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Mrs. Jeannie Fulbright:  Homeschool Conference Speaker and Workshop Leader Details



Fulbright, Jeannie

Atlanta, Georgia (GA)  
United States of America (US)
Blogging on
Keynote PresentationsThe 4th Annual Say What You Mean Convention (online, 2009)
Sacramento Christian Organization of Parent Educators (SCOPE) 22nd Annual Homeschool Conference (2010, CA)
CHEF Home School Convention and Curriculum Fair (2010, AL)
Featured PresentationsThe Ultimate Homeschool Expo (2008)
MHEA Spring Conference (2008)
Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention - Omaha (2013, NE)
Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention - Nashville (2013, TN)
Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention - Spartanburg (2013, SC)
2012 FPEA Florida Homeschool Convention (2012, FL)
1st Annual 2012 Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention - Spartanburg (2012, SC)
Christian Family Schools (CFS) 27th Annual Expo Homeschool Convention (2011, CA)
2011 MidWest Homeschool Convention in Cincinnati (2011, OH)
The Old Schoolhouse Expo (Oct. 2010) (2010, WWW)
5th Annual 2010 Greater St. Louis Area Home Educators Expo (2010, MO)
2009 Illinois Christian Home Educator's Annual State Convention (ICHE) (2009, IL)
2008 Annual Georgia Home Education Association's Conference (GHEA) (2008, GA)
2008 MidWest Homeschool Convention (2008, OH)
Presentation Titles & Descriptions

If I Could Do it Over
Looking back over our parenting years, don't we all wish we could have done some things differently? What if you had someone give you advice that would have helped you avoid your biggest mistakes? In this talk, Jeannie shares here greatest homeschooling mistakes in the hopes that it will save you from making those mistakes yourself. From choosing curriculum, dealing with behavior, learning disabilities and sibling issues to having the right intentions, but the wrong focus and being consumed with an avalanche of negative emotions, such as worry, anger, irritability, anxiety and fear of failure all brought on by lies she believed. Jeannie will share stories of the consequences she faced, as well as how Our Merciful God was able to redeem the years the locusts had eaten and guide her into a vibrant, joyful and successful homeschool experience.

Trading Pressure for Peace
You've heard people say, I could never homeschool my kids. They would drive me crazy. Indeed, the greatest hindrance to homeschooling is not teaching algebra, nor is it unruly, unmotivated children, the most looming obstacle we face is the emotions that erupt when all does not go smoothly or we meet with difficulties and snares. This is what keeps us feeling like a failure the unique trials that crop up every year, sometimes every day, and our emotional reactions to those trials. Believe it or not, it is possible, and not difficult, to respond to every issue with a calm peace and strong faith. We can, like the Proverbs say, smile at the future (even when the present challenges seem impossible). This will result in a homeschool environment thats healthy, hopeful and helpful to the success of your childrens emotional and academic future. Allowing pressure and stress to rule the heart and home will lead us to regrets. But we can trade that pressure for an atmosphere of peace. God has the answer, which Jeannie will share from her own spiritual journey, in the hopes that the truth will set you free to experience the abundant life of peace that Christ provided for you and wants you to have throughout each homeschool day.

Charlotte Mason: Excellence without Sacrifice
Because of their strong desire to do the best for their children, many homeschoolers adopt philosophies and techniques that are both burdensome and ineffective, leaving them feeling heavy-laden, wearied and discouraged. There is a better way. It is both effective and stress-free. Jeannie will share how utilizing the key tenets of the Charlotte Mason method will enrich and edify the lives of you and your children, enabling you to impart a quality education, while also relieving the burden and burnout from your life. This lively talk is bubbling with truth, as Jeannie shares her knowledge, insights, research, support and personal experiences with the primary concepts taught in Charlotte Mason's Original Homeschooling Series. This talk is designed to take the burden out of homeschooling, replacing it with God-glorifying (research-backed) joy!

The Seven Es for Choosing Curriculum
As an admitted curriculum junkie, Jeannie Fulbright bought everything that sounded good. From Abeka to Hillyer to ebooks, she has tried every kind of curriculum and method available. Out of this experience, she has formulated the "Seven Es" to help her carefully choose curriculum that works for her family. She will share her experiences as well as the conclusions she has reached through this process. Following the Seven Es in choosing homeschool curriculum will enable you to, not only have a successful homeschooling year, but also avoid wasting money on things that won't work for you. These Seven Es will ensure that your children and you have curriculum that conforms to your mission and goals, as well as breathes life and ease into your homeschooling journey.

Notebooking—Creativity with a Purpose
Tell me and I will forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I will understand. When children create something from their learning, they will remember what they learned far longer than if they completed a worksheet page about it. This workshop explains why and how to give kids an easy, effective approach that replaces workbooks, enhances learning and retention of the subject, and develops a true love for learning. Jeannie Fulbright will share tips and actual demonstrations for replacing workbook assignments with creative ideas for Science, History, Geography, Literature and more. Examples and visual-aids make the information easy to understand and implement in your homeschool.

Solving Your Science Struggles
Let's face it, most people don't like science. Why is that? It's likely because of how science was taught to them as a child. In this talk, Jeannie will share her understanding of how science should be taught in the elementary years, based on research, data and experience. You will learn the keys to successfully imparting a solid science education, with tips, ideas and examples for making science come to life for both parents and students.

How to Homeschool Multiple Kids
As a experienced homeschooling mother of four children ages 7 through 14, Jeannie share tips and ideas to make homeschooling children of different ages and abilities a breeze.

Imparting a Christian Worldview
What is a Worldview? Do you have a Worldview? What other Worldviews are there? In what ways are my children and I being influenced by the Worldview of our culture? How can I impart a Christian Worldview to my children? This workshop will focus on how to be in the world, influencing the world, yet not be "of the world." Advice, examples and practical tips of how to impart a godly Worldview to our children, and develop one for ourselves, will be given during this talk.

