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Mr. Rick Boyer:  Homeschool Conference Speaker and Workshop Leader Details



Boyer, Rick

The Learning Parent
2430 Sunnymeade Road
Rustburg, Virginia (VA)  24588
United States of America (US)

Keynote Presentations25th Annual NDHSA Convention (2013, ND)
Tri Counties Home Education Network (TCHEN) 6th Annual Convention (2012, CA)
2012 Northwest Arkansas Homeschool Convention - (NWAHSC) (in Searcy) (2012, AR)
2012 Ontario Christian Home Educator's Convention (OCHEC-CAN) (2012, ON)
2011 Northwest Arkansas Homeschool Convention - (NWAHSC) (in Siloam Springs) (2011, AR)
28th Annual CHEA Convention (2011, CA)
2011 Christian Home Educators of WV Conference (2011, WV)
2011 SHEM Home Education Convention (2011, MO)
2010 Illinois Christian Home Educator's Annual State Convention (ICHE) (2010, IL)
2010 IAHE 25th Annual Home Educators Convention (2010, IN)
2009 Coastal Florida Curriculum Fair (CFCF) (2009, FL)
Featured Presentations2012 Upstate Conference, aka, 28th Annual NYS LEAH Christian Parenting and Home Education Conference (2012, NY)
2012 FPEA Florida Homeschool Convention (2012, FL)
2012 Annual Georgia Home Education Association's Conference (GHEA) (2012, GA)
SEARCH 2010 Homeschool Conference and Book Fair (2010, PA)
2010 FPEA Florida Homeschool Convention (2010, FL)
2010 Minnesota Association of Christian Home Educators Conference (MACHE) (2010, MN)
2009 NICHE Conference (2009, IA)
2008 Annual Georgia Home Education Association's Conference (GHEA) (2008, GA)
Workshop Presentations2012 Annual Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania (CHAP) Convention (2012, PA)
Presentation Titles & Descriptions

Things I Wish I'd Known - A Session for Teens
Growing up has never been easy, and today it is harder than ever before. In fact, America leads the world in teen suicide! But guidance from those who have been through it is as useful as the services of a wilderness guide. In this talk, Rick Boyer looks at the teen years from the "other side" and shares how God's principles give vision and victory for the young person who wants to be more than ordinary!

Making a Difference: the Family Impacting Society
God has not called Christians to be influenced by society around them, but to be salt and light in that society. Every family must instill children with a sense of mission and equip them with methods to shine a light into the darkness of our community, city, and nation.

What's a Dad to Do?
There are plenty of misconceptions about the role of the father in a homeschooling family. Some people think that if he cant be at home during school time, he cant be involved. Others think his job is to take over some of Moms chores in order to free her to spend more time with the children. But scripture gives seven functions of a father in a godly home, and each of these can be applied very practically and powerfully in home education. Enjoy the wisdom and humor of this presentation as Rick answers the question of "What's a Dad to Do?"

Proverbs: God's Character Curriculum
If you were the wisest man in the world, what would you teach your children? You can learn the answer to that question by understanding the Old Testament book of Proverbs. There, a man specially chosen as a son by God records for his own sons, the most important lessons of wisdom and knowledge. Here is a practical application for the Book of Wisdom, including several ways to teach it to your children.

Child Discipline
As the father of fourteen children, Rick Boyer knows the importance of obedience to a peaceful and productive home. Here he shares, from Scripture and his own experience, the principles that make child training a loving relationship rather than a set of behavior modification techniques.

Homeschooling--Educating for Eternity: Clarifying Your Vision and Passing it on to Your Children
We all want our children to catch the vision for God and grow up to serve Him. But how do we begin? Rick and Marilyn Boyer, home education pioneers of thirty years, believe the Bible contains the best plan for the upbringing of wise and competent children. Seeking wisdom from God's Word and applying it to their lives, they have trained their fourteen sons and daughters, some of whom are now parents and passing on the vision to their own children. Come hear Rick--with help from Marilyn and some of their six adult children--explain the scriptural method for passing on a vision of powerful Christian living from generation to generation through family discipleship.

Making Learning Fun
Thomas Edison was one of the greatest geniuses our country ever produced. Part of the reason for his brilliance was the fact that, after attending school for only three months, he was educated at home by his mother, who believed that learning can be fun. Her philosophy paid off, as it has for thousands of other home educators who have broken free from bondage to the "institutional" approach and returned to natural, sensible ways of teaching. Stop making a school of yourself! This workshop gives eight simple suggestions that can revolutionize your child's learning and make home education fun for the whole family.

