Teaching Reading From Birth On
This workshop presents an overall plan for teaching reading to children. Jessie Wise outlines how you can help your child develop good language skills, starting at birth! She gives tips on how to make pre-reading instruction simple, effective, and fun. She also advises how to begin appropriate phonics instruction for children ages three, four, five, and older. Jessie gives suggestions on how to help remedial readers and how to encourage reluctant readers. Jessie Wise has over thirty years' experience in reading instruction: She has taught in the classroom, at home, and tutored private students.
If I Could Do It Over Again
When Jessie Wise began home schooling her three young children in the early 1970s, she didn't know anyone else who was educating at home. She worried that social services would come knocking at the door accusing her children of truancy. The neighbors warned, "Those kids will never get into college." The grandparents cried. Yet after thirty years' experience in home schooling and in tutoring dozens of other children, Jessie Wise looks back with the wisdom of hindsight to reflect on her home schooling journey. She tells what she did right, as well as what she did wrong, and reflects on how she would change her home school experience if she had the chance.
Essential, Efficient and Encouraging Education
Jessie begins with her extraordinary personal story and how she learned the three secrets to effective education: it should be essential, efficient, and encouraging. Essential education means teaching central concepts at the correct stage in a childs learning. Efficient education sets the stage for a childs academic success. Encouraging education provides motivation and support for the studentit goes beyond merely praising the child. Jessie outlines how to give your child the best education possible.
First Language Lessons: How To Teach Grammar & Language Skills in the Early Grades
Jessie believes that we underestimate what young children are capable of learning. She shows how to teach the proper use of the English language by combining simple rules with continued "real life" use. She discusses child-friendly ways to teach children to memeorize poetry and definitions of parts of speech. Capitalization and punctuation are taught in the context of real-life experiences. Oral exercises are used to introduce correct usage and she shows the parent/teacher how to use copying, narration and dictation in teaching Language Arts.
First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind
How do you effectively teach beginning and advanced grammar to elementary-age students? Jessie Wise provides the answers in this practical and engaging workshop. Jessie believes that we underestimate what young children are capable of learning. In Levels One and Two, she draws from familiar examples in the child's own life to teach correct capitalization and punctuation. She uses child-friendly techniques of copying, dictation, and narration to give the student models for correct writing. She provides helpful memorization techniques for grammar concepts and poetry. In Levels 3 and 4, she provides a gradual and simplified process for learning to diagram sentences, giving the student an easy-to-see picture of sentence construction.
The Well-Trained Mind: Academic Excellence Through Classical Education [Grades 1-4]
A practical, specific workshop covering the how-tos of classical education for grades K-4. Includes the place of memorization in the early years; foundations for good reading and writing; using narration; placing history at the core of the curriculum; relating literature to history; introducing Latin early; mastering the facts of mathematics; the place of science in the classical curriculum. Includes recommendations of curricula and books.
An Intro to Classical Education
Confused about what a Classical education is? Jessie Wise takes you through it step by step.