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Mr. Mike Snavely:  Homeschool Conference Speaker and Workshop Leader Details



Phone 2
Snavely, Mike

Mike Snavely, President, Mission: Imperative!
411 Darlington Avenue
Jonestown, Pennsylvania (PA)  17038
United States of America (US)

Fax: 717-865-2095
Keynote PresentationsHomeschoolers of Maine (HOME) Convention (2008)
Featured PresentationsTeach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention - Nashville (2013, TN)
Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention - Spartanburg (2013, SC)
2012 Home Educators Association of Virginia State Convention (2012, VA)
24th Annual NDHSA Convention (2012, ND)
Workshop Presentations8th Annual 2013 Greater St. Louis Area Home Educators Expo (2013, MO)
Presentation Titles & Descriptions

Passing on the torch
This session concentrates on the importance of passing on a Christian world view to the next generation, be it our own children or others with whom we interact. It defines how a world view works, and offers a series of practical steps to laying a strong, biblical foundation through what we’ve called “The 7 Cs of History”. (45 minutes)

The Pillars of Evolution
In this session we define science, and illustrate the scientific method of problem solving. In the light of true science, the three main concepts that the theory of evolution is based upon are examined and shown to be faith-based rather than science-based. The purpose of this session is not only to show that science does not support evolutionary theory, but also to give Christians some tools with which to combat the theory. (1 hour)

The Hunters and the Hunted, Part 1
Animal life, in all of its fascinating aspects, provides the verification for creation. Romans 1:20 indicates that there is so much evidence available by studying anything in the natural world around us, that there is no excuse for not believing it. Part 1 of this series takes a look at certain intriguing animals, considers the size of creatures relative to their environment, and introduces instinct as absolute proof against the random and unexplained presumptions of evolution. (40 minutes)

The Hunters and the Hunted, Part 2
Part 2 is a continuation of the themes of Part 1, and is a world-wide photo safari of creatures that defy the evolution scenario. (35 minutes)

The Return to Genesis
This is a look at why the Genesis record is so vital to a sound understanding, not only of the origins of the world as we know it, but also of the major New Testament doctrines. We show why the creation days were literal, 24-hour periods - not millions of years. This session also includes a contrast of the results of a society that teaches evolution as opposed to the creation model. (40-45 minutes)

Are Birds Highly Evolved Dinosaurs?
This session tackles this issue that’s popular today and is based on the findings of certain fossils, particularly those coming from China. No, birds are not highly evolved dinosaurs, and this session tells why. (1 hour)

The Horror of the Flood!
Could you explain where the water for a world-wide flood would have come from, and where it all went?! Understanding the flood (the purpose, the causes, the aftermath and the evidence) is very important to a biblically sound creation model. This session covers all the basics about this event, and also includes a video and PowerPoint presentation on the Hydroplate Theory, a biblically accurate and scientifically feasible portrayal of the how of the flood event. (1 hour)

The Mystery of the Dinosaurs
A hot topic for today! This session provides a biblical alternative to the standard explanation for these creatures, and answers the basic questions everyone has on the subject - What were dinosaurs? When did they really live? What really happened to them? Does the Bible talk about them?, etc. (1 hour)

Lost Secrets of the Ancient Civilizations
The biblical and the secular views of the origins of man are diametrically opposed to each other, as are the two views of mans activities in the past. Ancient civilizations indicate a high level of accomplishment - something to be expected if we were created good at the beginning, but labeled mysterious by those who believe in a four-million-year process. However, all great civilizations of the past have collapsed. Why? Does the Bible have anything to say about this? (45 minutes)

Fearfully & Wonderfully Made
Geared more toward children, and thematically similar to sessions 2 and 3, this is a look at fascinating aspects of the human body. (two 30-minute segments)

Are Birds Highly Evolved Dinosaurs?
This session tackles this issue thats popular today and is based on the findings of certain fossils, particularly those coming from China. No, birds are not highly evolved dinosaurs, and this session tells why. (1 hour)

Was the Flood Global, or just Localized?
The title says it all. This session shows why the flood was indeed global and answers some of the main criticisms and arguments to the contrary. (1 hour)

Repulsive beasts, right? Perhaps, but spiders have incredible abilities. They are marvels of design and very beneficial to mankind. This session takes a fun and fascinating look at these creatures in a new light. (Will you hesitate to squish the ones you see in your house after seeing this session? No, probably not!) (1 hour)

Man has invented many incredible machines over the years, most of which serve specific purposes. However, in many cases, man did not originate the invention God did! He created creatures that can do amazing things, and man has found ways of copying nature for his own benefit. (1 hour)

How "Evolutionized" are you?
This is a multiple-choice quiz! - designed as an interactive activity for a whole group. Twenty questions are placed on a screen, with various possible answers. Sometimes the correct answer will surprise you. Designed as an enjoyable activity, it will also help to sharpen what you really know about the creation issue.

