Teaching Truth: A Solid Foundation
What is truth? You and your family need to know the answer. It is foundational that our children understand that truth exists and is absolute. Rachael shares a total of six truths about truth that Christians need to instill in the minds of their children. She will demonstrate the motions that can be used to make the learning fun and easy to remember.
Soundbites from Heaven: What God Wants You to Hear When You Talk to Your Kids
You’ve said things to your kids, but did you realize that your Heavenly Father may be speaking to you through your own words as you parent your children... trying to parent YOU? “Hold my hand.” “Pay attention.” “Stop whining!” “Now is NOT the time.” “Answer me when I call you!” Rachel knows how noisy it can get when you’re raising children—she has seven! But Rachael encourages us to listen to God’s gentle whisper in our own lives. Through all the chaos of carpools, cut fingers, and carpet crawlers, God may be trying to give us His instructions for our own lives.
Seven Simple Steps to Sanity
Ever feel like you are about to lose your mind as a stay-at-home homeschooling mom? There is so much to do and so little time! How do you balance it all? How do you know what to do and what not to do? In this presentation you will laugh at yourself as you see how insane our culture is and how peaceful walking with God can be.
We’ve Decided to Homeschool…
Of all the people new homeschoolers fear telling about their educational decision, parents and in-laws usually make the top of the list. How can you most positively approach the conversation? What kind of response can you expect? And how can you affirm their fears? How can you include them? How can you keep the lines of communication open? The list of questions goes on. Rachael suggests that trying to listen is as important as being heard when you tell your family how God has spoken to your heart.
Attention-Compulsive Perfectionist Control-Freaks: C.H.I.L.L. O.U.T.
As an obsessive-compulsive-perfectionist-control-freak herself, Rachael discusses how in many instances she is her own worst enemy when it comes to taking advantage of freedoms of home school. Are you tied to your plan? Do you shiver at the idea of change or adjustment? Are you missing out on significant moments because you are focused on the trivial? It's time to Chill Out and give control of it all to God-He is faithful
Teaching your Children to B.L.E.S.S.
How do you practically teach your kids to bless one another? This talk teaches an easy to remember lesson with five specific ways that you and your kids can bless each other with words and actions.
Soaring Beyond Survival
Homeschooling is not easy. As a matter of fact, sometimes it gets downright overwhelming. This can be a time when it is tempting to slip into survival mode. Homeschooling is the adventure of a lifetime and God will be your strength. It is not His will that you to just survive, He wants you to thrive. Come hear what it takes to soar like an eagle.
Where Is the Joy?
If God loves us, has called us to homeschool and desires for us to have life abundantly, why are so many homeschool moms so miserable? Rachael believes it is because we have lost our focus. Come and hear how to put His joy and His strength back into your homeschool!
Me? Homeschool?
In this presentation Rachael discusses with great candor how she and her husband came to the decision to homeschool their children. This is great encouragement and inspiration for families trying to decide whether or not to homeschool and for those in a difficult first or second year.
How to Fool Yourself and Everyone Else into Thinking You Have It All Together
We live in a culture and society that is very busy running around trying to do all the "right" things. Rachael takes a humorous look at this game we are playing and asks: Are we missing anything with all this running around? And whom are we trying to fool anyway?
How to Have a H.E.A.R.T. for Your Kids