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Mr. Mark Hamby, M.S., M.Div., Th.M:  Homeschool Conference Speaker and Workshop Leader Details



Phone 2
Hamby, Mark

PO Box 777
Waverly, Pennsylvania (PA)  18471
United States of America (US)

570-587-4246 Fax
Keynote PresentationsChristian Home Education Conference and Curriculum Fair (2003)
The South Plains Christian Home Educators Association (SPCHEA) Home Educators Symposium (2005)
Coastal Home Educator's Conference (CHEC) in Beaufort, SC (2009)
2013 Texas Home School Coalition's State Convention & Family Conference (2013, TX)
2011 Annual Mississippi Home Educator's Spring Conference (MHEA-MS) (2011, MS)
21st Annual Homeschoolers of Maine Convention (2011, ME)
2010 HERI Curriculum Convention (2010, FL)
2010 Christian Home Educators of Kentucky Convention (CHEK) (2010, KY)
Prairie States Christian Home Educators 2010 Spring Conference (2010, SD)
2010 Annual Georgia Home Education Association's Conference (GHEA) (2010, GA)
2008 Southwest Florida Homeschool Fair (2008, FL)
Featured PresentationsChristian Family Schools (CFS) 24th Annual Expo Homeschool Convention (2008)
The 19th Annual Oregon Christian Home Education Conference (2013, OR)
Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention - Nashville (2013, TN)
Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention - Spartanburg (2013, SC)
2013 24th Annual Heart of Illinois Convention for Home Educators (2013, IL)
2012 FPEA Florida Homeschool Convention (2012, FL)
ENOCH of NJ 22nd Annual Homeschool Convention (2012, NJ)
2012 28th Annual Home School Book Fair (2012, TX)
1st Annual 2012 Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention - Spartanburg (2012, SC)
2011 Eastern Oklahoma (Tulsa) Homeschool Convention (2011, OK)
2011 Central Oklahoma Homeschool Convention (2011, OK)
2011 MidWest Homeschool Convention in Cincinnati (2011, OH)
The Old Schoolhouse Expo (May 2010) (2010, WWW)
TEACH of Connecticut 2009 Homeschool Convention (2009, CT)
2009 Montana Home Educators Convention and Curriculum Fair (2009, MT)
2009 SHN Homeschool Conference (2009, TX)
The 14th Annual OCEANetwork Conference and Curriculum Show (2008, OR)
Presentation Titles & Descriptions

The Strong-Willed Child Parent!
Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. One only has to listen to find the heart of a child. Once found, it is essential that we don't begin to control, pressure, or manipulate in order to change behavior. Changed behavior must be the result of a changed heart. Anything less leads only to hypocrisy, rebellion. Too often parents depend on rules as the primary enforcer of behavior. Rules can change behavior, but they can't change the heart. When parents begin to see the difference between character flaws and disobedience, applying less pressure and more gentle understanding, children will be more willing to admit fault and seek help from those they love. Children need to hear the beating of our hearts rather than the beating of our voices. Parents will want to join Mark as he relates his experience as a shepherd and the important lesson that you don't become a shepherd just because you own sheep.

Resolved Conflicts and Restored Relationships
Join us as we study the conflicts and restoration of an Old Testament family and the significant lesson that changed a man, a family, and an entire nation! Based on the insecurities of Jacob, his rival relationship with his brother, and the lack of relationship between his mother and father, the stage is set for a life of deception, particularly self-deception. This session is designed to help parents understand the nature of conflicts, their causes, and their cures. Since most conflicts stem from insecurity, pride, and low self esteem, parents must begin to cultivate a relationship that is based upon an ancient understanding of the blessing. Once a Biblical understanding of this ancient and most misunderstood word in the Bible is developed, parents and teachers will come face-to-face with hidden fears that have blinded and shackled them from receiving the most important gift that their children most earnestly need.

The Education of a Child - the Wisdom of Fenelon
Working with parents and teachers over the past twenty-four years, Mark will present what he believes is the most helpful and inspirational information of our day concerning the education of a child. Gleaning from a 17th -century gem, The Education of a Child from The Wisdom of Fenelon, Mark will present a radical reversal of our traditional approach to a biblical education. Commissioned to educate King Louis XIV incorrigible grandson to become the next king of France, Francois Fenelon wrote and then lived one of the greatest educational treatise's ever written. In fact, in 1802, nearly 150 years later, Fenelon's work was still revered as the most extraordinary educational work on record. Parenting based on gentleness, mentoring, joy, and patience will be among just a few of the highlights of this seminar. Through simple but forgotten common sense ideas, parents will gain an understanding that unlocks the heart and opens the mind. When the level of fear decreases, the level of reasoning increases.

