Don’t Scare the Children! Homeschooling and the Fear of the Lord
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,” the Proverbssay – often. And since our children start at “the beginning,” it’s more than clear that they must learn the fear of the Lord from us. But most Christian parents have little idea how to impart this biblical perspective to their children. We want to raise children who trust and love God, certainly not children who withdraw from Him in terror! Where’s the balance? Dennis shows how you can communicate this vital subject to real life and find that children who learn the fear of the Lord need not fear anything else!
Doing Family Worship without being a Bible Scholar
More and more godly fathers are becoming aware that, as the family shepherd, they should be leading their households into a habit of family worship – that is, consistent time in the Word of God and in prayer together. But many are overwhelmed and tremble at the idea! How on earth am I going to lead my children into understanding God’s Word when I’m just a simple Christian man? Dennis Gundersen presents simple, practical, doable ideas that any Dad can make work. You don’t have to be a Bible scholar! You just have to be an eager learner yourself and find some help communicating what you discovered - just the very type of help you'll get from this workshop!
Building Godly Character With Older Books
When our family began the homeschool journey back in the early 1980's, we heard many seasoned, experienced parents telling us: "The older books, from the 19th and 18th century and even before, are so much better and richer in content! Find as many as you can and use them in your homeschooling!" As we began to ask ourselves why this is, it became increasingly clear that many of the books Christians wrote in those eras for the education of their children were based on more biblical thinking, and perhaps even more importantly, a biblical view of children. This message explains what we have learned in almost three decades since then about why books from those eras are so often better, richer in content, and make a more lasting impact when it comes to character-building. Not only will your family be enriched by a deeper acquaintance with literature from past centuries, but this message by Dennis Gundersen also explains how parents can make wiser selections from among the literature of today for children.
Helping Your Child Build A Good Conscience
What the Bible calls “a good conscience” is vital for our children to form during their youth. Parents can strengthen a childR23;s conscience, so the child is an individual of strong convictions, compelled away from sinful living and towards righteous choices, even when parents are not present. Paul wrote in 1 Timothy 1:5 that one of the goals of his instruction was, "a good conscience." A practical plan for achieving this is the subject of this presentation.
Courtship or Dating: So What's the Difference?
We hear much about "courtship" these days, but judging by the conversations we have with families, many parents are quite in the dark as to the real differences between a "dating" approach to relationships and the "courtship" concept. We want to spare our children the pitfalls we experienced in the 20th-century "dating" tradition; but too often we lack clear ideas about what we are leading them to, and end up being more of a barrier than a door! This message cites 7 easily-understood principles that will help any family apply ancient wisdom to a new era, and without artificial, Pharisaical rules that stretch Scripture.
Go for the Goal: Shepherding Your Child With Eternal Aims
What are you aiming for? This motivating message is based on the Apostle Pauls summary of his goals in teaching, found in 1 Timothy 1:5: The goal of our instruction is, love from a pure heart, and a good conscience, and a sincere faith perfect goals for godly parents! The work of pastors and parents have this in common: both are "shepherding" souls. This message designs to train and equip parents to raise up children whose lives overflow with love, from inner personal purity; guided by the moral discretion of a good conscience; and built on a sincere faith.
A Hebrew Boy's Curriculum in the Time of Christ
The first message in our "Historical Perspectives on Education" (the 2nd is "A 17th-Century Puritan Curriculum), to help parents of today re-examine their curriculum goals and what we think of as keys to a good education, by comparing our goals and orientation with prior generations of godly parents and what they sought. No, we don't have elaborate boyhood accounts of the life of Jesus, but we do know what the central elements of the education He would have received in His times were. This studies those and asks us to consider whether what we're passing on to our children is of comparable value.
A 17th-Century Puritan Curriculum
Our second historical study (A Hebrew Boy's Curriculum in the Time of Christ is the first) designed to help parents of today re-examine their curriculum goals in light of what godly parents of past generations regarded as most important to a good education. Puritan thinking about education was, at many points, 180 degrees from where 20th-century man places the emphasis! Some major areas where the differences stand out and where to look for significant alterations of direction are covered in this seminar..
Deadly Weaknesses in the Strong Man: Moral Lessons Fathers Must Teach Their Sons
An entertaining but challenging look at a bizarre and remarkable life: Samson! Learn why Samson failed big in relationships, and most of all: learn how not to repeat Samsons mistakes! This peculiar man, mighty and strong where it mattered least, and weak where it mattered most (character!) makes for a fascinating story, full of truths that fathers must pass on to our sons.