Tactile: The Socially Unacceptable Learning Style
If your child is constantly grabbing, touching, feeling, and holding the things around him, he/she is probably a Tactile Learner, a taboo in “polite” society. This workshop will not only make you feel better about your child, it will also show you new ways to help your student break through to better learning.
Teaching Science Using All Learning Styles
Are you struggling to teach science? Science isn’t scary; science is just asking “Why?” and “How?” You will be encouraged by this non-threatening, idea-packed workshop filled with simple, fun activities using ordinary household materials and utensils. Teaching the concepts with all learning styles (visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic) will remove your worries about how to keep your students’ attention! You will be energized with confidence, and your students will beg you for more science!
Using Learning Styles to Develop Excellent Study Skills!
See how to use learning styles to help your students establish effective, individual study skills for high school, college, and beyond. These are practical, proven, learning style techniques that will challenge everything you’ve ever been told about studying!
What Type of Homeschooler are You?
Are you struggling with homeschooling and feeling like you are working against yourself? You may be! Identifying your own characteristic homeschooling style can make each day go more smoothly and free you from the guilt of thinking you don’t “measure up” to other families. Learn what simple mistakes could be responsible for many of the problems you encounter each day.
Taking the Mystery Out of Learning Styles
This incredibly informative workshop will show you how to use your students’ strengths to improve their weaknesses. Identify your children’s learning styles (visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic) to grab and hold their attention; identify your teaching style to spot tendencies to present every lesson in the same way. Learn how easily you can adapt any lesson to any learning style for any age! Your students can and will learn better and faster using these simple tips!