And You Fathers, Do Not Provoke
Is our goal to raise well-behaved children who will get a good job? This seminar will challenge fathers that our calling is far more challenging--we are to raise our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
Calling Them Blessed
Education, G. K. Chesterton said, is nothing more than parents passing on their convictions to their children. Nothing, in turn, blesses a parent more than when their children embrace those convictions. As we mature, our calling is to honor our parents more, not less; to rise up and call them blessed, by passing on God's wisdom to the next generation.
The Goal of Education
Could it be that the education wars exist not because of differences in strategy, but because of differences in goals? Education exists not to create prosperous members of society, but to equip citizens of the heavenly society. This seminar will explore the calling of Christian parents not to raise those who will make their way in the world, but those who will make war on the world, who will seek first the kingdom of God.
Parents: God's Chosen Teachers
Do we homeschool simply because we think we will do better than the local schools? Do we homeschool simply because we enjoy it? Do we homeschool because it is the cheaper option? We ought to homechool for one simple reason: God calls us to it, in His Word, in Deuteronomy chapter 6. This seminar will argue that the same God who calls us to this sacred task in turn equips us for it, for the building of His kingdom.
The Three 'Gs'
Too often Christians fight the culture wars by clamoring for the world as it was 30 years ago. We are more conservative than those Christians, rightly rejecting all the political correctness and New Age gobbledy-gook of the state schools, but wrongly longing for reading, 'riting and 'rithmetic. The Bible instead argues, again in Deuteronomy 6, that we are to teach our children the three G's: Who God is, what God has done and what God requires. This seminar will argue that the Bible isn't the "foundation" of our curriculum, but "is" our curriculum.
Education Is Conversation
Just as with the secular realm, the homeschool movement is awash in pedagogical theories. But is education really all that complicated? God tells parents in Deuteronomy 6 - it is simply talking with our children.
Creation, Recreation, and Economics: Why the Truth That God Owns Everything Changes Everything
Exploring themes from his teaching series “Economics for Everybody,” Dr. RC Sproul, Jr., will explore what the Bible tells us about work, wealth, and the world.
Approaching Education Biblically: What is the Purpose of a College Education?