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Mrs. Shelley Noonan:  Homeschool Conference Speaker and Workshop Leader Details



Phone 2
Noonan, Shelley

Shelley Noonan at Pumpkin Seed Press
43668 355th Ave.
Humphrey, Nebraska (NE)  68642
United States of America (US)

Fax: 402-923-1682
Keynote Speaker?Yes
Keynote PresentationsAnnual North Carolinians for Home Education (NCHE) Conference & Bookfair (2008)
Featured PresentationsMidwest Parent Educators homeschool conference in Kansas City, MO (2006)
North Carolinians for Home Education (NCHE) Conference (2008)
Christian Home Educators of Colorado (CHEC) Christian Family Conference (2010)

2011 27th Annual Home School Book Fair (2011, TX)
2011 27th Annual Home School Book Fair (2011, TX)
2010 Christian Family Conference by CHEC (2010, CO)
2010 Annual Georgia Home Education Association's Conference (GHEA) (2010, GA)
2010 SHEM Home Education Convention (2010, MO)
2008 Arizona State Home Educator's Convention (AFHE) (2008, AZ)
2007 Illinois Christian Home Educator's Annual State Convention (ICHE) (2007, IL)
Presentation Titles & Descriptions

Three R's for the Homeschool Mom (Can be expanded for a Homeschool Mothers Retreat)
We all know that the 3 Rs are needed for any balanced curriculum; however, did you also know that homeschool moms need to have the 3 Rs in their lives to have a complete and balanced life? With a three part plan, Shelley will give an Rx to the weary homeschool mom who needs to be revived and revved up:
1) Revitalize Your First Love--Practical suggestions to energize your relationship with God.
2) Refresh Your Spirit--Ideas on how you can take care of yourself, body, mind and spirit!
3) Rekindle Your Love Life--Husbands are often times the first one to be neglected!

A Marriage That Doesn't Just Survive, but Thrives (Suitable for Keynote)
Does home educating your children stretch your marriage to the limit? While there is no single success formula for all marriages, there are principles that can be applied to strengthen your relationship. Shelley will divulge the secrets to being a happy homeschool couple. The Noonan's marriage not only survived but thrived through thirteen years of home educating their children.

Mentoring Your Daughter
By sharing her own brand of practical wisdom, Shelley Noonan will encourage and motivate you to make the most of the TIME you spend mentoring your daughter. Discover four key components in making the most of time with her. Learn how to capture the moments and make them special. Glean information on resources and various ways to mentor.

What are little boys made of? Some of us homeschool mothers are still wondering! You will learn the six building blocks that your son will need to learn in order to be a godly man. In this workshop, you will laugh, be challenged and be encouraged as Shelley coaches the homeschool mom on various ways to make the sometimes bumpy road of raising a little boy into a godly man easier by using time proven methods.

Biblical Character Training for You and Your Child (Suitable for Keynote)
Uncover the meaning of authentic Biblical Character Training. Home education is an efficient tool of the Lord to train not only your childrens character but your own as well! Sharing homeschool experiences and lessons from Deuteronomy, Shelley will explore how God can use any situation to create characters of true worth. Based on the seven aspects in Deuteronomy 6:4-9. Discover practical ways that you can incorporate this process in your daily lives and cultivate true Biblical Character in your children....and in the process....yourself!

Shipwrecked or Sea Worthy? Three Ways to Keep Your Child's Boat Afloat (Suitable for Keynote)
As your child approaches their maiden voyage onto the sea of life, you want to make certain they are sea worthy. Shelley will help you navigate through three lessons we parents can learn from H.M.S. Titanic and help you to chart a course for your children. By learning from the mistakes of the Titanic, you will discover how to teach your kids ways to avoid icebergs, how to acquire lifeboats, and methods to open and maintain the lines of communication. While we can never forecast smooth sailing, our goal is to keep their boat afloat as they embark on their lifes voyage!

Beyond Beautiful Girlhood
Is your daughter prepared for life? Mothers, you know that your daughter's transition from beautiful girlhood to beyond beautiful girlhood can be the most frightening and exciting of times. Discover how to prepare your daughter in three key areas of her life. Shelley will give you encouraging examples and practical application to equip you to prepare your daughter for the day when she will manage her home, her life, and her spirit!

So Much More than Sugar and Spice
What are little girls made of? Sugar and Spice and everything nice. While this is not the only information a father has about his daughter, dads are often unaware of who their daughter is and what makes her tick. In this session, dads will discover what kind of father they are, what his parenting style is, and how his parenting style affects his little girl. Shelley will also help father's gain insight into the daughter's hearts and methods to develop a relationship beyond sugar and spice. Based on The Three Weavers.