Jonah and the Cows?
How do you respond when you are faced with a difficult assignment? How do your children respond? In the book of Jonah we find a reluctant man who was given a difficult assignment, and as a result of his resistance found himself on a downward spiral through life. In this seminar you will discover the root causes of anger and depression. Learn about Jonah and the cows, and you will learn how to help your children experience the pleasure of completing a difficult task!

Life-Transforming Literature
It has been said that you will be the same five years from now as you are today, except for the people you meet and the books you read! Until the age of 22, even while he was administrating a Christian school, Mark Hamby had never read a book. In fact, he despised both school and reading, but God had a plan. Through several providential appointments, Mark was influenced by some of the godliest individuals and inspirational events that led him to become not only a voracious reader, but also a publisher, writer, and international speaker. During his years of searching for the most inspiring Christian literature available, Mark discovered a rare collection of literature that spans the 17th through 19th centuries. Through an inspiring, informative, and dramatized lecture, Mark will demonstrate the power of literature. You won't want to miss this unforgettable and life-transforming session that has gripped the heart of audiences throughout the world. An annotated bibliography will be available covering preschool through adult Christian literature from the seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries.

Resolved Conflicts and Restored Relationships
Join us as we observe the conflicts and restoration of an Old Testament family and the significant lesson that changed a man, a family, and an entire nation! Based on the insecurities of Jacob, his rival relationship with his brother, and the lack of relationship between his mother and father, the stage is set for a life of deception-particularly self-deception. This session is designed to help parents understand the nature of conflicts, their causes, and their cures. Since most conflicts stem from insecurity, pride, and low self esteem, parents must begin to cultivate a relationship that is based upon an ancient understanding of the blessing. Once a Biblical understanding of this ancient and most misunderstood word in the Bible is developed, parents and teachers will come face-to-face with hidden fears that have blinded and shackled them from receiving the most important gift that their children most earnestly need.

Laziness: There is a Lion Outside
When I first began to research this topic, I found that there was very little available - less than a handful of books. It was then that I found a treasury of information recorded over 4000 years ago, along with a fascinating thesis on this subject written in the 1600s. In this seminar, we will explore the four root causes of laziness, and the time-tested remedies that have changed many a lazy child and a demanding parent. A slothful person, according to Solomon, will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing." But show me a man diligent in his work and he shall stand before kings!

Character to the Core
Over the past 24 years, I have observed students graduate from Christian Schools and home schools, and still lack the confidence, purpose and skill to follow their dreams. In fact, rarely do they even have dreams to fulfill their God-given destinies. I myself switched my major in college numerous times because I lacked not only direction, but the most important element that awakens a childs drive to become all that God intended - inner character. The character I am speaking of is not determined by ones actions, but by ones values. Focusing and modifying a childs actions apart from their values lends only to hypocrisy, distorts reality, and clouds ones judgment for a lifes calling. Teachers will leave this seminar knowing how to identify a childs character or lack thereof, and know how to cultivate the necessary virtues that influence our values; only then will our children be prepared for a purposeful, skillful, and godly life.

Uniquely Used of God-With One Hand Tied Behind Your Back (also entitled, A Passionate Pursuit of Excellence!)
Assessing and discovering our children's natural abilities is not an easy task. Too often in our present culture, we prepare our children for college but not in connection to their unique design and natural abilities. Mark believes that the obscure story of Ehud and King Eglon in the book of Judges offers inspirational insights on this very subject. Parents, children, and teens will see first hand how Ehud was uniquely prepared to deliver the children of Israel from oppression through the skillful cultivation and preparation of his unique giftedness. First presented at the National Homeschool Basketball Tournament for parents and teens, this seminar received an overwhelming response of life-changing decisions.

The Angry Child, Teen, Parent and Teacher
This inspiring and challenging session will focus on righteous and unrighteous anger, its root causes, and its cures. Mark Hamby believes that most childhood and teenage anger is the result of four root causes: fear, frustration, hurt, and selfishness. Once parents learn to recognize the root causes, both children and teens respond immediately. Through laughter, tears, and soul searching, parents will leave this session with a clear understanding - it may be the most important information that you hear this year.

