Gaining Confidence to Learn (with daughter, Ashley (Strayer) Wiggers)
In this workshop, Debbie Strayer and Ashley (Strayer) Wiggers share from their years of experience as homeschoolers and as educators of parents and children. Included are important qualities to have in your teaching, tips to help your children do their best as well as understanding of the hindrances to learning some students experience. Come to hear the teacher and student perspectives needed for success!
Language Arts Instruction That Communicates!
Children are born with a God-given desire to communicate! In this seminar, Debbie will talk about the key areas of communication and how to develop your childs skills in each area. As Christian homeschooling parents, we have been freed from worldly philosophies and are able to do what is efficient and effective. Come and learn about ways to decrease stress and increase productivity in your language arts instruction!
Overcoming Burnout
Homeschoolers today face many demands and it is easy to feel that your best just isn't good enough sometimes. Feeling burned out can happen to the most diligent and dedicated among us. Come to this seminar to find solid scriptural solutions for times of discouragement and practical steps for experiencing hope and peace in your homeschooling life.
Reviving Your Teaching and Your Students!
Homeschooling can seem like an overwhelming and exhausting task, with one of the first casualties being creativity and the joy of learning. Come hear practical ways to encourage your children and enhance their learning at the same time. These ideas are useful with any curriculum or approach, so come hear how to bring greater enjoyment and success to your homeschooling.
Seeing the Big Picture of Home Schooling (with daughter, Ashley (Strayer) Wiggers)
Perfect for parents of any age child, Debbie shares the vision, goals and challenges of homeschooling through high school and on into life. Assisted by her daughter Ashley, a graduate of homeschooling, mother and daughter speak to issues on the hearts and minds of parents and children and bring encouragement for the journey ahead. A question and answer time can be included.
The Natural Approach to Teaching Critical Thinking
Thinking skills are buzzwords in education today everyone wants to include them in their curriculum plans! In this seminar, Debbie will explain what thinking skills are and how to incorporate strategies into daily life that will bring great results in your childs ability to think. Include these ideas to add critical thinking to any curriculum! For Christian homeschoolers, this is a great way to prepare your children to give an account for the hope that is in them.
Understanding Teaching and Learning Styles
Our goal as homeschoolers is to teach as effectively as possible, so it can be stressful when the lessons we teach aren't understood, or our children seem frustrated. Come to this workshop to learn how to overcome obstacles that may limit your ability to teach, and your children's ability to understand. Shared with humor and honesty, Debbie will provide tips that can help your children achieve their greatest learning success.
Reaching Your Potential as a Homeschool Family
Though the demands of daily life tend to hold us down, there are desires in all of us to reach higher than we thought we could. Yield to the call of adventure, passion and purpose that are keys to this great movement and be amazed by the power of vision in your lives.
If Homeschooling Were a Sport, Would I Be on the Bench?
What does it take to give 100% to the call to homeschool? Studying nonstop? More classes, co-ops and community service? Come find out how to homeschool passionately, inspire your children and amaze your critics, all while in your robe and slippers! Raise the chant, "Put me in coach," and get ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime!
Building the Foundation for Success
Homeschooling is about more than academics - it's about success in life! What does it take to be truly successful in life? Determination, confidence and wisdom! What better place to cultivate all three than in our homes. Find out how to strengthen, encourage and teach your children through the doors God opens and by His grace!
Keys to a Strong Homeschool Curriculum
Just starting to homeschool, or feel like you need to make some changes? Come to hear what makes a curriculum strong educationally, effective and motivating! Learn how to maximize the opportunity you have to make a plan that is perfect for your family!
Gaining Confidence to Teach
Whether you are a newcomer to home schooling, or a veteran of many years, this talk will encourage and refresh you. Debbie Strayer speaks with humor and honesty about the home schooling life and the confidence, direction and provision available to all who feel called to home school.
The Unified Approach to Tying Teaching Together
Want to teach your child how to think & learn? The unified approach is your ticket! Show your child the connections between all areas of learning paving the way for lifelong learning. You can use science, history & worldview as your base while teaching the “tool skills” of reading & writing! Come to hear how you can increase efficiency, enjoyment, & interest in your homeschooling life.
Finding God's Path for Your Heart (with Ashley Wiggers)
The most important relationship choice in life begins with the relationships your child already has! Come hear Debbie and Ashley tell the story of God's faithfulness and provision to a young woman as she sought God's path for her heart. Based on relationships with God and family, receive encouragement to walk with your young people in a way that honors God, strengthens family and gives grace for the journey.
Roots Have Fruits: Where is Your Curriculum Taking You?
Trees can only bear the fruits of their roots, so teaching approaches have roots from their history and philosophy, and certain fruits will appear. Come learn about approaches to teaching, their natural outcomes and how to cultivate good soil for learning. Be prepared to remove any unwanted fruit heading your way! Presented with humor and reality, this workshop is great for beginners as well as veterans who want to check their roots!
Teaching Young Patriots to Think
At no time in our history as a nation has this skill been more important! Though teaching our children to think can be natural, it also has to be intentional. What can you do as a parent to raise children who can identify truth, expose deception and think for themselves? Indoctrination is not the key, so come hear how to raise thinking children who have the skills and character to become powerful citizens and leaders.
The Ruth Beechick-Charlotte Mason Connection - How to Teach Naturally
Connected because of their mutual respect for children and love of learning, come find out ways to apply the Charlotte Mason approach through the modern work of Dr. Beechick, a founding voice of homeschooling in America. Learn how to teach naturally, effectively and enjoyably!
The Natural Approach to Teaching Thinking
Thinking skills are buzzwords in education today – everyone wants to include them in their curriculum plans! In this seminar, Debbie will explain what thinking skills are and how to incorporate strategies into daily life that will bring great results in your child’s ability to think. Include these ideas to add critical thinking to any curriculum! For Christian homeschoolers, this is a great way to prepare your children to give an account for the hope that is in them.
Overcoming Learning Difficulties Together
Children love being successful, so when they aren’t, how can you help. Come and listen to the personal homeschooling experiences of mother (a lifelong educator) and daughter when faced with obstacles to learning. This workshop tells how to overcome obstacles that may limit your ability to teach, and your children’s ability to understand. Shared with humor and honesty, Debbie and her daughter Ashley will provide tips, and insight from the student’s perspective that can help your children achieve their greatest learning success.