Careers without College
More and more colleges are welcoming, and even advertising for, home educated students. But just as college is not the only means of acquiring a higher education, neither is it the only way of preparing for a rewarding career. This workshop discusses the routes taken by several prominent Americans who reached the pinnacle of their chosen fields without attending college.

The Socialization Trap
Many home educators are intimidated by the common myth that children who are taught at home are at a disadvantage in social development. Rick Boyer draws on Scripture, scientific research and the experience of thousands of home-teaching families to show that the opposite is true. To prepare children for the real world, they need to be in the real world: family, church, and community - not locked away from society in age-segregated schools. This session will help you respond to the constant challenge: "What about socialization?"

Starting Right- Staying Right
The key to successful home schooling is to have a true understanding of what its all about in Gods frame of reference. Curriculum, values education, social learning and priorities are all addressed in the Bible. In this practical, encouraging presentation by Rick Boyer, you will see that God has a dynamic plan for growing up. Heres how you as a parent can cooperate with Him in making your home a launching pad for champions!

The History of Godless Education in America
Most people assume that the public school system exists because our forefathers saw a need for government to take a key role in helping to educate America's children. The truth of the matter, however, is that education in our country was much better before public education came into being than it is now, when we are spending over $6,000 per year on each student. You may be shocked to learn that the public school system in America grew from roots in philosophies diametrically opposed to the Bible and the tenets of American constitutional liberties. You are probably aware that modern Americans are less literate, less patriotic and less committed to freedom than previous generations. What you may not realize is that this is no accident!

Beyond the Textbooks
Before mass compulsory schooling,students learned to investigate, reason, and form independent attitudes. Today's home educating parents are discovering many exciting ways to get beyond packaged curriculum and experience real books, real experiences, real relationships-real learning!

Some Things We've Learned : Lessons From Three Decades of Home Education
When the Boyers started home educating in 1980, they were typical young parents with the typical misunderstanding of what education is all about. Since then, our two decades of home schooling have brought many suprises--many of them life-changing.

Rick Boyer Reclaiming the American Vision
What happened to old-fashioned patriotism? Many Americans have forgotten our Godly national roots, but home schooling parents can reverse the process and train a generation of Christian patriots who will "raise up the old foundations".

Heroes-Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
An important part of parenthood is giving our children a legacy of heroes to inspire and challenge them. Such children will grow into wise and prominent adults who will one day be examples to succeeding generations.

What is an Education?
Many people succeed in school but fail in the real world outside. Real education prepares the student for every aspect of life-practical, professional, spiritual, economic, civic. Jesus came not to be served, but to serve. Those things that make us most useful for service add up to a real education.

How They Did it-Home Schooled Heroes
Many of the most important and best-educated people in history-Washington,Lincoln, Edison, Franklin, John Quincy Adams--spent little or no time in school. Learn from their experiences how to educate your children for greatness.

Breaking the Shackles-Why Parents Should Trust Themselves, Not Schools
To those who understand history, the hand of God is unmistakable in the story of America. Our Founders built on the soil of the New World a nation organized on the principles of Scripture. The result was that early America astounded the world with its freedom, genius and productivity. But when the training of children shifted from the realm of the family and moved into the realm of government, it took only a few generations to bring about the social, spiritual, moral and int

Raising Cain — and Abel (A Look at Sibling Rivalry)

Scripture records the stories of several cases of strife between siblings. In almost every case, there is a principle involved that the parents have violated, sowing destruction in their family. This series of case studies gives valuable insight into the causes — and therefore, the cures — of sibling rivalry.

The Hands-On Dad
Many home educators see the father’s job as either that of substitute teacher standing in for Mom occasionally, or school janitor - doing housework to give Mom more time in the classroom. But the father’s role is much more than that. Rick Boyer explains the seven functions of a father in Scripture and shows how they apply in the home teaching family to make the whole operation come alive.

Home Educating With Confidence

When Rick and Marilyn Boyer started home educating the eldest of their four children back in 1980, they didn’t know what they were getting into. Now, over twenty-seven years and ten additional children later, they know exactly what they got into - and they love it! In this session, Rick draws on the principles of Scripture and years of experience to show how home education can be simple, enjoyable and powerfully effective. You, too, can home educate with confidence!    

Our First 30 Years of Homeschooling
As the father of fourteen children, Rick Boyer knows the importance of obedience to a peaceful and productive home. Here he shares, from Scripture and his own experience, the principles that make child training a loving relationship rather than a set of behavior modification techniques.

