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Mrs. Donna Reish:  Homeschool Conference Speaker and Workshop Leader Details



Reish, Donna

Training for Triumph
6456 E US Hwy 224
Craigville, Indiana (IN)  46731
United States of America (US)

Keynote Presentations2013 Illinois Christian Home Educator's Annual State Convention (ICHE) (2013, IL)
Featured Presentations2011 27th Annual Fort Wayne Home Education Resource Expo (2011, IN)
Workshop Presentations2011 22nd Annual Heart of Illinois Convention for Home Educators (2011, IL)
2008 19th Annual Heart of Illinois Convention for Home Educators (2008, IL)
Presentation Titles & Descriptions

Family Unity
Ray and Donna Reish share how they have developed family unity in their family of seven children through family togetherness, family worship, family times, family work, family protection, and more. Lots of practical applications to make your children each others’ best friends - and to make them crazy about their parents!

Reaching the Heart of Your Teen
Ray and Donna Reish share what they have found to work in reaching and keeping the hearts of their teens. With six children ages thirteen through twenty-five right now (and one elementary boy), the Reishes have found some very specific keys to discipling and mentoring their teens and young adults.

Raising Children With Godly Character And A Love For The Lord (with Ray Reish)
Ray and Donna Reish talk about some key elements in raising children to have godly character and a love for Christ: They then move into specific character traits and how to develop those in your children (and things they believe cause children not to develop those) they will discuss the difference between teaching children to follow rules and teaching children to love the Lord and more. Specific character traits covered include responsibility, empathy, kindness, gentleness, resourcefulness,obedience, thoroughness, respect, and diligence.

Child Training of Younger Children

Laying the foundation for a successful homeschool and successful family relationships, Ray and Donna Reish teach parents how to train young children in obedience, diligence, kindness, responsibility, and much more.

Discipling and Mentoring Your Children
More about discipling and mentoring children—beginning with elementary age and moving into young adults. This workshop, which can be presented by Ray or Donna Reish (or the two), is for those with all ages of children, describing how to begin reaching the heart of your younger children while still maintaining discipline, then how to move into a mentoring role with your older teens and young adults.

The Well-Trained Heart
This very newest workshop(s) presented by Ray and Donna Reish and based on their upcoming book, The Well-Trained Heart, may be one to a dozen sessions in length! The basic, beginning session is that of “The Whys and How’s of Heart Training”—what the Bible says about heart training, general principles in heart training, the importance of heart training, the trend towards neglecting heart training in favor of academic training and activities, and much more. The remaining sessions may be any chapters from The Well-Trained Heart.

Child Training in the Christian Homeschool
Donna Reish delivers this child training workshop in which she touches on the main aspects of child training that affect a family’s home school success in the daily ins and outs. She exposes the child-run home and explains how to counter it. Especially suited for parents of children twelve and under.

Training Children to Be Diligent Workers
Donna Reish goes beyond a daily chore chart (though that is certainly a part of it) to explain the basics of raising diligent workers in the home. She has found several keys that have made her children not just “chore doers” but responsible, diligent children at early ages. (Much of this information is also included in part three of the character series.)

Babies and Toddlers
Donna Reish examines two extremes of parenting babies in home school circles: child run and authoritarian (extreme parent-controlled). Donna gives a gentle balance between the two for the newborn baby---and how to keep babies and toddlers from becoming self-centered children, self-absorbed teens, and selfish adults. She explains how she and her husband gently incorporated babies and toddlers into their home school lifestyle--while still meeting the needs of the other children—without falling into the trap of either extreme.

Home Schooling Preschoolers and Kindergarteners
Donna Reish continues the parent-led advice for young parents and tells them how to train preschoolers and kindergarteners in character, obedience, love of learning, diligence, and more---before beginning “academics.”

Day in the Life of a Preschooler or Kindergartener
Donna Reish uses her upcoming children’s book, Jonathan’s Journal, to show parents of preschoolers and kindergarteners what boundaries, structure, attention, love, and learning look like in the day of her young son—and how homeschooling parents can duplicate this balanced approach in their families.

Prioritizing Your Life, School, and Home (part 1)
The first session in this three part series "prioritizing" is a needful topic for home school moms and dads. In this life-changing and popular session, Donna Reish teaches parents how to prioritize their lives, schools, and homes---the difference between a priority and a desire, how to find God’s best for your family, how and when to say no, and more. This session is especially appropriate for fathers and mothers to attend together.

Organizing Your Life, School, and Home (part 2)
The next session, organizing - takes prioritizing a step further and shows how to live your priorities out by organizing your home school day, housework, school work, and more. This session also includes tips for helping children become organized, diligent workers, including information about chore charts and daily checklists.

Scheduling Your Life, School, and Home (part 3)
Finally, Donna Reish focuses on scheduling your school day in many scenarios - putting character first. She also teaches how to face various scheduling challenges, such as scheduling with babies; multi level scheduling; and various curriculum-focused scheduling. This session also includes tips for helping children become organized, diligent workers, including information about chore charts and daily checklists.

