that will help us think differently about what it means to be a man and what it means to raise them. NOTE: While the main topic is Biblical Manhood, Voddie also discusses women’s roles in this workshop. Women are invited to attend with their husbands.

What He Must Be…If He Wants to Marry My Daughter
Dr. Baucham outlines ten qualities parents should look for in a son-in-law, including trustworthiness, a willingness to lead his family, an understanding of his wife’s role, and various spiritual leadership qualities. Author Voddie Baucham follows up on his popular book Family Driven Faith with this compelling apologetic of biblical manhood.

Parenting-The Blessing
The blessing our children can be to us and we can be to them.

Family Discipleship – How to Pass On the Faith One Generation at a Time
Most Christian parents, if they are honest, haven’t a clue as to how to disciple the children God has entrusted to them. Thankfully, the Bible gives clear instructions. Do you have a plan to disciple your children? Do you have a vision for the men and women of God they are to become? This session will challenge and encourage you to prepare your children to walk with God.

Education and Worldview: How Education Affects Worldview & What That Means for Your Child 
What is a worldview? How are worldviews developed? Is there a correlation between worldview and education? Does it matter where and how we educate our children? Should Christians send their children to public schools? This message tackles the issue of public education head on. There is a mass exodus of young adults from the church. This message demonstrates the role worldview plays in the contemporary crisis. Whether you are a parent, or you plan to be, you need to listen to this message.

Thoroughly Christian Education
Dr. Voddie Baucham shares what most parents are quick to dismiss: whoever is teaching our children is also discipling them. He argues that Christian parents need to take the initiative in their children’s education and stop turning them over to the anti-God environment of the government school. Using Scripture, statistics, and sound reasoning, Voddie powerfully makes the case that whoever controls the schools does indeed control the world.

Harvard or Heaven
What are you aiming for in the education of your children?  Is it the same thing every other person in America is striving to attain?  Is being a follower of Christ a determining factor in the goals toward which you educate your children?  Does your child absolutely have to have a college degree?  If so, is the traditional college route a wise investment of time and money? 

In this session, we will expose the harsh truth about what Forbes Magazine calls “The Great College Con.”  Most Bachelors degrees aren’t worth the paper they’re written on.  There are also a host of trades and careers that don’t require going to college.  And if your child does end up needing a college degree, there are inexpensive, convenient, safe ways to get it done in a fraction of the time and at a fraction of the cost.  This is a session college administrators don’t want you to attend. 

Home Education Why and How
Do you have a biblical theology of education?  Or do you simply educate your children at home because it promises safety, security, and higher SAT scores?  This session is designed to examine the Scriptures with a view toward a biblical theology of education that will serve as a foundation upon which families can build a philosophy of true home discipleship.

Introduction to Family Worship
In two hundred years we have gone from a time when family worship was the norm in Christian homes to a time when nine out of ten Christian parents cannot tell you what the term means.  Our homes should be places where Christ is worshipped on a daily basis.  If we truly believe that he is central to all of life, then our homes must reflect that in the way we spend our time. 

In this session attendees will learn how to start a simple, powerful, life-changing practice that will turn ten to fifteen minutes a day into multi-generational impact.  The final session is the launching pad for the 28-day follow-up to develop biblical family habits.

Getting Our House in Order
This session opens the eyes of the participants to the contemporary tragedy in evangelicalism.  We are losing a generation.  Teens are abandoning the church at alarming rates, birth rates are plummeting and less than 10% of professing evangelicals have a biblical worldview.  This ‘perfect storm’ has the modern American church on a collision course with apostasy. 

The State of the Family
One of the frequently overlooked byproducts of government education is the advancement of Feminist ideology and its implications for family life.  In this workshop we will examine the influence of Feminist ideology and secular humanism as they relate to biblical manhood/womanhood, and the family.  We will then address strategies to overcome these ideologies in the way we educate our sons and daughters.

The Future of Home Education
From increased regulations to infiltration and sabotage, state and local governments are continually encroaching upon the rights of home educators.  What does all of this mean?  This session will focus on key obstacles home educators face and strategies to deal with them effectively.

