Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: The Role of Maturation in Math
Each child is created by God to be unique. It is easy to see individuality in physical development, but sometimes it's harder to be aware of the unique pace of each child's mental development. Are you teaching a child who doesn't seem to fit the "typical" mold? Or were you a child whose maturation didn't match the textbook pace? This seminar looks at how maturation affects the ability to understand math concepts, and suggests ways to modify your teaching approach in order to provide more success and less stress in math.
The Math on the Level Curriculum
This workshop will involve discussing the theory behind the unique approach of Math on the Level, showing the curriculum, and demonstrating how it is used for a homeschool family.
Math and the Maze of Methods: Putting Math into Different Teaching Approaches
Charlotte Mason. . . Living Math. . . Teaching the Trivium. . ..Unschooling. . .Classical Education. . . Unit Studies. . .Are you confused or curious about these different teaching styles? We'll examine many different educational approaches and discuss family-centered math activities to maximize their effectiveness.
Be Anxious for Nothing....Even Math!
For many teens, math is an incredibly stressful subject, but the Bible tells us to be thankful, not anxious, people. (Thankful for math????) Join us as we look at why math can be a challenge - even for very intelligent people - and explore ways to overcome math anxiety, have fun with math, and gain confidence in the unique way God created each of us.
A Joyful Heart: Putting Fun and Adventure into Math Instruction!
Do you enjoy math with your children? Do your children enjoy learning math? Homeschool doesn't need to imitate the classroom. In this workshop, you will learn how to include family life activities and games in your lessons in ways that will both teach and reinforce math concepts. Also, you will get tips and techniques for including math instruction in unit studies. Come learn how to have fun with math instruction!
All My Children? Enjoy Math? Absolutely!
Have you heard of Math on the Level? It's the new homeschool math curriculum that will change how you view math instruction. Instead of the typical, one-size-fits-all approach, it equips you to teach math through real-life activities at a pace that matches each child's maturation and ability. Covering pre-K through pre-algebra, your children learn in fun, practical ways that help make math real. Come learn how Math on the Level's practical approach and 5-A-Day review make math fun for the whole family and effective for each individual.
Math & Memory
Do you find yourself continuously re-teaching Math concepts to children who can't seem to remember what you thought they had just mastered? In this workshop, we'll look at how we memorize information and learn strategies for improving memory retention.
Streams in the Desert: Refreshment for Math-Weary Moms
Are you tired of struggling to teach Math to children who are struggling to learn? Come receive encouragement, as well as practical suggestions for making Math more fun and effective, even for Math-challenged and special needs children.
Real Learning using Real-Life Methods
Does your family enjoy math? As home school educators, we can go beyond the conveyor-belt methods of classroom education. In this workshop, we will look at how to use real-life teaching techniques that encourage real learning instead of a one-size-fits-all textbook approach. We’ll also discuss how to be sure children understand what is being taught and how to achieve long-term retention using without busywork. Come learn how to better take charge of your child’s math education while making math time more effective and fun.
You are Not a Failure and Neither is Your Child (Helpful hints for teaching a child who learns differently)
Are you teaching a child with learning challenges? Do you feel discouraged and overwhelmed? Whether or not there is an official diagnosis or label, many children have issues that affect how they learn. In this workshop, we’ll look at practical ways to help your homeschooling be more successful and your child learn more confidently.
Activities for Families Learning Together
Would you like to teach so that all your children can learn together with the same activities? When you travel, would you like to leave the textbooks at home and learn through life? This workshop is jam-packed with ideas and helpful hints for using travel, arts and crafts, family projects, etc. as springboards to teach multiple subjects to multiple ages. Family learning encourages not only academics, but also positive relationships, and allows you to show God's hand in every subject area. Come see how you can teach any subject (even math!) to your whole family.
The Brain, Memory, and Learning
Are you frustrated that your child consistently has trouble remembering the things you’ve taught? Do you sometimes feel as if you are spinning your wheels as you teach math concepts? In this information-packed talk, Carlita presents valuable insights to homeschooling parents on the brain, memory, and learning, including research on situations that can positively and negatively affect learning and memory. She shares simple, yet effective strategies for optimizing learning and moving the information your child has learned from short-term memory into long-term memory. Whether you have been homeschooling for 20 minutes or 20 years, you will come away from this talk with an arsenal of new ideas, which will help your children to learn more effectively and efficiently.
Faith-Building Math
Have you ever considered teaching math from a Biblical worldview? Math, like every other subject, is created by God and can be used to honor Him and draw our children closer to Him. In this fascinating workshop, we’ll see how math has historically been seen as a reflection of our Creator, and look at ways to use math instruction to increase our children’s faith.