The Family, from Genesis to Revelation
God created the family. It is the ideal inspired institution for husbands, wives, and children. This workshop explores the role of the family in the plan of God, through a survey of scripture in the Old and New Testaments. After his overview, we will see why the family is worth preserving and protecting.
God’s Divine Design and the Good News
Beginning in the garden and culminating at the marriage supper of the lamb, we’ll explore God’s plan for rebuilding the foundation of our culture, the Christian home. Except the Lord build the house, our labor will be in vain. Building a godly home takes time. The cornerstone must be Christ alone. As our houses are constructed in obedience to scripture, they will endure through the rains, the floods, and the winds of life.
Strategies for Understanding One Other and Building Each Other Up in the Lord
Each member of the family is uniquely qualified and designed to understand and support one another. From communication tips and personality insights, we will look at practical ways to love one another. If children can learn to love their siblings and honor their parents, and parents can learn to submit to one another and be honorable, we learn to “bear one another’s burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2
Our Father Who Art in Heaven (Audience: Men) (70 min)
Steve shares his own experiences as the father of 4 young men, along with insights into restoring the hearts of fathers to children and vice versa. Also included are stories of famous sons and their faithful fathers, from David and Solomon to Ken Ham and his Dad.
Place Value in the Decimal System, and How to Have Fun Teaching It
With a unique and humorous approach, Steve demonstrates place value using the manipulative blocks on location at Decimal Street. He shows how this important topic impacts arithmetic, regrouping (carrying and borrowing), double digit multiplication, and division.
Math Is Easy When It’s Math-U-See
Math-U-See makes teaching and learning math a friendly experience for teacher and student. Discover how to teach concepts ranging from counting to Algebra easily and effectively using manipulatives.
Elementary Algebra Taught Concretely
Instead of mere symbols on paper, Steve creates a model, using manipulatives, to illustrate the central concepts of algebra: problem solving, exponents, squares, square roots, negative numbers, basic operations with polynomials, factoring trinomials, and graphing lines.
The Family that Stays Together Stays Together
Description: In this encouraging workshop, Steve relates the positive experiences that he and his wife have experienced raising their four sons. With plenty of humorous illustrations, Steve shares tried and proven suggestions that have enhanced their family life. With God's help they are convinced there is hope for the family in the 21st century. (60 min.)
Finding Hope and Redemption in the Valleys of Life (Formerly titled Pride and Expectations) (Audience: All, Parents and Children) (55 min)
This workshop is Steve's testimony of the last twenty years as the father of a child with special needs. He shares what his family has learned as a result of Johnny's disability, and the special, rewarding, and joyful role he has played in their lives. Even in the difficult experiences of life, God proved faithful. His grace sustained them and brought good out of their struggles and disappointments.
The Christian Home and the Family Altar
Steve shares his successes and failures of over 20 years of working to develop the habit of incorporating family devotions into the life of his family. He also shares insights into the role of the father as the pastor of the home. With references to the habits of other notable Christians, Steve shares practical tips for teaching God's word to children of all ages.
Being a Disciple and Training Disciples (Audience: Parents) (60 min)
A disciple is a lifelong learner. You catch a fire from someone who has a fire. Beginning with what the Bible has to say about teaching, we'll explore ways to be a disciple and train disciples. We'll also explore how to develop a philosophy of education, or road map to guide you and your spouse in making educational decisions.
Seeing Fractions is Understanding Fractions
Four out of five people don’t understand fractions! With a hands-on model, Steve demonstrates how to do the basic operations and see where the formulas come from. The finale shows how to convert a fraction to a decimal to a percent.
Heart Motivation for Men
Highly interactive session! Malachi 4:6 speaks of a turning of the heart between fathers and children. During the course of this workshop, we will seek to understand what it means to have ones heart turned to his children and vice versa, and what drives you to lay down your life for your family?
4F: Functions God Designed Fathers to Fulfill in the Family
Since we are called to "teach them diligently unto your children, and talk of them when you sit with the remote ... what does this scripture look like in 2010?. Which part of educating and discipling our children do we do best? What roles in the home are we uniquely designed to do well? What does a faithful discipling Dad look like?
Teaching Your Children the Word of God at Home
Steve shares his successes and failures of over 20 years of working to develop the habit of incorporating family devotions into the life of his family. With references to the habits of other Christian families, Steve shares practical tips for teaching God’s word to children of all ages.
Daily Bible Reading and Personal Devotions (Audience: Parents and Youth) (50 min)
This workshop is applicable for any earnest Christian who desires to develop this habit or needs encouragement to keep at it. How and why to have a daily quiet time, tips for making the time more effective, and reading through the Bible are a few of the topics to be considered. After examining the Scriptures and hearing about Steve's own experience and that of other Christians, all will be encouraged to continue to grow in their walk with God.
Wise Sons & Wise Fathers
Mr. Demme exhorts dads to disciple their sons by modeling humility and a need for God's grace.
Slaying Lions and Honoring Parents (Audience: Youth and Parents)
In examining the life of Isaac and David, Steve gleans helpful insights into the battles facing young people today. This workshop will clarify the issues, and encourage our youth to stand strong in their faith. All scripture is inspired and profitable for Christians of all ages, and in all ages.
Courtship and Dating, Breaking Cycles for the Next Generation (Audience: Parents and Youth) (65 min.)
Is courtship unique to homeschoolers, or is it the logical extension of the life of faith? Having practiced this approach over 26 years ago, Steve shares his testimony of seeking a wife and how this is consistent with the Christian life. He also shares his observations of dating in the world and the church. Beginning with a short study of marriage in scripture, this is a timely exhortation to know to put God first and be led by the Spirit in finding a life partner.
Conformed or Transformed (Formerly In the Beginning was the Word) (Audience: Parents and Youth)
Steve believes the word of God is inspired, authoritative, and profitable for teaching. He also is convinced we are to be not conformed but transformed by the renewing of our mind. With these premises, he examines what the Bible has to say about education and how scripture impacts every subject area in our curriculum.
What about Youth Groups and Sunday Schools? (Audience: Parents and Youth)
This is the number 1 question Steve is asked after a family seminar. To answer this query, we will examine the roots of the Sunday School movement, as well as the fruits of this movement in the light of scripture. Steve addresses this topic having served many years as a Sunday School teacher, youth group leader, summer camp counselor, and summer camp director. He and his wife have also raised and trained their own four sons at home.
Why We Do What We Do and How to Keep At It (Audience: Primarily Parents)
The first half of this workshop helps clarify our vision for home educating our children, and the second part will give us tools and strategies to keep us on track with our original goal and mission. This is not in the traditional structure of a lecture. Much of our time will be spent in voluntary guided discussion so we can glean from the collective wisdom of all who attend and wish to contribute their insights.
Teaching Creation in the Home School
Efficient Learners & Inefficient Learners: What Can You Do?