The Ministry of Marriage
Some Christians believe it is inappropriate to pay so much attention to “preparing our children for marriage”. Our goal, they argue, should be to prepare them to love and live for Christ. Absolutely! We ought to desire for our children to be like Jesus. However, Jesus was a bridegroom who came for His bride, died for His bride and is now making a place for her. This session will examine the need to reevaluate views that call for putting off marriage for ministry’s sake.

Transforming Communication
Many couples struggle with communication. We say things we do not mean and often regret the careless words we speak. However, this does not have to be the case. The Bible outlines helpful patterns for conflict resolution that will transform warring spouses into reconciling lovers. This session could be a catalyst to healing real hurts that have gone unattended for years while learning a pattern of repentance and faith that will offer hope and healing in this and many other areas of our marriage.

A Father's Role
If we understand a father’s role, we automatically understand what we are looking for in a potential suitor and what we are called to invest into our sons. Therefore, a “father’s role” is the crux of the matter. This session will examine the key Biblical texts concerning a father’s role in his family in general and with his daughters in particular.

He Must Practice the 4 P's
George Whitefield wrote, “[E]very governor of a family ought to look upon himself as obliged to act in three capacities: as a prophet: to instruct; as a priest: to pray for and with; as a king to govern, direct, and provide”. In this session Voddie will examine a husband’s role as a Priest, Prophet, Provider and Protector, with a view toward discerning the potential for these qualities in the life of a potential suitor.

Why Your Family Needs The Church
Ask many homeschool families where they go to church and you may be disappointed by the answer (or lack thereof). There is a growing number of home educators who have simply given up on local church membership. Some gather together in informal “home fellowships,” while others simply view their family as their church. This simply must not be! Every Christian ought to be part of a local church (Heb. 10:25). Christ died for his bride, the Church.
In this session, we will examine questions like, “What is a biblical church”? “What is biblical church membership”? and “How to find a church.” We will also look at the biblical mandate for, and essential nature of church membership in the life of the individual and the family.

Don’t Let Home Education Destroy Your Marriage

Teaching Your Children with Your Grandchildren in Mind

Don’t Let Home Education Destroy Your Marriage

The Role of the Father in Home Education & Discipleship

Family Worship: The Forgotten Home Discipleship Tool

Bible Study Basics: How to Study and Teach the Bible at Home

Voddie's Achievements
  • Pastor at Grace Family Baptist Church in Spring, TX
  • Has taught at the College of Biblical Studies in Houston, TX; Union University in Jackson, TN; and Southern Seminary.
  • Author: The Ever-Loving Truth Curriculum
  • Author: The Ever-Loving Truth: Can Faith Thrive in a Post-Christian Culture?
  • Author: Family Driven Faith
  • Author: The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World
  • Author: What He Must Be: ...If He Wants to Marry My Daughter
  • BA in Christianity/BA in Sociology from Houston Baptist University
  • M.Div. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
  • D.Min. from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
  • Honorary D.D. from Southern California Seminary
  • Post-graduate Study at the University of Oxford, England (Regent’s Park College)
Baucham's Bio

Voddie Baucham - Homeschool SpeakerVoddie Baucham - Homeschool SpeakerDr. Voddie Baucham, Jr. is a husband, father, pastor, author, professor, conference speaker, and church planter. He currently serves as the Pastor of Preaching at Grace Family Baptist Church in Spring, TX. Voddie’s area of emphasis is Cultural Apologetics. He helps ordinary people understand the significance of thinking and living Biblically in every area of life. Voddie and his wife, Bridget, have seven children: Jasmine, Trey (Voddie, III), Elijah, Asher, Judah, Micah, and Safya. They are committed home educators.

Date Created11/3/2008 11:44:12 PM
Date Modified6/11/2012 11:20:58 AM
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My hope is that this list will assist conference organizers in connecting with Voddie Baucham and other workshop leaders and speakers. Furthermore, my desire is to help homeschool workshop leaders and speakers develop relationships with more convention planners and audiences. May your efforts be for the glory of Christ and the strengthening of His saints.

Disclaimer:  Balancing the Sword makes no claims about the speakers' faith, ability, materials, etc.  This speaker profile information is being provided free of charge.  Please click the links and do your own research before issuing an invitation to your conference.  Postings are subject to change.


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