Mr. Glenn M. Pav: Homeschool Conference Speaker and Workshop
Leader Details
Pav, Glenn M.
11444 93rd St. N. Largo, Florida (FL) 33773-4615
United States of America (US)
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2010 HERI Curriculum Convention (2010, FL) 2008 Annual Georgia Home Education Association's Conference (GHEA) (2008, GA) |
Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining & Bad Attitudes
All parents want cooperation but many find it difficult to teach. Most parents give instructions over a hundred times a day. In this session you will examine the Instruction Routine in your home. Replace whining, arguing, and yelling routines with a five-step approach that teaches cooperation and responsibility to children for the long-term. Giving instruction will never be the same.
Ending Discipline Time with Impact & a Positive Conclusion
Parents often think their job is done after they've given a consequence. Unfortunately tension often lingers in the relationship. Furthermore, many children don't seem to make the connection between correction and life. Learning how to end the discipline time constructively can make all the difference. Walk away from this seminar with a plan to move correction from the head to the heart. This session will give you a plan for helping the child who blames, rationalizes, or justifies. Come see ways God includes hope in the discipline process.
Parenting Tools to Change Your Child's Heart
The goal of discipline is a changed heart. This session gives parents several hands-on tools to use when children need to be corrected. A change of heart is defined in practical terms and parents go away with a plan to use seven categories of consequences to motivate heart change in their kids. The underlying principle taught is that behavior modification is not enough. Parents must keep an eye on the heart.
How to Change Your Child's Mind Without Losing Yours
Parents often don’t know how to end discipline in a constructive way. This session explains a routine for helping children process correction and learn from the experience. Teaching children about repentance and forgiveness are heart gifts discussed here. This tool is especially helpful for children who blame others or have a victim mentality.
The Battle for Correcting Your Children Wisely
Parents often become frustrated because their kids don’t listen. In this session we take apart the instruction process and point out five steps for children ages 2 to 18. Parents learn how to teach cooperation and responsibility in this practical session.
Former homeschooling father of four children
Representative for National Center for Biblical Parenting
Adult Bible Fellowship Biblical Parenting Teacher and worship leader at his church
Business Chaplain with Marketplace Chaplains, USA
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Management/Economics & Marketing from Purdue University
Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Studies/Greek and Diploma in Bible Theology from Moody Bible Institute
Master of Theology in Systematic Theology from Trinity Theological Seminary
11/3/2008 11:44:12 PM |
5/21/2011 9:21:42 AM |
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