Teen Track: Creation Seminar, part 1
The Pillars of Evolution In this session we define science, and illustrate it through several experiments. In the light of true science, the four main concepts that the theory of evolution is based upon are examined and shown to be faith-based rather than science-based. The purpose of this session is not only to show that science does not support Darwinian evolutionary theory, but also to give Christians some tools to help them understand the issues more clearly.

Teen Track: Creation Seminar, part 2
The Flood Understanding the flood (the purpose, the causes, the aftermath & the evidence) is very important to the understanding of a biblically sound creation model. This session covers all the basics about this event, and also includes a video and PowerPoint presentation on the Hydroplate Theory, which is the most biblically and scientifically accurate portrayal of the flood event that we have seen.

Teen Track: Creation Seminar, part 3 - Aunt Lucy?
If humans have been evolving from ape-like creatures for millions of years, there should be a substantial number of clear bones that could be used as evidence of this. What evidence is there? As it turns out, not much! In fact, the evidence is stunningly sparse, being limited to a few fossilized bones. However, many of these are misinterpreted and exaggerated, and some are outright fakes. This session exposes much of this.

Teen Track: Creation Seminar, part 4 - Ancient Civilizations
This session contrasts the evolution model with the creation model from a historic standpoint through a look at what many ancient cultures were able to accomplish. It contrasts some of these civilizations to our own.

The Puzzle of the Grand Canyon - A Tale of Two Lakes
The Grand Canyon is one of the most breathtaking, and perplexing, sites in the USA. Standard geological explanations for its formation are incorrect, and most creationists have overlooked some major pieces of the puzzle. Amazingly, what carved the canyon also explains most of the fascinating geological features in the entire area (e.g. Monument Valley, The Petrified Forest, Canyonlands & Arches, Canyon de Chelley, etc.). Furthermore, they all formed very quickly! What happened?! (1 hour)

Lost Secrets of the Ancient Civilizations
The biblical and the secular views of the origins of man are diametrically opposed to each other, as are the two views of man’s activities in the past. Ancient civilizations indicate a high level of accomplishment - something to be expected if we were created “good” at the beginning, but labeled “mysterious” by those who believe in a four-million-year process. However, all great civilizations of the past have collapsed. Why? Does the Bible have anything to say about this? (1 hour)

Spiders! Spiders! Spiders!
Repulsive beasts, right? Perhaps, but spiders have incredible abilities. They are marvels of design and very beneficial to mankind. This session takes a fun and fascinating look at these creatures in a new light. Will you hesitate to squish the ones you see in your house after seeing this session? No, probably not! But outside? That’s another matter!

The Stricken Earth
The earth is wearing out, just like the Bible said it would. However, the earth is undergoing other changes that have nothing to do with “getting old”. Why do volcanoes erupt? Why are there earthquakes, and tsunamis? Why do rocks fall from the sky and strike the ground? Is the earth warming? If so, why? The answers are all related, and might surprise you!

Mike's Achievements
  • President:  Mission: Imperative!
  • Author:  Creation or Evolution: A Home-Study Curriculum
  • Former teacher:  Durban Bible College
  • Former African wildlife artist
  • Former park ranger in South Africa
Snavely's Bio

Mike Snavely was reared in rural South Africa, the son of missionary parents. His father was a bush pilot for a remote hospital station among the Zulu people. Throughout his life he has been fascinated with wildlife and had a wide variety of interesting experiences growing up in that region, including a vast array of "pets". After graduating from Oak Hills Christian College in Minnesota in 1979, he returned to South Africa to work for the National Parks Service in the world-famous Kruger Park. Following this, he began a career as an African wildlife artist.

In 1985 he married Carrie Baum who grew up near Hershey, Pa. Carrie attended Lancaster Bible College and was an executive secretary for the Pa. Turnpike Commission before becoming a full-time mom.

In 1986 they returned to South Africa with TEAM (The Evangelical Alliance Mission) and served by teaching at Durban Bible College. Since returning to the U.S. they have developed a ministry of teaching subjects related to creation, in seminar format, using nature and wildlife as a basis. They founded this ministry in 1995 as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation, after several years of informal teaching on the subject.

Mike and Carrie have three children - Luke (1986), John (1989) and Laura (1991) - who are home-educated.

Date Created11/3/2008 11:44:12 PM
Date Modified9/4/2013 2:48:08 PM
(click here if map not visible above)

My hope is that this list will assist conference organizers in connecting with Mike Snavely and other workshop leaders and speakers. Furthermore, my desire is to help homeschool workshop leaders and speakers develop relationships with more convention planners and audiences. May your efforts be for the glory of Christ and the strengthening of His saints.

Disclaimer:  Balancing the Sword makes no claims about the speakers' faith, ability, materials, etc.  This speaker profile information is being provided free of charge.  Please click the links and do your own research before issuing an invitation to your conference.  Postings are subject to change.


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