Christian Leadership: Tips and Tipfalls
With twenty-four years of homeschool leadership experience, twenty years of managing a Christian business, many years of Christian lobbying and over thirty years of marriage (to the same wonderful woman), Mr. Karman shares tips that every Christian leader should know. If it is small church politics, a Boy Scout troop, a homeschool support group, or a national organization, these principles apply to all leaders and those who aspire to leadership.
Home Education Freedoms in Oregon
Maintaining the freedom to home educate in Oregon has required constant vigilance. Hear the stories of the faithfulness of God throughout the years as homeschool parents have fought to protect their right to homeschool their children
Freedom for the Future
Dick Karman presents a short update on homeschool freedom, a reminder of God's providence in the past, and a call to be prepared for the 2007 legislative session, along with a heart-felt look at home education a decade from now.
Father's Role in Discipleship
The home is the easiest and most natural place to disciple our children. But the job is not an easy one and the responsibility falls on fathers. Sometimes it is daunting because we have never done it before. Sometimes it seems impossible because we don't understand it. Sometimes it isn't getting done because "I let my wife handle those things." We'll talk about the necessity of discipleship and some of the ways dads can tackle this project to the glory of God.
What's a Parent to Do?
A California court with one ruling outlaws homeschooling in California stating that Parental Rights are not found in the U.S. Constitution. The U.N. Treaty on the Rights of the Child threatens the right of parents to direct the education and upbringing of their children. What can we do as parents to protect our rights to raise our children?
A Father's Responsibility
Parents can't afford to lose sight of spiritual things because they are too busy raising their children. Your children watch your life constantly - what are they seeing?
Freedom to Homeschool is Worth Fighting For (with Dorothy Karman)
Why do homeschool families want continued and expanded freedoms? What are the biblical and constitutional principles behind homeschool freedom?
The Role of the Local Support Group in Family-based Discipleship
Sharing A Father's Heart
God's Lessons Learned By A Home School Father
Vision with OCEANetwork