Taste and See! (Perfect for Leaders' Tea)
Be honest, is it hard for you to have consistent quiet time? It is so difficult to spend time feasting on God's Word when you have hungry children clamoring for their breakfast! Shelley will explain the simple three part Taste and See method explain as she entices and encourages you to sample from the buffet of scripture while giving you practical ways you can actually get yourself fed. You will learn three easy feasting methods to seek His presence, steep in warmth of His love and savor the flavor of His Word.

Welcome to Womanhood!
For mothers only. Between the ages of 10-14 your daughters are going through a variety of drastic changes. She is making the delicate transition from girlhood into womanhood. It can be overwhelming for the girl—but also for the mom! Discover various ways to talk to your daughter about her changing body, ways to commemorate the occasion, and a timeline of age appropriate information.

Five Keys to Guarding Your Daughter's Heart
The first man a little girl falls in love with is her father. Yet fathers are often unaware of the crucial role they play in their daughter's lives as they grow from little girls to young women. Studies show that close, healthy father-daughter relationships create a sense of competence in a daughters' academic ability and a stronger sense of femininity in girls. In addition, they are less likely to engage in early sexual behavior. So the questions arise as fathers come to understand the valuable role they can play. How do you begin to capture your daughter's heart and discover together? How do you encourage her to stay pure? How can you ensure she marries a godly man? Join Shelley as she presents 5 Keys to guarding your daughters heart.

"Tea"chable Times...
Why it is that some of the most teachable times a family has is around a table? Join Shelley as she introduces moms to a variety of subjects and numerous training methods that can be taught during this most "Tea"chable of times...tea time.

Manners Matter!
Like it or not, people judge you by your manners. All of us want to be liked and accepted and it is in our homeschool families best interest to put our best foot forward by polishing our manners to be a contributing element to our relationships. Knowing the rules of the game lets children feel comfortable and allows them to focus on the more genteel aspects of social contact. Learn why manners are important, the art of the first impressions, the hidden communication of body language, and helpful ways to teach your children that Manners Matter!

The Total Mama Makeover (Can be expanded for a Mothers Retreat)
"Oooooh, Calgon take me away!" Sometimes after a stressful day ( week, month or year) of homeschooling, all we Mom's really need is to be taken away for some pampering. While "the works" at a Spa might be out of the question for you Shelley will instruct you in the application of a intensive three part beauty treatment to the work the knots out, and center the weary homeschool mom . This Total Mama Makeover will help you:

* Revitalize your First Love - Energize your relationship with God!
* Rekindle your Love Life - Restoke the fire with your Husband!
* Refresh your Self - Invest in taking care of your Body, Mind and Spirit!

For Dads--6 Keys to Guarding Your Daughters Purity
The first man a little girl falls in love with is her father. Yet fathers are often unaware of the crucial role they play in their daughter's lives as they grow from little girls to young women. Studies show that close, healthy father-daughter relationships create a sense of competence in a daughters' academic ability and a stronger sense of femininity in girls. In addition, they are less likely to engage in early sexual behavior. So the questions arise as fathers come to understand the valuable role they can play. How do you begin to capture your daughter's heart and discover together? How do you encourage her to stay pure? How can you ensure she marries a godly man? Join Shelley as she presents 6 keys to guarding your daughter's heart.

Shelley's Achievements

Has homeschooled her children for over 13 years
Co-author: The Companion Guide to Beautiful Girlhood
Co-author: The Three Weavers Plus Companion Guide: A Father's Guide to Guarding His Daughter's Purity
Editor: Winsome Womanhood: Daybreak
Trained as a licensed practical nurse

Noonan's Bio
Date Created11/3/2008 11:44:12 PM
Date Modified10/19/2010 3:14:08 PM
(click here if map not visible above)

My hope is that this list will assist conference organizers in connecting with Shelley Noonan and other workshop leaders and speakers. Furthermore, my desire is to help homeschool workshop leaders and speakers develop relationships with more convention planners and audiences. May your efforts be for the glory of Christ and the strengthening of His saints.

Disclaimer:  Balancing the Sword makes no claims about the speakers' faith, ability, materials, etc.  This speaker profile information is being provided free of charge.  Please click the links and do your own research before issuing an invitation to your conference.  Postings are subject to change.


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