Mrs. Tamara Chilver: Homeschool Conference Speaker and Workshop
Leader Details
Teaching with TLC
Homeschool Chicks
Teaching Blog Addict
You Tube Channel
Unknown | Yes |
Regular contributor on the following television networks-
• Christian Television Network 2008-2013
• Fox's Morning Blend-Mom Squad 2008-2013
• Hearthstones Homeschool Group, 2008-2013
• CedarSprings's Christian Event, 2009
• Southwest Florida Homeschool Convention, 2008
• Coastal Florida Curriculum Fair, 2008
• Southwest Florida Parenting Seminar, 2008
• McGregor Baptist Parenting Conference, 2008
Regular television contributor on national networks
Received multiple awards for education blogging
Featured in several publications
Best-selling homeschool author
Tamara L. Chilver is passionate about providing parents with fun and creative teaching tips. Tamara's bachelor's degree is in elementary education, and her master's degree is in elementary curriculum. Before entering the homeschooling world 15 years ago with her five children, Tamara was a public school elementary teacher, a private school curriculum coordinator, and a private tutor. Tamara uses her diverse background in education to empower parents with confidence while simplifying learning methods. She is currently a speaker, television contributor and a best-selling author.
11/3/2008 11:44:12 PM |
8/4/2016 3:13:59 PM |
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My hope is that this list will assist conference organizers in connecting with Tamara Chilver and other workshop leaders and speakers. Furthermore, my desire is to help homeschool workshop leaders and speakers develop relationships with more convention planners and audiences. May your efforts be for the glory of Christ and the strengthening of His saints. Disclaimer:
Balancing the Sword makes no claims about the speakers' faith, ability, materials, etc. This speaker profile information is being provided free of charge. Please click the links and do your own research before issuing an invitation to your conference. Postings are subject to change.