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Mr. David Quine:  Homeschool Conference Speaker and Workshop Leader Details



Phone 2
Quine, David

Cornerstone Curriculum
2006 Flat Creek
Richardson, Texas (TX)  75080
United States of America (US)

David Quine on Facebook
Keynote Presentations2011 Southwestern Indiana Home Educators Convention (SWIHE) (2011, IN)
22nd Annual 2009 Home Educators Conference & Book Fair (CHEACT) (2009, TX)
2009 Oklahoma Home Educators' Convention (2009, OK)
2008 Oklahoma Home Educators' Convention (OCHEC) (2008, OK)
22nd Annual Bay Area CHEA Convention (2008, CA)
Featured Presentations32nd Annual CHEA of CA Homeschool Convention (2015, CA)
2012 28th Annual Home School Book Fair (2012, TX)
2012 Central Oklahoma Homeschool Convention (2012, OK)
2012 Eastern Oklahoma (Tulsa) Homeschool Convention (2012, OK)
1st Annual 2012 Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention - Spartanburg (2012, SC)
2011 28th Annual Arizona State Home Educator's Convention (AFHE) (2011, AZ)
2011 FPEA Florida Homeschool Convention (2011, FL)
2011 Eastern Oklahoma (Tulsa) Homeschool Convention (2011, OK)
2011 Central Oklahoma Homeschool Convention (2011, OK)
2010 APHEA Homeschool Convention (2010, AK)
2009 MidWest Homeschool Convention in Cincinnati (2009, OH)
XXV Annual CHEA Convention (2008, CA)
2008 Indiana Association of Home Educators Convention (IAHE) (2008, IN)
Workshop PresentationsCHEA's 35th Annual Homeschool Convention (2018, CA)
33rd Annual CHEA of CA Convention (2016, CA)
31st Annual CHEA Homeschool Convention (2014, CA)
30th Annual CHEA Homeschool Convention (2013, CA)
2013 29th Annual Home School Book Fair (2013, TX)
28th Annual CHEA Convention (2011, CA)
24th Annual 2011 Home Educators Conference & Book Fair (CHEACT) (2011, TX)
2011 IAHE 26th Annual Home Educators Convention (2011, IN)
2011 27th Annual Home School Book Fair (2011, TX)
Pacific Homeschool SuperConference (HSLDA/CHEA Convention) (2011, CA)
Presentation Titles & Descriptions

Designing a Biblical Worldview Education
Biblical World View and Classical Education are the popular buzzword phrases today. What do these phrases mean? As Christian home school parents, we desire our children to have well educated minds, but never at the expense of their faith in Jesus Christ. What is a Biblical worldview approach to education? David and Shirley give insight into designing an education plan for your family with a clear biblical perspective. We must lay no other foundation.

Ready, Set, Relax
Have we as home school parents become so busy that we have lost our vision and our joy? Maybe it is time to RELAX! After more than 25 years of home schooling David and Shirley want to share with you what is really important -- giving time for you to pursue the discipleship of your children.

Stirring Hearts (with Shirley Quine)
What can we do as parents to stir our children's heart to know and love God? And what can we do to stir our children to have God's heart toward the people of the world? What will it look like? These are a few of the questions David and Shirley will answer in this most powerful multi-media presentation, Stirring Hearts.

High School: The Final Preparation
Don't stop now! High school is the final preparation. This is the time to join facts into logical relationships; a time to think through difficult issues and ideas; and a time to learn how to challenge the culture with the Truth of Christianity. You can do it.

Nine Reasons Were Glad We Chose Home Education (with Shirley Quine)
Whether you are considering home education for your children or whether you are trying to decide if you should continue, this time with David and Shirley will be instructive to your decision. When they first began home educating their oldest son Bryce in 1980, they thought they would do this for 2 or 3 years. Now after 20 years they realize that home education is not just an alternative, it's the very best form of education! Listen to the nine reasons why David and Shirley have come to this conclusion. Come! Be encouraged with their insights and experiences.

