Discovery Learning Fosters Critical Thinking
Scientific evidence supports discovery learning as one of the primary keys to developing critical thinking skills in children. Showing professional video footage of her teaching a group of five to seven-year-olds, Wade Hulcy, homeschooling dad of 24 years and CEO of KONOS, demonstrates how easy it is for parents to employ discovery techniques allowing them to break out of the "tell and regurgitate" rut so many parents find themselves locked into. Critical thinking techniques can and should be applied at all levels of learning and in all subjects to produce thinking adults.
Teaching To Your Child's Bent
Out of four sons, Wade and Jessica Hulcy, who are homeschooling veterans of 25 years, claim each son is totally different! In this hysterically funny and informative workshop Wade Hulcy identifies different learning styles, different personality types, different brain dominance all indicators parents should take into account when deciding how to teach each of their children. Come learn and be entertained by Wade.
The Importance of PE and Team Sports
As a former public school teacher and coach, Wade Hulcy, home schooling father of 25 years and CEO of KONOS Inc., shares the incredible advantages to children, both physical and academic, gained from PE and team sports. For 21 years Wade and the Hulcy boys have run a home schooling PE classes for boys, girls, and teens. Wade has also coached all of his sons in competitive sports leagues. Hear Wade give a fresh, even-handed assessment comparing the benefits and the draw backs of team sports, list what to look for in a good competitive sports league, show you how to set up your own PE class as well as give you the how and why physical training is so vital in the overall learning process.
How to Keep Your Kids From Hating Homeschool