How to Write Goals and Objectives
The maxim that “if one is aiming for nothing, one always reaches it!” is a true statement. This very practical workshop will teach parents how to articulate and to evaluate quantifiable cognitive, behavioral, and affective (i.e., spiritual) goals. Participant will leave with many helpful handouts including goals and objectives from all the core subjects.
Worldview is in the Star Wars Trilogy
Contemporary Americans normally obtain their world view from the media. Dr. Stobaugh, by examining the Star Wars Trilogy, identifies and explains the most common worldviews in contemporary America. He then shows his workshop participants how they can use these new insights to pray for their unsaved neighbors and friends. The audience will look at several movie clips
Home Schooling and the New Generation ‘Me’
Meet "The Entitlement Generation”. They are storming into schools, colleges, and businesses all over the country. They are today's young people, a new generation with sky-high expectations and a need for fulfillment. They are ‘tolerant’, confident, open-minded, and ambitious. This thought-provoking workshop examines how our home school community can minister to, and perhaps learn from, Generation Me.
SAT and ACT Preparation for Christian Students
Doing their best on the SAT and ACT helps prepare our children to be the kind of Christians who change their world no matter the obstacles. In light of the changes to the new SAT I,
this workshop is especially relevant. Finally, Pastor Stobaugh will share insights concerning the essay portion of the SAT I and details about the ACT. (He is a certified SAT and ACT grader.) Dr. James Stobaugh was a Merrill Fellow at Harvard University, has a B.A. from Vanderbilt, and M.A. from Rutgers, an M. Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary, and a D. Min. from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He is a certified SAT and ACT grader, the founder of For Such a Time as This ministry, and a homeschool father.
A Fire That Burns But Does Not Consume
This workshop takes readers on a journey from the beginnings of Western philosophy to its present manifestations. It examines a philosopher or a philosophical movement and then gives a Biblical refutation of the deception or a complement to the truth presented. At the end of the workshop, the listener will not merely be talking about spiritual warfare, but also be engaged in it. Christians will leave this talk with hope and assurance.
How to Teach History and Literature Together
Most homeschooler veterans know that the problem with home schooling is too much time, but too little time! This very practical workshop shows a home school family how to teach history and literature in 1 hour and 15 minutes every day! Weaving together language arts skills and historical narrative is not only possible, but preferable! The student learns both disciplines very well and finishes with three full year, academic credits: Composition, Literature, and History.
Designing a High School Program
For such a time as this, every moment counts. With so many opportunities available we need to be very wise in our designing of a high school curriculum track. The problem is not that there is a paucity of choices but that there is a plethora of good choices! Via email, Pastor Stobaugh will provide a sample transcript for attendees.
Teaching Composition to the Elementary and High School Student
To whatever our children are called for such a time as this, they need to know how to write. Writing is the quintessential skill for young people preparing to be 21st century apologists. This workshop is an overview of the goals and objectives of writing from pre-K to college. The participant will hear that Dr. Stobaugh believes that the nurture of the heart is as important as the teaching of writing skills.
Teaching World View
In such a time as this, in the Post-Christian era, at the beginning of the twenty first century, we need to exhibit great discernment in evaluating the world view of our culture. Dr. Stobaugh urges students and parents do exactly that. He employs a cultural paradigm (as opposed to a political/ philosophical paradigm): Christian Theism, Romanticism, Deism, Naturalism, Realism, Existentialism, Absurdism.
How to Teach Literary Criticism (James Stobaugh – A)
C. S. Lewis, perhaps the greatest apologist of the 20th century, was not a theologian—he was a classicist, a student of literature. Pastor Stobaugh will specifically address the urgency of learning how to analyze literature both in light of college preparation needs as well as a basis for apologetics. It is his firm belief, and fervent prayer, that God is calling forth a new “C. S. Lewis” in this generation and that he/she will probably emerge from a community that understands, analyzes, and appreciates its literature.
Classical Teaching—But Is It?
“Classical Education” is a buzz word that almost no one knows how to define. Dr. Stobaugh will define classical education and he will offer concrete ways to implement this vital educational program in subject areas. The workshop participants will hear Dr. Stobaugh argue that “true” classical education is the best way to prepare students to be critical thinkers.
But We Had Hoped ... The Homeschooled Prodigal
Lover, Spouse, Sister and Friend - How a Homeschooling Dad Supports His Wife
Homeschooling: Back to the Future
Do I take the ACT or SAT? Or Neither?
How to Create a Winning Transcript