Stressed?!? or Blessed!!!
This session will encourage parents to examine their reasons for home schooling, and to avoid certain pitfalls that commonly occur. Sharon shares from her own experience many of her mistakes, some of which are humorous, and encourages parents with the compassion and understanding of a veteran home school mom to keep on keeping on. She deals with challenging areas such as organization, planning, curriculum choices, cleaning, etc., and encourages every home school parent to find and live the balanced lifestyle which is Gods will for them. After 24 years of home schooling, Sharon has some practical, and often humorous, advice to share with home schooling parents. Home school burn-out can happen to anyone, whether a new or veteran home schooler, so Sharon will teach you how to avoid ten, common home schooling pitfalls. Come prepared to laugh, and re-focus, and leave determined to be too blessed to be stressed!
You Mean I CAN'T Do It ALL ... At Once?!?
Sharon knows from experience, if Mama aint healthy, aint nobody happy!. After nearly two decades of burning the candle at both ends in service to the home school community, God used some serious events in Sharons life to teach her what her true priorities were. Sharon will teach the ladies how to maintain, or rebuild, optimal spiritual, physical and emotional health (including Biblical principles of time management). She'll also teach the ladies her secret weapon from becoming over-committed.
Conquering a Heart of Anger
Planting Seeds that Yield Eternal Fruit: The Legacy of a Godly Mother
Multi-Level Teaching = Real Life Learning: Teaching with Unit Studies
The Teenage Transition: Terrific, Not Terrifying
Helping Hannah: Our Search For Answers
Ten Gifts You Can (And Should) Give Your Children
If Mama Ain't Healthy
Let Us Not Grow Weary