Drawing with Children
Drawing is an important tool for everyone. It teaches fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, scientific observation skills, and right-brain thinking. This session will teach you how to implement drawing into your school, even if you cant draw a straight line. We will also take a few minutes to do a practice drawing and learn how to switch on our right brain. Session will conclude with demonstration of dry brush technique.
The Joy of Learning (and Teaching) with Unit Studies
Many people love the idea of unit studies, but are scared to try them. Misty Spinelli will show you how to tackle unit studies with ease. She will discuss exactly what a unit study is and why children learn so much better with this method. But most importantly she will teach you how to do it, and show you the many products that are out there to help along the way. This seminar will inspire you to leave the textbooks behind and venture forth into the joy of unit studies.
Getting Started on the Right Foot (phonics and math for preschoolers)
Are you excited about starting your preschooler off with the right amount of academics and fun? This workshop will help you sort through the educational philosophies which concern this age group. We will look at the history of education for children under age 6, and consider whether delaying or starting early is best for your child. Misty will review the best of the math and phonics materials that are out there, so that you will come away knowledgeable about where to begin with your little one.
Choosing Curriculum - Where to Start?
The homeschool curricula explosion has created a dilemma over what to buy each year. This workshop, presented by Growing Scholars, will guide homeschoolers through a process which will help them narrow the field of choice through goal setting and analysis of learning styles. Misty provides a wealth of information and resource to those getting started homeschooling or those reevaluating their curriculum choices.
Seven Steps to Choosing Curricula
Does the homeschool curricula explosion have you in tears over the increasingly difficult decision of what to buy each year? This workshop will guide you step by step through a process which will help you dry your eyes and move on with your schooling. It will show you how to apply what you already know about yourself and your children to weed out many of the options and zero in on what is important to you and your homeschool.
Real Books Approach to Teaching Early Elementary
Are you looking for a different way to homeschool than textbooks and workbooks? There's nothing wrong at all with using textbooks and workbooks, but if you are ready to try a more integrated approach to learning and are somewhat hesitant to jump in and do it, come find out how to make the transition easy and simple. Using real books to do school is a great way for the whole family to learn together! This particular workshop is geared toward those with children in kindergarten through fourth grade.
The GRAIN of Your Homeschool
Getting back to basics sometimes means more work, but it also means we get more out of it. This seminar will help you focus on the direction God intends for your homeschool. You will set Goals so you can see the recipe God has already set for you. Learn to Relax and wait so your bread will rise. Learn where to find the Answers when things don't always work out. Develop the hard work needed to Instruct the will of a child. And come to understand the importance of the Nourishment your children are receiving from you.
Who or What is Charlotte Mason?
You have heard her name mentioned , but what do people actually mean by the Charlotte Mason style of teaching? Misty Spinelli, of Growing Scholars, will help you understand the woman, her ideals and how to implement her philosophies in your homeschool.
Educate Yourself First
Before you take on the task of educating your children, you must first educate yourself about education. Get started with this seminar, presented by Misty Spinelli, which will explain the different educational philosophies, including: classical, unit studies, traditional, Charlotte Mason, and more. Learn the importance of setting goals, and discovering your childs learning style.
Learning More About Educating Your Child
The workshop will focus on educational philosophies, implementation and learning styles. The purpose is to provide an understanding of these different topics in order to enable parents who homeschool their children how to choose the curricula with more ease and assurance.
Why You Can't Go Wrong...with Home-schooling
Many moms question their ability to homeschool, or when already homeschooling, question whether they are doing a good job when life interferes with the planned schedule. A new baby, a move to a new house, sick grandparents, job loss for Dad, marriage difficulties, a challenging child.. any of these things can make the typical mom question whether or not homeschooling is best for her child. In this inspirational workshop, Misty points out why, even among all of lifes obstacles, you cant go wrong with homeschooling when youre following the Holy Spirits direction to homeschool your child.
Getting Started Homeschooling
Nature Journaling
Learning to Draw: the Importance of Observation and Right-Brain Thinking