Homeschooling-Making it Simple!
Faced by the bewildering selection of curriculum and learning theories available today, home schooling parents often feel intimidated and inadequate. Is learning really so complicated? And if so, why did America have a nearly universal literacy rate at the time of our founding, when nobody knew we have a right and left brain? There's no need to stand in the middle of an exhibit hall and hyperventilate! Join Rick Boyer in following the lead of great minds in Scripture and history as we learn how to maximize learning and minimize stress.

Son of a Single Mom: Hope for Families Without Fathers

Having grown up in a single-parent family, Rick Boyer has seen firsthand the difficulties and challenges that confront single mothers. This workshop discusses those problems and applies biblical solutions for what Dr. James Dobson has called "The world's hardest job."

Take Back the Land
It has been said that the parents of the 1980's and 90's were the Moses generation--they left Egypt (government schooling) and headed for the Promised Land, as the Israelites once traversed the wilderness to return to Canaan. The generation of Moses completed part of the mission, getting as far as the Jordan River. But it was left to Joshua and the younger Israelites to cross the river and take back the land that had been promised to their father Abraham centuries before. Today, home schooling parents have broken free from the bondage of Godless philosophies and are raising up the Joshua generation that will carry the battle over the Jordan--taking the banner of Christ back into American government, law, medicine, business, education and the arts, where God and His Word were once universally honored. The enemies of God are trembling today at the thunderous approach of the Joshua generation!!

Breaking the Shackles-Why Parents Should Trust Themselves, Not Schools
To those who understand history, the hand of God is unmistakable in the story of America. Our Founders built on the soil of the New World a nation organized on the principles of Scripture. The result was that early America astounded the world with its freedom, genius and productivity. But when the training of children shifted from the realm of the family and moved into the realm of government, it took only a few generations to bring about the social, spiritual, moral and intellectual decay that permeates our society today. Now, home educating parents are taking back their children and raising up a generation of bright, godly, competent Americans who understand their heritage and are determined to reclaim it for the glory of God. God the designed the family, not the school to be the primary training ground for His champions.

The Making of Mountain Movers:  Using the secrets of high achievers in educating your kids 
What makes the difference between a child who just jumps through the hoops to get his “school” work done and one who sees himself as preparing to change the world?  In this workshop Rick Boyer shares key lessons from the lives of several people, past and present, who made a lasting difference in the culture around them.  You will hear practical methods for applying the powerful lessons of high achievers to your day-to-day teaching.  Don’t just school your children—prepare them to be world changers!

Rick's Achievements
  • Homeschooling father, whose 14 children have been taught (starting in 1980), from kindergarten through high school.
  • Co-owner: The Learning Parent
  • Author: Beyond the Textbooks
  • Author: Beyond the Textbooks Companion Guide
  • Author: Breaking the Shackles: Why Parents Should Trust Themselves, Not Schools
  • Author: Some Things We've Learned: Lessons from Over Two Decades of Home Education
  • Author: The Hands-on Dad Author: The Runt
  • Author: The Socialization Trap
  • Co-author: Yes, They're All Ours
  • Co-author: Fun Projects for Hands-On Character Building
  • Co-author: Home Educating with Confidence
  • Co-author: Power in Proverbs Concordance Study
  • Co-author: Proverbs People, Book 1
  • Co-author: Proverbs People, Book 2
  • Co-author: Homeschooling: Educating for Eternity (DVD)
  • Author: Making a Difference: The Family Impacting Society Booklet
  • Author: Making A Difference: The Family Impacting Society (audio presentation)
  • Author: Making Learning Fun (audio presentation) Founder: The Learning Parent
Boyer's Bio

Rick is married to Marilyn Boyer.  Rick and Marilyn Boyer often speak together. Rick and Marilyn have fourteen children and have been homeschooling since 1980.  As homeschool author and speaker, Rick is a man on a mission: revival and reformation in America. They are co-creators of the Character Concepts curriculum and owners of The Learning Parent ministry. The Boyers were at the forefront of the battle for educational freedom in the 1980s that made home education legal all across America. His latest book, Take Back the Land, was released in August 2011.

Date Created11/3/2008 11:44:12 PM
Date Modified9/4/2012 6:37:39 AM
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My hope is that this list will assist conference organizers in connecting with Rick Boyer and other workshop leaders and speakers. Furthermore, my desire is to help homeschool workshop leaders and speakers develop relationships with more convention planners and audiences. May your efforts be for the glory of Christ and the strengthening of His saints.

Disclaimer:  Balancing the Sword makes no claims about the speakers' faith, ability, materials, etc.  This speaker profile information is being provided free of charge.  Please click the links and do your own research before issuing an invitation to your conference.  Postings are subject to change.


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