Schooling the Preschooler and Kindergartener
Donna Reish gives some surprising news about preschoolers and kindergarteners - the first skill they should be taught is obedience! She explains how to follow an order in teaching this age that focuses on the truly important things, how to enjoy these years, and more.

Multi-Level Teaching
This workshop focuses on unit study approaches with many levels of children. Especially geared towards moms with children of ages birth through age fourteen, Donna Reish trains parents in scheduling, room time for younger children, the bus stop approach for adding in and deleting various ages of children at certain points of study, keeping little ones busy, older children helping younger ones, and much more.

Teaching Using Unit Studies
The how’s and why’s of unit studies, as well as some of the downfalls and how to overcome those downfalls. Donna Reish, who has taught various unit studies for twenty years, describes different unit studies, such as chronological, literature-based, topic-based, and character-based. She describes how to implement the unit study approach with various ages of children, evaluating middle school students’ “unit study” work when tests and worksheets are not widely used, developing oral comprehension to aid in unit study effectiveness, the bus stop approach for teaching older children with younger children, and how to know when a child needs more independent study instead of the unit study.

So You’re Gonna Home School
Donna Reish (or Ray or both) encourages beginning home schoolers, giving them the information they need to begin to home school successfully - and enjoy their children at home. In this helpful session, she explains using statistics and studies why homeschooling is superior. Then she explains the top ten things new homeschoolers need to know and/or do, such as setting up a homeschooling schedule, choosing activities wisely, teaching like Jesus, keeping records, and much more.

Home Schooling Your High Schooler
After graduating three students from her family’s homeschool, Donna Reish (or Ray or the two) explains many aspects of home schooling high schoolers that they has found to be successful, including mentoring, training towards a student’s bent, helping young teens be successful, training teens to serve, and more. Donna will touch on transcript writing as well.

Teaching Like Jesus
Jesus was the Master Teacher; Donna Reish (or Ray or the two) explains how home school moms (and dads!) can teach like Jesus. In this session, the Reishes pull out various examples in Scriptures of how Jesus teaches and how the Bible says we should teach and apply them to help homeschooling parents become “master” teachers. We can’t go wrong in our homeschools when we teach and act like Jesus!

Top Twenty From Twenty
Our Top Twenty Pieces of Advice From Twenty Years of Home Schooling---Our new and very popular workshop; Ray and Donna Reish (or either one alone) share the Reishes’ top twenty pieces of advice---from teaching children to read to teaching children to get along with each other---from twenty years of home school. This can be done in one hour (with tidbits of advice from all twenty areas) - or several (going into detail about many of the twenty pieces of advice) or somewhere in between (i.e a Part I and Part II workshop, etc.).

Teaching Reading
Donna’s master’s work is in reading specialist, but she learned how to teach reading by “doing the stuff.” Donna Reish helps build confidence in the home schooling mom to teach her children to read, including developing pre-reading skills naturally in the preschoolers, what readiness to learn to read is and what it is not; the basics of reading instruction; phonics vs. whole language; how to build comprehension skills; choosing readers; and more.

Teaching Language Arts
Donna Reish shares what she has found to be the ideal order for language arts instruction in the home school, In this workshop, Donna takes language arts instruction year by year from preschool through twelfth grades—area by area (listening, comprehension, reading, grammar, speech, writing, literature, and more). She details the important connection between grammar and composition; the value of a directed writing approach; and many, many practical teaching tips for language arts based on her six years of experience of writing twenty language arts and composition books for two home school suppliers - and her twenty-two years of homeschooling (beginning with her younger sister).

Teaching Writing
Donna Reish explains how to teach composition, including applying grammar to composition; the importance and how to’s of outlining; various composition types; writing meaningful reports and essays; using age-appropriate source material; various outlining techniques; teaching writing with a directed writing approach, and more, based on her six years of experience of writing over twenty language arts and composition books for two home school suppliers.

The Timed Essay/the Five Paragraph Essay (for SAT and other quick writing preparation)
Donna Reish teaches parents (or teens) how to write a strong SAT or other timed essay including how to practice at home; what the graders are looking for; the importance of organization; time management techniques; building a background of knowledge; and more.

How to Teach Study Skills and Comprehension
Donna or Joshua Reish explains how to teach your students to learn including how to encourage and build comprehension; how to teach mnemonics and other retention techniques; choosing books; the importance of questions and verbal interchange in building comprehension; teaching children to think via discussions; building a background of experience; thinking to write and writing to think; and more. (Kayla also available for this workshop May through August.)

Editing and Grammar Essentials
Donna Reish teaches home school moms how to edit their students’ writings and help their students learn to edit and revise themselves including content editing and usage editing, as well as using checklists to revise and improve writing. The handout and checklist provided in this workshop are great helps to homeschool moms.