The Triumphant Teen
This inspiring and challenging session focuses on four qualities that lead to a triumphant life. Through laughter and soul searching, teens will leave this session with clear direction that will lead to a life that is based on humility and lived with purpose.

Four Styles of Parenting and Four Types of Foolishness in Children
An in-depth look at four parenting styles: dictatorial, detached, enmeshed, and indulgent, will reveal some of the root causes of childhood apathy, depression and rebellion. This session will help parents see the effects of their particular style of parenting, and how it may be cultivating four types of foolishness in children.  Teens will also benefit from these insights as they learn that their parent’s failures are not an excuse for irresponsible behavior.  Biblical and present-day examples of each of these styles will be illustrated, and the consequences and steps needed to break these patterns of harmful behavior will be addressed.

Let God's Creatures Be the Teachers
This extraordinary seminar will light a spark and send you away all fired up! Youll hear the Scriptures presented in a way that will make you say, "I never heard it that way before!" See how "the heavens declare the glory of God!

Preparing for a Life of Excellence . . .
Based on the life of Ehud the Benjamite, Mark will unveil the unique strategy that God and his parents used to prepare him to become a skilled and strategic warrior, confident leader, and a skillful entrepreneur. In this seminar we will look at the assessment of a child's natural abilities and the instructive insights that are necessary to prepare each child, teen, and adult for God's ultimate purpose and calling. This seminar promises to be an eye opener for all ages--in more ways than you expect; but in a way you will never forget!

Raise Them Up, Don't Crush Them Down
Based on the Greek understanding of Ephesians 6:4 and Colossians 3:21, Mark will paint an unforgettable picture for parents who are unknowingly quenching the spirit of their children. Children who are fully loved, fully known, without any fear of rejection, will become children who possess a low level of fear and a high level of risk and reasoning. Children who develop a high level of risk and reasoning, are children who see failure as stepping stones for success. Theodore Roosevelt once said, "Success is failure upon failure, with great enthusiasm!" You will not want to miss this session of great enthusiasm, instruction, and inspiration!

Lord Help Me!
This seminar is for the overworked, underpaid, and overwhelmed parent. God tests us and even appears to abandon us, yet His divine purpose is to enable us to walk upon the turbulent waters of life. If you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel, you will not want to miss this session.

A Great Awakening: the Mind, Media, and Moral Imagination
We are entering a new Dark Age—one more subtle, more insidious. A culture sedated by sounds and images that deaden our senses and rob us of who we are created to be. “We are amusing ourselves to death.” Join Mark as he exposes the damaging effects that certain kinds of media, electronic games, and literature, have on the brain, the conscience, the imagination, and a child's moral and spiritual development. Most importantly, he will introduce a time-tested approach that engages initiative arouses motivation, revives the imagination, and inspires excellence. Parents will be able to look behind the scenes as to what inspired and motivated the great minds like Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Einstein, Edison, and the more modern initiatives of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. They all had something in common, something available to all!

I Will Not Let You Go!
Based on the manipulative life of Jacob, his rival relationship with his brother, the lack of relationship between his mother and father, and his constant marital conflicts, the stage is set for a life of deception—self deception. Believing that holding on to a better inheritance, more children, a better wife, and a better job, will bring fulfillment, Jacob learns the hard way that he was holding on to all the wrong things in life. Join our journey with Jacob as we find unconditional acceptance in all the right places; but be prepared to fight because once you’ve found what you are looking for, you will need to hold on for your life! This seminar is based on Mark’s two years of research for his thesis and will cover sibling rivalry, marital conflict, parenting insights, and much more

Set Your House In Order - for Dads
If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, but then God gave you fifteen extra years to live, what would those years look like? How would you spend each day? A close look at Hezekiah's family will prove that we have a God who can redeem the most dysfunctional of families! The truths in this seminar can change chaos to calm and despair to hope as we uncover the mystery of Scripture. Are you a discouraged mom? A frustrated dad? There is hope! We can choose to break the destructive patterns in our lives and experience redemption from past mistakes!

Getting Dirty For God! - For Teens and Adults
Originally designed for teens, this seminar has far-reaching implications for the Christian witness and the “right” to tell others about Jesus Christ. Throughout the gospel of Mark, Jesus repeatedly commands his followers NOT to tell anyone about Him. In a dramatic interpretation from this gospel, Mark communicates a powerful message through the unique life of the Syrophonecian woman as well as the gripping testimony of five ninth grade boys who set their school on fire for Jesus Christ. Join Mark as he presents the ultimate test that opens the door to “tell like it's never been told.” 

