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Mr. Ray Reish:  Homeschool Conference Speaker and Workshop Leader Details



Reish, Ray

Training for Triumph
6456 E US Hwy 224
Craigville, Indiana (IN)  46731
United States of America (US)

Keynote Presentations2013 Illinois Christian Home Educator's Annual State Convention (ICHE) (2013, IL)
Featured Presentations2011 27th Annual Fort Wayne Home Education Resource Expo (2011, IN)
Workshop Presentations2011 22nd Annual Heart of Illinois Convention for Home Educators (2011, IL)
2008 19th Annual Heart of Illinois Convention for Home Educators (2008, IL)
Presentation Titles & Descriptions

Meeting the Needs of Your Wife and Children
Ray Reish looks at the primary needs of a home school wife and children and explains how to meet these needs by focusing on them over less important things. Ray will explain practical ways to meet needs at various stages and ages—and how to continue to be one with your wife in a busy homeschool family. Very motivating and enlightening.

Teaching the Bible to Your Children Without Pressure
Ray Reish gives home school dads the courage to dig into the Bible with their families - without a Bible degree or the pressure that they aren’t doing it right! Ray shares dozens and dozens of fun and non-pressured ways the Bible has been brought into his homeschool over the past twenty years - and how to make God’s Word and its teachings the center of your school and life.

Raising Children With Godly Character And A Family Altar, Family Devotions: How Can I Do It All? (with Donna Reish)
Ray and Donna Reish talk about some key elements in raising children to have godly character and a love for Christ: They then move into specific character traits and how to develop those in your children (and things they believe cause children not to develop those) they will discuss the difference between teaching children to follow rules and teaching children to love the Lord and more. Specific character traits covered include responsibility, empathy, kindness, gentleness, resourcefulness,obedience, thoroughness, respect, and diligence.

Homeschooling Your High Schooler (with Donna Reish)
After graduating three students from their family’s homeschool, Ray and Donna Reish will explain many aspects of homeschooling high schoolers which they have found to be successful, including mentoring, training toward a student’s bent, helping young teens be successful, training teens to serve, and more. Donna will touch on transcript writing as well.

The Successful Home Schooling Father
Ray Reish shares several components that have, in the eyes of his wife and children, made him a successful home schooling father. Fathers everywhere can be successful in their home schooling efforts when they learn to die to themselves and serve their families as opposed to ruling them.

Family Worship, Family Altar, Family Devotions
How Can I Do It All? Ray Reish gives dads the encouragement they need to “do the next right thing” - and not be overwhelmed by the “advice overload” that makes sharing Christ with our children more complicated and out of reach than it really is. In this workshop, Ray discusses family devotions, family read alouds, family worship, family prayer time, teaching our children about God constantly, teaching our children to love the Lord, and training children to have an others-first mindset. Dads can go home and begin immediately doing “the next right thing” - without being perfect or following an elaborate system.

Marriage by the Book
In this marriage workshop, Ray Reish (or Ray and Donna) describes how he has applied Scriptures about marriage, selflessness, and deference to their marriage to develop marital oneness. More than another “rule and reign” and “respect and obey” workshop, this one focuses on truly loving and giving—from both the husband and the wife. This approach to marriage makes the “ruling” and “respecting” come much more naturally!

Reaching the Heart of Your Teen (with Donna Reish)
Ray and Donna Reish share what they have found to work in reaching and keeping the hearts of their teens. With six children ages thirteen through twenty-five right now (and one elementary boy), the Reishes have found some very specific keys to discipling and mentoring their teens and young adults.

Child Training of Younger Children
Laying the foundation for a successful homeschool and successful family relationships, Ray teaches parents how to train young children in obedience, diligence, kindness, responsibility, and much more.

Discipling and Mentoring Your Children
More about discipling and mentoring children—beginning with elementary age and moving into young adults. This workshop, which can be presented by Ray or Donna Reish (or the two), is for those with all ages of children, describing how to begin reaching the heart of your younger children while still maintaining discipline, then how to move into a mentoring role with your older teens and young adults.

The Well-Trained Heart
This very newest workshop(s) presented by Ray and Donna Reish and based on their upcoming book, The Well-Trained Heart, may be one to a dozen sessions in length! The basic, beginning session is that of “The Whys and How’s of Heart Training”—what the Bible says about heart training, general principles in heart training, the importance of heart training, the trend towards neglecting heart training in favor of academic training and activities, and much more. The remaining sessions may be any chapters from The Well-Trained Heart.

Top Twenty From Twenty
Our Top Twenty Pieces of Advice From Twenty Years of Home Schooling---Our new and very popular workshop; Ray and Donna Reish (or either one alone) share the Reishes’ top twenty pieces of advice---from teaching children to read to teaching children to get along with each other---from twenty years of home school. This can be done in one hour (with tidbits of advice from all twenty areas) - or several (going into detail about many of the twenty pieces of advice) or somewhere in between (i.e a Part I and Part II workshop, etc.).

How to Start Speech and Debate Clubs and Classes
Ray, Donna, or Kayla Reish each can present this workshop explaining how to teach speech and debate in your home, in a class, or with a newly-found club. This is the place to start if you want to introduce your attendees to speech and debate.

Teaching Beginning Debate
Ray, Joshua, or Kayla Reish teaches the basics of policy debate for those interested in learning what debate is all about. Good overview of the basics of homeschool debate.

Teaching Beginning Speech
Ray, Donna, Joshua, Kayla, or Cami Reish each can present this session teaching students and parents how to write and deliver a speech in twelve easy-to-follow steps.

Character Training in the Homeschool—the Five W’s (with Donna Reish) (part 1)
Ray and Donna Reish will be giving the introductory session of their “Character Training From the Heart” seminar in this session. They will introduce character training in this “Who, What, When, Where, and Why” session. This is a good session for parents of babies through young adults.

Character Training in the Homeschool—the How’s (with Donna Reish) (part 2)
Ray and Donna Reish will be giving the second session of their “Character Training from the Heart” seminar in this session. They will instruct in the How’s of Character Training, including character “interval training,” Bible and faith teaching, applying character and Christian living to the home and its relationships, reaching your kids’ hearts, and more.

Ray's Achievements

Homeschooling father of seven.
Director and owner: Training for Triumph Family Ministries
Co-author:  The Well Trained Heart: A Guide to the Relational Approach to Homeschooling
Has also co-authored speech and debate materials
Degree in Accounting from Ball State University (He is a CPA and CMA)
Master's level work in Business and Bible

Reish's Bio

Ray Reish is married to Donna Reish, with whom he often speaks.
He is a homeschool father of seven, director of Training for Triumph, a ministry and publishing company for homeschoolers, as well as materials manager at a local plastics plant. Ray's undergraduate degree is from Ball State University in accounting, and he has done master's work in business and Bible. Ray is a CPA and CMA and has been in management his entire career.

Date Created11/3/2008 11:44:12 PM
Date Modified3/14/2013 4:07:10 PM
(click here if map not visible above)

My hope is that this list will assist conference organizers in connecting with Ray Reish and other workshop leaders and speakers. Furthermore, my desire is to help homeschool workshop leaders and speakers develop relationships with more convention planners and audiences. May your efforts be for the glory of Christ and the strengthening of His saints.

Disclaimer:  Balancing the Sword makes no claims about the speakers' faith, ability, materials, etc.  This speaker profile information is being provided free of charge.  Please click the links and do your own research before issuing an invitation to your conference.  Postings are subject to change.


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