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Cheryl Lange:  Homeschool Conference Speaker and Workshop Leader Details



Lange, Cheryl

Oklahoma (OK)  
United States of America (US)
Keynote Speaker?Unknown
Featured Presentations2012 Central Oklahoma Homeschool Convention (2012, OK)
2012 Eastern Oklahoma (Tulsa) Homeschool Convention (2012, OK)
2011 Eastern Oklahoma (Tulsa) Homeschool Convention (2011, OK)
2011 Central Oklahoma Homeschool Convention (2011, OK)
Presentation Titles & Descriptions

Read, Read, Read! Or: What’s Really So Important About Books, Anyway?
You’ve heard it before: Read more. Educate with great books instead of schooling with textbooks. Use “living” books instead of “twaddle.” But WHY exactly is reading so important? And HOW do you educate with books that aren’t designed for teaching? This session explores these various questions and gives statistical evidence based upon nearly 30 years of personal experience, as well as practical applications for making authentic education through reading work in your home. Learn how the right kind of reading may be the thing that has the single greatest impact over every area of your child’s academic development.

Who’s Walking the Wall? How to Prepare Godly Children for an Ungodly World
Just as knights of yesteryear had to protect the castle, we parents must protect our children. Not just physically, but also as sentries of their hearts. However, as they grow our job evolves. We must incrementally prepare our children to engage and IMPACT the culture of the outside world, recognize the enemy and also be able to defend themselves and their own castle some day. Using Biblical principles and practical application, Cheryl shares five areas we must focus on to prepare the next generation of knights to take their stand on the wall.

Navigating Through High School …and Beyond
Are we “getting it all in?” Are we “meeting the standards”? High School and preparing for graduation is an area of insecurity and concern for many homeschooling parents. Even for experienced homeschoolers, that journey through the final years can be confusing and a bit overwhelming – as we prepare our children to start their future as well as for scholarships, college applications, transcripts, the ACT, careers, etc, This session is to help you see a plan to navigate through those seas and even help you figure out what to teach so that you can comply with regulations and requirements of the system without sacrificing your family’s values and your child’s education.

Cheryl's Achievements

Founder: Lodestar Ministries

Lange's Bio
Date Created11/3/2008 11:44:12 PM
Date Modified5/9/2011 2:42:14 PM
(click here if map not visible above)

My hope is that this list will assist conference organizers in connecting with Cheryl Lange and other workshop leaders and speakers. Furthermore, my desire is to help homeschool workshop leaders and speakers develop relationships with more convention planners and audiences. May your efforts be for the glory of Christ and the strengthening of His saints.

Disclaimer:  Balancing the Sword makes no claims about the speakers' faith, ability, materials, etc.  This speaker profile information is being provided free of charge.  Please click the links and do your own research before issuing an invitation to your conference.  Postings are subject to change.


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