The Great Awakening: Building Character…One Story at a Time!
It has been said that you will be the same five years from now as you are today, except for the people you meet and the books you read! Inspiring literature that models unwavering character can be one of the catalysts that awakens a child’s drive to first think differently and then act accordingly. “Without biblical thinking, there is short term obedience and long term frustration.” Through an inspiring, informative, and dramatized lecture, Mark will make you laugh and cry as he “demonstrates” the power of character-based literature. This will be followed by an in depth look at the ancient steps of character development from early childhood through adulthood. In conclusion, an annotated bibliography for preschoolers through adults will introduce powerful, life-changing Christian literature from the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries. This life-transforming session will lay the foundation for children to live a creative, skillful, and godly life.

The Education of a Child - The Wisdom of Fenelon
Working with parents and teachers over the past twenty-eight years, Mark will present what he believes is the most helpful and inspirational information of our day concerning the education of a child. Gleaning from a 17th-century gem, The Education of a Child from The Wisdom of Fenelon, Mark will present a “radical reversal” of our traditional approach to a biblical education. Commissioned to educate King Louis XIV incorrigible grandson to become the next king of France, Francois Fenelon wrote and then lived one of the greatest educational treatises ever written. In fact, in 1802, nearly 150 years later, Fenelon’s work was still revered as the most extraordinary educational work on record. Parenting based on gentleness, mentoring, joy, and patience will be among just a few of the highlights of this seminar. Through simple but forgotten common sense ideas, parents and teachers will gain an understanding that unlocks the heart and opens the mind—“When the level of fear decreases, the level of reasoning increases.”

Through the Water-shaft
A  Biblical strategy for leadership--A Reminder that Delivers

A Renaissance of Creative Imagination
There is new evidence that supports the notion that our DNA is not unchangeable. In fact there is proof that when our DNA is altered, it can have a positive effect upon the next three to four generations! In this seminar parents will look behind the scenes to learn what prepared, inspired, and motivated the great minds of Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Einstein, Edison, and the more modern initiatives of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates and more. They all had something in common--something available to all—something that drives initiative, ignites motivation, revives the imagination, and inspires excellence. Join Mark and be convinced that “Everyday you are becoming who you will be forever.” J. L.

A Father's Love: A Faithful Son
Join Mark as he reveals an unusual passage of Scripture that is rarely preached or talked about. Twice God the Father speaks about His Son—once at His Son’s baptism and then three years later on top of a mountain. The second time He speaks he repeats what he said the first time but adds one significant component that is essential for all parents—“Listen to him.” Once you learn what this means, you will approach your children with a more purposeful plan that will cultivate their identity, confirm your love, be encouraged by your pleasure in them, and possess the confidence and authority that has been bestowed upon them. As always some of the most powerful teaching on parenting is right before our eyes. 

All Things Beautiful in its Time

Give Me This Mountain!

Mark's Achievements
  • Former homeschooling father
  • Founder and President: Cornerstone Family Ministries
  • Founder and President: Lamplighter Ministries
  • Editor (abridged book): Teddy's Button
  • Author (retold story): The Beggar's Blessing
  • Author (retold story): The Three Weavers
  • Author (retold story): The Rescue of Jessica's Mother on London Bridge
  • Former Special Education teacher
  • Former Christian school administrator
  • Former pastor
  • Master Studies in Counseling: Philadelphia Biblical University
  • D. Min. candidate
Hamby's Bio

Mark is the president of Lamplighter Publishing. He has served as keynote speaker on parenting, marriage, teens, education and biblical studies at conferences and churches throughout the country and abroad. Mark attributes the overwhelming responses to the power of God and His Word, being keenly aware that God’s strength is made perfect in weakness. The uniqueness of Mark’s speaking is that it is so refreshingly transparent. Through laughter and tears, broken men and women leave each session filled with hope and a renewed vision for a Christlike life and a redeemed family.

Date Created11/3/2008 11:44:12 PM
Date Modified5/28/2013 10:52:22 AM
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My hope is that this list will assist conference organizers in connecting with Mark Hamby and other workshop leaders and speakers. Furthermore, my desire is to help homeschool workshop leaders and speakers develop relationships with more convention planners and audiences. May your efforts be for the glory of Christ and the strengthening of His saints.

Disclaimer:  Balancing the Sword makes no claims about the speakers' faith, ability, materials, etc.  This speaker profile information is being provided free of charge.  Please click the links and do your own research before issuing an invitation to your conference.  Postings are subject to change.


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