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David D'Armond:  Homeschool Conference Speaker and Workshop Leader Details



D'Armond, David "Dave"

United States of America (US)
Featured Presentations2010 Illinois Christian Home Educator's Annual State Convention (ICHE) (2010, IL)
Workshop Presentations2010 Wisconsin CHEA Annual Spring Conference (2010, WI)
2009 Illinois Christian Home Educator's Annual State Convention (ICHE) (2009, IL)
2009 20th Annual Heart of Illinois Convention for Home Educators (2009, IL)
Presentation Titles & Descriptions

Explosive Volcanoes, Strange Fossils and Carbon Dating
This workshop includes newly updated discoveries by ICR’s 8-year RATE research project about the age of the earth from radioisotope dating and new fossil evidence. Also discover how the eruption of Mt. St. Helens has overturned many evolutionary ideas about geology. See layers formed in hours, canyons in a day, nature erosion features in months, buried “forests” in a few years, devastated areas that quickly began supporting plant and animal life, strange fossils, and some amazing truths about radiometric dating problems. Answers the prevailing secular belief that scientists “know” how old the earth is.

How to Teach Hands-on Science Under the Attributes of God
Teaching hands-on science should reflect God’s attributes– which are “clearly seen” in “the things that are made” (Romans 1:20). This gives us a powerful tool to “know God” as a result of studying His Creation. Hands-on science is easy, fun and produces the highest levels of learning when done in the way suggested by Scripture. In this session, we test the concepts by actually doing hands-on experiments to see how to develop creative, critical thinking in your child. And you do not have to be a science whiz to successfully teach science. Find out how in this workshop!!

The Bible Said it First: Part One
In the oldest books of the Bible, many scientific truths have been written thousands of years before modern science made the discoveries of these facts. Find out how the Scriptures first revealed scientific facts about Hydrology, Geology, Astronomy, Meteorology, Biology, Physics, and more. Principles such as the sphericity of the earth, the weight of air, water cycle, allusions to DNA, thunderstorms, etc., are clearly revealed in ancient Bible passages. This is a fun and inspiring presentation for the entire family!

The Bible Said It First: Part Two - Men of Science, Men of God
The greatest principles of modern science were discovered and communicated by dedicated Christian men of God, who sought to “think God’s thoughts after Him.” The Judeo-Christian worldview has been recognized by many secular scientists as the best “nurturer” of scientific discoveries when compared to other worldviews and religious systems. Find out who some of these great scientists were and what great discoveries they were able to make, many believing what God has already said in the Scriptures. A fascinating look into the truth of the Bible through topics related to modern science.

Creation, Dinosaurs, and the Ark
Was it God’s spoken command, or was it the Big Bang? Genesis reveals the historical account of the beginning.

The Flood, The Tower, and The Ice Age
The violence of the Flood was almost beyond our wildest imaginations, with tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes (caused by “the breaking up of the fountains of the great deep”), storm surges, tidal sweeps and cavitation– all of which destroyed the living things on land, except those aboard the incredibly stable Ark. See how science facts confirm the Bible accounts of the Tower of Babel, the Dispersion, the Ice Age, cavemen, wooly mammoths, and migrations (animal and man).

Foundations: The Relevance of Creation - Why is Creation Important??
What do recent discoveries really tell us about the “Big Bang?” Does it matter if we believe in Creation, or evolution, or a mixture of the two? Where do origins, marriage, family, parental authority, government, clothing, morality and mankind’s current state have their roots? What are the roots of permissiveness, immorality, abortion, and lawlessness? Explore why the knowledge of our roots in Genesis profoundly affects our lifestyles, helps us defend and teach our faith, and why this knowledge is so important in educating our children and sharing our faith with others.

Amazing Complexity and Design in Life
Incredible rotary motors in living things, discovered by scientists trying to prove evolution, clearly show the Master Designer at work. (One rotary motor is only as big as a single molecule! And yet, all life depends upon this wondrous molecule.) See God’s designs in bats, woodpeckers, whales, etc.,
why evolutionists cannot figure out how life began without God, and some incredible mysteries about DNA– your genetic blueprint.

Teaching Science under the Attributes of God
Teaching hands-on science should reflect God's attributes - which are "clearly seen" in "the things that are made" (Romans 1:20). This gives us a powerful tool to "know God" as a result of studying His Creation. Hands-on science is easy, fun, and produces the highest levels of learning when done in the way suggested by Scripture. In this workshop, we test the concepts by actually doing hands-on experiments to see how to develop creative, critical thinking in your child. And you do not have to be a science whiz to successfully teach science. Find out how in this workshop.  

The Code of Life - For Teens
An exciting hands-on session where a 3D segment of the DNA model is assembled. This segment contains the complete code for the cell to produce one protein molecule. The vast complexity of living systems is illustrated, along with the unique characteristics of each one of us, and the incredible amount of information in the DNA code. Concludes with a discussion from Psalm 139 which anticipates by thousands of years our modern scientific discoveries of the vast amount of coded information that resides in the DNA molecule. Can accommodate 75 students at a time, adults welcome as observational seating is available.

David's Achievements

Professional Geologist
Has taught hands-on workshops for over 15 years, using the “Good Science” curriculum (Developed by The Institute for Creation Research), which he now owns.
Owner:  Dave’s Creation Resources
Former officer in the U.S. Air Force
Former evolutionist
Formerly worked in exploration field geology for heavy and precious metal deposits for the U.S. Geological Survey
BS degree in Geology from the University of Oregon
MBA degree with honors from Illinois Benedictine University
Completed the Answers in Genesis Creation College II

D'Armond's Bio
Date Created11/3/2008 11:44:12 PM
Date Modified2/9/2011 1:30:14 PM

My hope is that this list will assist conference organizers in connecting with David "Dave" D'Armond and other workshop leaders and speakers. Furthermore, my desire is to help homeschool workshop leaders and speakers develop relationships with more convention planners and audiences. May your efforts be for the glory of Christ and the strengthening of His saints.

Disclaimer:  Balancing the Sword makes no claims about the speakers' faith, ability, materials, etc.  This speaker profile information is being provided free of charge.  Please click the links and do your own research before issuing an invitation to your conference.  Postings are subject to change.


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