No Other Foundation (with Shirley Quine)
Biblical Worldview and Classical education are popular buzzword phrases today. What do these phrases mean? As Christian home school parents, we desire our children to have well educated minds, but never at the expense of their faith in Christ. What is a Biblical worldview approach to classical education? David will give insight into a classical education with a clear biblical perspective. We must lay no other foundation.

The Quine Family Album: Our Struggles and Successes (with Shirley Quine)
Hear the personal stories of David and Shirley as they share from their hearts the struggles and successes they have had in the more than 20 years of home schooling their nine children. What is at the heart of home schooling for the Quines? Relationships! The principles they share will both encourage and equip you to more effectively home school your children!

How to Teach Music and Art (with Shirley Quine)
Living in an age that is filled with that which is ugly, we must be lining the hearts and minds of our children with that which is truly beautiful. Studies in music and art can do just that. Studies in art and music should not be considered as extra to your daily curriculum. Make time to enjoy the beauty and richness of music and art together with your children. Its time your children will never forget .... its time you will cherish forever.

Seven Prayers of a Parent
As home school moms and dads we plan and we prepare, but let us never forget to pray for our children! It is easy to fall into the daily routine of lesson planning and teaching but forgetting that except the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it (Psalm 127:1). Therefore, let us pray.

From Conflict to Victory
Since we are home educating our children, we are often together 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Everyone encounters conflict at some time. We cannot ignore the problems. How can we deal with the difficulties in a Godly way? We will consider together the emotional, intellectual, and spiritual dimensions of conflict. During their 25 years of home schooling their nine children, David and Shirley have had to work through a variety of conflicts.

Becoming "By Faith Families"
Is your desire to be a "by faith family" to live in the assurance and conviction of God's supernatural involvement in the life of your family? Is it your desire to see your children grow up in faith? David Quine will share insights into just such a life as he explains:

  • From Faith to Faith
  • Living in Light of the Unexpected
  • Living by faith not by sight.  

Christian Character: The Common Factor in Home Education  
Why do you home educate your children? Having our children demonstrate true Christian character is our highest goal. It is the main reason why most parents decide to teach their children at home in the first place. What is true Christian character and how is it developed in the life behaviors of our children? Silk flowers may look like real flowers, but don't be deceived. Without life, they are simply imitations! David and Shirley share from God's Word His plan for parents in helping our children mature into the true image of Christ.

Becoming the Man or Woman God Desires You to Be
This is first and foremost on the hearts of every dad and every mom at this convention. It is our desire that our sons and daughters become the men and women that God desires them to be. It is our prayer that they obey the Lord Jesus Christ not only in our presence, but even more so in our absence. What is the secret? David and Shirley will share principles from the Word of God to direct us in this most important task of raising our sons and daughters.

Our Children: A Letter of Christ to the Culture
What is it that we are praying that God will develop in the lives of our children? According to the apostle Paul we are letters of Christ; to the culture and this letter will be read by all men. What will those in the culture be reading as they come in contact with our children? David and Shirley will share insights from the Word of God regarding what God is desiring to write into our children's lives and hearts.

How To Teach for Knowledge, Understanding, and Wisdom
We have changed the location of teaching from the school to home, but have we changed the way we teach to best prepare our children to reason from the Biblical World View? David and Shirley will share an instructional strategy that will do just that! They will give specific examples from a variety of disciplines to demonstrate how to move beyond teaching information to understanding and wisdom.

How To Teach Math
If you desire your children to be more than a parrot mindlessly reciting the times tables, then learn the secret of giving understanding and meaning to your math instruction. David has been teaching parents how to teach math for more than 20 years. In this workshop he will share a three stage lesson plan that can be used with any math textbook at any grade level. This plan is simple and will transform your teaching of math by providing the understanding that your children so desperately need. Lights will finally come on in your children's minds! David is the author of Making Math Meaningful.

How To Teach Literature
Turn off the TV and share together a living book with your family! You may ask: What is are Living Books? Books that make for wonder! Books that make one kneel in reverence and respect! Books that challenge one to pursue trust in God! Make time to have shared moments by reading aloud with your family. Share the heartaches and joys of characters from Living Books tonight and every night with your family. When your family is grown, they will remember the joy of literature!