Developing a Love for Learning in Your Home School—This topic may be one session in length - or several sessions (preferred)
Donna Reish draws on her twenty plus years of home schooling—and developing a love for learning in her seven children---to help home school parents see how they can have children who love learning and enjoy home schooling. She includes information on the importance of beginning early in developing a love for learning (as opposed to a disdain for multiple workbooks at a young age); the influence of free time and frivolities on love for learning; the value of reading aloud; building comprehension to build enjoyment of learning; how hands on learning encourages a love for learning; modeling love for learning; creating learning memories; the fun and value of family learning times; how to develop a home school lifestyle; the effects of peers on love for learning; developing study skills; spiritual training at various times; teaching multiple children and multiple learning styles; and much more.

How to Start Speech and Debate Clubs and Classes
Ray, Donna, or Kayla Reish each can present this workshop explaining how to teach speech and debate in your home, in a class, or with a newly-found club. This is the place to start if you want to introduce your attendees to speech and debate.

Teaching Beginning Speech
Ray, Donna, Joshua, Kayla, or Cami Reish each can present this session teaching students and parents how to write and deliver a speech in twelve easy-to-follow steps.

How to Teach Language Arts With a Composition and Character-Based Focus
Donna Reish, author of twenty language arts and composition books for two home school providers, introduces home school parents to an all inclusive (spelling, vocabulary, grammar, and composition) approach to language arts with a character focus for second through twelfth grade students. Character Quality Language Arts uses character materials to teach all areas of language arts with a heavy emphasis on composition through the directed writing approach---an approach where students (and home school teachers) are taken through the writing process step by step from outlining through editing and revising (with a revision checklist) to final product. Come and find out why thousands of home schoolers are using Training for Triumph’s language arts curricula after just two years of availability to all home schoolers.

Top 20 From 20
the Top 20 Products We Have Used in 20 Years of Home Schooling: Confused about the hundreds of thousands of items available at home school conventions? Not sure which readers are truly phonetic based and which are too difficult for your young reader? Looking for the one creation science book for the entire family? Want to know which character materials and Bible programs are the best? Looking for one set of biographies to purchase for history and writing source material? The Reish family, owners of Training for Triumph, share the twenty products that they began using with their older children, and still use today! These products, from a variety of suppliers, are the best of the best. From readers to creation science books to fun tapes and more, find out which materials are these experienced home school parents’ (and their students’!) favorites - and how to implement these products in your home school.

Language Arts Workshops

In addition to workshop topics, Donna is available for an all day or half day language arts workshop. In this workshop, depending on the time available, Donna covers such topics as the following:

   1. The grammar and composition connection—the importance of teaching grammar hand-in-hand with composition.
   2. How to teach composition.
   3. Using the Key Word Outline approach.
   4. Editing and Revising Essays.
   5. The timed essay.
   6. How to teach language arts using an integrated approach (CQLA).
   7. Editing sessions (in which parents bring papers for Donna to help them edit).

Character Training in the Homeschool—the Five W’s (with Ray Reish) (part 1)
Ray and Donna Reish will be giving the introductory session of their “Character Training From the Heart” seminar in this session. They will introduce character training in this “Who, What, When, Where, and Why” session. This is a good session for parents of babies through young adults.

Character Training in the Homeschool—the How’s (with Ray Reish) (part 2)
Ray and Donna Reish will be giving the second session of their “Character Training from the Heart” seminar in this session. They will instruct in the How’s of Character Training, including character “interval training,” Bible and faith teaching, applying character and Christian living to the home and its relationships, reaching your kids’ hearts, and more.

Donna's Achievements

Homeschooling mother of seven for over 20 years
Author (amongst over 20 books):  Character Quality Language Arts
Author for Advanced Training Institute
Editor, speaker and author for Training for Triumph
Teaches language arts classes
Degree in Elementary Education from Ball State University
Master's work in Reading Education from Ball State University

Reish's Bio

Donna Reish is married to Ray Reish, with whom she often speaks.
She is a homeschool mother of seven, author, editor and public speaker for Training for Triumph, a ministry and publishing company for homeschoolers. Donna has written nearly thirty language arts and composition books for TFT's publishing company, as well as for the Advanced Training Institute. Donna's undergraduate degree is in elementary education from Ball State University, and her master's work is in reading education also from BSU.

Date Created11/3/2008 11:44:12 PM
Date Modified3/14/2013 4:04:48 PM
(click here if map not visible above)

My hope is that this list will assist conference organizers in connecting with Donna Reish and other workshop leaders and speakers. Furthermore, my desire is to help homeschool workshop leaders and speakers develop relationships with more convention planners and audiences. May your efforts be for the glory of Christ and the strengthening of His saints.

Disclaimer:  Balancing the Sword makes no claims about the speakers' faith, ability, materials, etc.  This speaker profile information is being provided free of charge.  Please click the links and do your own research before issuing an invitation to your conference.  Postings are subject to change.


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