Lord, Help Me! Developing a Powerful Prayer Life
The secret to homeschooling success is in being strengthened and led by the Lord. In this workshop, Jeannie Fulbright will tell her story and her amazing journey of prayer, as well as share tips and advice on how to begin a consistent prayer life. Included is practical advice on how to seek God before purchasing curriculum, how to lean on God for every subject we teach and how to find strength in Him when school seems overwhelming. Jeannie will also share ideas on how to begin a prayer journal, find and be consistent with a prayer partner, wage warfare in prayer and teach our children to pray, especially when they are struggling in school, sports or other activities.

How to Build Your House
"A wise woman builds her house, but a foolish one tears it down with her own hands." During this talk, Jeannie shares the story of how God changed her from a destructive foolish woman, and showed her the secrets to becoming a godly wife. Using house construction as an example, Jeannie sheds light on the importance of submission, respect, forgiveness and many other concepts that will result in a home built on solid ground. This workshop will motivate women to protect and enrich their marriage.

Homeschooling: Methods that Win and Methods that Wipe Out
This workshop will uncover the reasons why we get discouraged and burnt-out as we travel along the road of homeschooling. Jeannie will explain how many homeschool moms employ philosophies, techniques and methodologies that consume a great deal of time and energy with little results. We tie up heavy burdens, place them on our backs and struggle through each day using overly difficult principles and practices that drag us down. By mid-year, we are so exhausted and depleted that we wonder how we’ll ever get through. Consequently, the joy of following God’s will in homeschooling is missing. This should not be. Jeannie will discuss some of the wasteful methods and describe winning methods you can use to replace those that wipe you out. She’ll explain the latest research in educational methodology as well as time-tested practices in education that the founders of our country used to achieve an excellent education. She’ll give practical tips and ideas that will breathe life into your school day. Included will be ideas for organizing your school day, scheduling, and fitting difficult to teach subjects into the week.
Encouraging Success in Your Children
We all want our children to lead happy, productive lives. As homeschooling parents, we feel a great burden of responsibility for their future. Yet, ultimately, that future is in God’s hands and our number one goal should be to steer them into a genuine, vital relationship with the Living God, who will lead them throughout their lives. Further, as the special people to whom God has entrusted these children’s lives, education and future, we must learn to discern their unique giftings and probable vocation, ministry and purpose in life. In so doing, we will be equipped to nurture and encourage them to follow their own path to success – spiritually, emotionally, academically and vocationally. In this talk, Jeannie shares how to create an atmosphere that draws our children’s heart to God, how to recognize their unique bent, talents and gifts, how to pass on a vision for their future and empower them to take responsibility for their walk with God, their education and their future. She will also cover issues that are common concerns, such as the unmotivated child, the struggling learner and other issues we may face in our journey to encourage success in our children. 

Jeannie's Achievements
  • Homeschooling mother
  • Author: Exploring Creation with Astronomy
  • Author: Exploring Creation with Botany
  • Author: Exploring Creation with Zoology 1: Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day
  • Author: Exploring Creation with Zoology 2: Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day
  • Author: Exploring Creation with Zoology 3: Land Animals of the Sixth Day
  • Author: Exploring Creation with Anatomy and Physiology
  • Author: Speak UP!
  • Author: Psalm 91
  • Copywork: The Shelter
  • Author: Cursive Contemplations
  • Degree in Liberal Arts from the University of Texas
  • Currently working on a Masters in Biblical Studies
Fulbright's Bio

Jeannie is a mother of four with a love for God's Word, her family, homeschooling, science, and encouraging homeschool parents. After graduating from the University of Texas in 1991, she married her husband Jeff, who is an attorney in Georgia.

Throughout their marriage, Jeannie and Jeff have dedicated time to teaching and encouraging families, speaking on topics such as developing a consistent walk with God and a powerful prayer life, building a strong marriage and nurturing a happy, healthy family, as well as nuts and bolts homeschooling topics.

Jeannie began speaking and writing in college as a sportscaster for the University of Texas and as a headline writer with the Daily Texan. Following graduation and marriage, her writing and speaking focused on building up the Christian community, teaching marriage and parenting classes, in addition to writing articles and Bible studies. After her homeschool journey began, Jeannie discerned an immense need for Creation-based, scientifically sound, engaging, easy-to-use science curricula. Her background in science at the University of Texas, as well as her writing experience, inspired her to create the Apologia elementary science courses. Though her primary and most consuming occupation is educating her four children, ranging from elementary through high school, she is committed to arming parents with Creation science courses, speaking around the country and writing as the Lord leads her. During the summers, she is also working to complete her Masters in Biblical Studies.

Jeannie's heart is to strengthen homeschoolers with the tools they need to finish the race with success. She has written many articles for magazines and other publications and regularly speaks at retreats, workshops and conventions. You can access many of her encouraging articles on her website,, or subscribe to her blog at Jeannie always makes time to answer emails and encourage homeschoolers on their journey.

Date Created11/3/2008 11:44:12 PM
Date Modified6/30/2012 9:16:22 AM
(click here if map not visible above)

My hope is that this list will assist conference organizers in connecting with Jeannie Fulbright and other workshop leaders and speakers. Furthermore, my desire is to help homeschool workshop leaders and speakers develop relationships with more convention planners and audiences. May your efforts be for the glory of Christ and the strengthening of His saints.

Disclaimer:  Balancing the Sword makes no claims about the speakers' faith, ability, materials, etc.  This speaker profile information is being provided free of charge.  Please click the links and do your own research before issuing an invitation to your conference.  Postings are subject to change.


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