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Mrs. Nancy Bjorkman:  Homeschool Conference Speaker and Workshop Leader Details



Address 2

Phone 2
Bjorkman, Nancy

Heppner's Legacy Homeschool Resources
PO Box 753
Elk River, Minnesota (MN)  55330-0753
United States of America (US)

Heppner's Legacy Homeschool Resources
920 Hwy 10
Elk River, Minnesota (MN)  55330-0753
United States of America (US)

Fax: 763-274-0142
Featured PresentationsPrairie States Christian Home Educators 2012 Spring Conference (2012, SD)
2012 Minnesota Association of Christian Home Educators Conference (MACHE) (2012, MN)
2011 NICHE Conference (2011, IA)
Workshop Presentations8th Annual 2013 Greater St. Louis Area Home Educators Expo (2013, MO)
2013 MPE Conference & Curriculum Fair (2013, MO)
25th Annual NDHSA Convention (2013, ND)
2012 NICHE Conference (2012, IA)
2010 Wisconsin CHEA Annual Spring Conference (2010, WI)
2010 Interior Distance Education of Alaska (IDEA) Curriculum Fair - Anchorage (2010, AK)
2010 Interior Distance Education of Alaska (IDEA) Curriculum Fair - Soldotna (2010, AK)
2010 Interior Distance Education of Alaska (IDEA) Curriculum Fair - Fairbanks (2010, AK)
2009 Interior Distance Education of Alaska (IDEA) Curriculum Fair - Fairbanks (2009, AK)
2009 Interior Distance Education of Alaska (IDEA) Curriculum Fair - Anchorage (2009, AK)
2009 Interior Distance Education of Alaska (IDEA) Curriculum Fair - Soldotna (2009, AK)
Presentation Titles & Descriptions

Finding Your Family's Learning Style
This workshop will help define several different learning and teaching styles found in homeschool families. I will then help attendees to identify resources and curriculum to fit their family’s particular style. Well attended and well received by new and prospective homeschoolers at Nebraska, Kansas City, and Minnesota conferences.

Homeschooling Through High School
This interactive workshop will help to answer frequently asked questions about homeschooling through the high school years. We will consider course requirements, transcripts, record keeping, curriculum choices, post secondary opportunities (where available), co-ops, CLEP and other testing options, resumes, scholarship opportunities and more.

Language Arts in a Real World
This workshop will explore the natural sequence of language learning through the early of years of learning to speak, followed by the reading stage, and then on to writing. We’ll discuss the stages that are input or output, what’s essential, and how to set goals for different seasons. Topics covered will include phonics, reading, penmanship, grammar, creative and formal writing, and literature.

Math Outside the Book
This workshop will cover the why’s and how’s of using games to bring math to life and increase understanding in students. We’ll cover subjects such as curriculum use & scheduling. We’ll then dive into a highly visual and interactive review of games to use for everything from understanding number basics, getting the facts straight, the base ten system, and the operations. Responses to this workshop in the past have been overwhelmingly positive. People have even approached me years after attending to let me know the great impact that applying these games and ideas had on their math program. In order for everyone to be able to “take the workshop” home with them, I have put together a packet of 20 games that you can purchase for a minimal cost to use right away at home.

Where Do I Begin?
Considering homeschooling? Not sure where to begin? This workshop will help define several different learning and teaching styles found in homeschooling families. We will then explore resources and curriculum to fit your family’s particular style. We’ll cover some common roadblocks and misconceptions about “what school should look like” and also discuss many of the stages that homeschool families experience as they walk through the years. There will be a time for interaction and questions.

Time and Home Management - Managing Life and Home While Homeschooling
Time Management does NOT mean scheduling. It includes scheduling. Time must be budgeted just like money – We must determine the difference between the fixed – what we must do – and the discretionary – what we would like to do and set our priorities. This workshop will be filled with practical tips and encouragement for everyday living as a homeschool family. Areas covered include understanding your calling, relationships, schooling, household clutter & cleaning, and general household management. Attendees will leave with practical and applicable tips.

Homeschooling: The BIG Picture
Come in and discover, or discover anew, a bigger vision of what homeschooling can be for your family. Findencouragement as you reconsider your goals and put into perspective the pieces of the puzzle. We’ll talk about both academic and non-academic objectives and practical ways to fit it all
together to help you and your children find out who they were created to be.

Managing Life and Home While Homeschooling

Meal Planning for your Home School Family

Nancy's Achievements

• Homeschooling mother for over 17 years
• Co-owner: Heppner's Legacy Homeschool Resources
• Certified teacher
• Homeschool support group leader

Bjorkman's Bio
Date Created11/3/2008 11:44:12 PM
Date Modified6/14/2011 12:31:07 PM
(click here if map not visible above)

My hope is that this list will assist conference organizers in connecting with Nancy Bjorkman and other workshop leaders and speakers. Furthermore, my desire is to help homeschool workshop leaders and speakers develop relationships with more convention planners and audiences. May your efforts be for the glory of Christ and the strengthening of His saints.

Disclaimer:  Balancing the Sword makes no claims about the speakers' faith, ability, materials, etc.  This speaker profile information is being provided free of charge.  Please click the links and do your own research before issuing an invitation to your conference.  Postings are subject to change.


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