Nine Reasons We're Glad We Chose Home Education (with David Quine)
Whether you are considering home education for your children or whether you are trying to decide if you should continue, this time with David and Shirley will be instructive to your decision. When they first began home educating their oldest son Bryce in 1980, they thought they would do this for 2 or 3 years. Now after 20 years they realize that home education is not just an alternative, it's the very best form of education! Listen to the nine reasons why David and Shirley have come to this conclusion. Come! Be encouraged with their insights and experiences.
No Other Foundation (with David Quine)
Biblical Worldview and Classical education are popular buzzword phrases today. What do these phrases mean? As Christian home school parents, we desire our children to have well educated minds, but never at the expense of their faith in Christ. What is a Biblical worldview approach to classical education? David will give insight into a classical education with a clear biblical perspective. We must lay no other foundation.
Quine Family Photo Album (with David Quine)
Hear the personal stories of David and Shirley as they share from their hearts the struggles and successes they have had in the more than 20 years of home schooling their nine children. What is at the heart of home schooling for the Quines? Relationships! The principles they share will both encourage and equip you to more effectively home school your children!
How to Teach Music and Art (with David Quine)
Living in an age that is filled with that which is ugly, we must be lining the hearts and minds of our children with that which is truly beautiful. Studies in music and art can do just that. Studies in art and music should not be considered as extra to your daily curriculum. Make time to enjoy the beauty and richness of music and art together with your children. Its time your children will never forget .... its time you will cherish forever.
How to Teach Science (with David Quine)
Science may be the most important subject you don't teach. Its time we move it out of the don't teach category and into the weekly curriculum. Convince me, you may be thinking. I will be glad to do just that. Foremost, the Bible teaches us that the very attributes of God are revealed through His creation. Did you know that modern science was born out of the Christian view of the world? It was. There is no better subject for teaching your children to reason than science. So maybe we should reconsider and put science into our week.
Parents are the Best Teachers (with David Quine)
Jesus said to "Go and make disciples of all nations…" Discipleship is the highest calling of a Christian. As home schooling parents we have the best opportunity to disciple our children. But what is discipleship? Am I qualified? In his letter to the Christians living in Thessalonica the Apostle Paul explains that discipleship is parenting! In this presentation David and Shirley explain the role of each parent in the discipleship process. Don't be misled thinking you are not qualified. Parents are the best teachers.
Let Us Highly Resolve (with David Quine)
Preparing our children to stand firm in the 21st Century requires that we build their lives upon the foundation of Jesus Christ. What is it that we as parents must be committed to doing to accomplish this? David and Shirley share 7 resolves for discipling your children in the 21st Century.
The Pitfalls of Modern Classical Education (with David Quine)
"Mommy, who do I pray to ... Jupiter or Jesus?" asked a young child after beginning a classical curriculum. Young children are singing songs about Greek and Roman gods and dressing up as them for role playing. One popular home school expert exhorts young mothers to rise early in the morning to read the works of Greek and Roman authors so they will be adequately prepared to teach their children. Whatever happened to Bible-centered home education? What is the ultimate source of wisdom ... Greek and Roman philosophers or Scripture? Shouldn’t your children have a thorough knowledge of our nation's unique history and God’s hand in it? Or should foreign and pagan cultures occupy most of their school years? Come learn how to avoid the pitfalls of classical education.
Literature: Enriching Our Childrens' Hearts & Minds with Truth (with David Quine)
Stirring Hearts (with David Quine)
The Poured Out Life (with David Quine)
Christian Education for the New Millennium (with David Quine)