How To Teach Science (with Shirley Quine)
Science may be the most important subject you don't teach. Its time we move it out of the don't teach category and into the weekly curriculum. Convince me, you may be thinking. I will be glad to do just that. Foremost, the Bible teaches us that the very attributes of God are revealed through His creation. Did you know that modern science was born out of the Christian view of the world? It was. There is no better subject for teaching your children to reason than science. So maybe we should reconsider and put science into our week.

Let Us Highly Resolve (with Shirley Quine)
Preparing our children to stand firm in the 21st Century requires that we build their lives upon the foundation of Jesus Christ. What is it that we as parents must be committed to doing to accomplish this? David and Shirley share 7 resolves for discipling your children in the 21st Century.

Parents are the Best Teachers (with Shirley Quine)
Jesus said to "Go and make disciples of all nations…" Discipleship is the highest calling of a Christian. As home schooling parents we have the best opportunity to disciple our children. But what is discipleship? Am I qualified?  In his letter to the Christians living in Thessalonica the Apostle Paul explains that discipleship is parenting! In this presentation David and Shirley explain the role of each parent in the discipleship process. Don't be misled thinking you are not qualified. Parents are the best teachers.

The Pitfalls of Modern Classical Education (with Shirley Quine)
"Mommy, who do I pray to ... Jupiter or Jesus?" asked a young child after beginning a classical curriculum. Young children are singing songs about Greek and Roman gods and dressing up as them for role playing. One popular home school expert exhorts young mothers to rise early in the morning to read the works of Greek and Roman authors so they will be adequately prepared to teach their children. Whatever happened to Bible-centered home education? What is the ultimate source of wisdom ... Greek and Roman philosophers or Scripture? Shouldn’t your children have a thorough knowledge of our nation's unique history and God’s hand in it? Or should foreign and pagan cultures occupy most of their school years? Come learn how to avoid the pitfalls of classical education. 

The Poured Out Life (with Shirley Quine)

Christian Education for the New Millennium (with Shirley Quine)

David's Achievements
  • Homeschooling father of nine children, starting in 1980
  • Owner and co-founder: Cornerstone Curriculum
  • Author (curriculum): Making Math Meaningful
  • Author (curriculum, 4 volumes): Science: The Search
  • Author (curriculum, CDs): Music and Moments with the Masters
  • Author (curriculum, 3 volumes): Adventures in Art
  • Author (curriculum): Starting Points
  • Author (curriculum, 3 volumes): World Views of the Western World
  • Author: Answers for Difficult Days: Surviving the Storm of Secularism
  • Co-author: Let Us Highly Resolve
  • Co-author: A Heart 4 You China
Quine's Bio

David and Shirley Quine are nationally recognized speakers and authors. They began Cornerstone Curriculum, a Christian based educational curriculum, in 1984 to help parents disciple their children according to the Biblical world view.

David draws on 35 years of experience as a teacher, administrator, consultant, and author. As homeschooling parents, David and Shirley bring their personal experiences to present high content programs with challenge and encouragement. Their passion is to assist parents fulfill their part in the Great Commission by discipling their children. They give presentations to state conventions and local support groups. Their areas of expertise include Christian education, Biblical worldview thinking, discipleship, math and science education, and history, literature, music and art education from the Biblical world view. Together they have home educated their nine children in Richardson, Texas since 1980.

Date Created11/3/2008 11:44:12 PM
Date Modified8/16/2013 2:06:18 PM
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My hope is that this list will assist conference organizers in connecting with David Quine and other workshop leaders and speakers. Furthermore, my desire is to help homeschool workshop leaders and speakers develop relationships with more convention planners and audiences. May your efforts be for the glory of Christ and the strengthening of His saints.

Disclaimer:  Balancing the Sword makes no claims about the speakers' faith, ability, materials, etc.  This speaker profile information is being provided free of charge.  Please click the links and do your own research before issuing an invitation to your conference.  Postings are subject to change.


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