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Mr. Jonathan Lewis:  Homeschool Conference Speaker and Workshop Leader Details



Lewis, Jonathan

Home School Enrichment, Inc.
PO Box 163
Pekin, Illinois (IL)  61555-0163
United States of America (US)
Featured PresentationsHeart of the Matter Conference (2010)

Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention - Nashville (2013, TN)
Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention - Spartanburg (2013, SC)
2012 Home Educators Association of Virginia State Convention (2012, VA)
2012 Northwest Arkansas Homeschool Convention - (NWAHSC) (in Searcy) (2012, AR)
1st Annual 2012 Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention - Spartanburg (2012, SC)
2010 Valley Home Educators 17th Annual Home Education Convention (2010, CA)
SEARCH 2010 Homeschool Conference and Book Fair (2010, PA)
2010 Illinois Christian Home Educator's Annual State Convention (ICHE) (2010, IL)
Workshop Presentations2013 24th Annual Heart of Illinois Convention for Home Educators (2013, IL)
2009 20th Annual Heart of Illinois Convention for Home Educators (2009, IL)
Presentation Titles & Descriptions

The Socialization Deception: Redefining the Debate
No question is asked more frequently of homeschooling parents than the ever-popular, "What about socialization?" For years we’ve been answering that question . . . the wrong way. In too many cases, we’ve surrendered to the world’s system of values out of fear and intimidation, without even bothering to stop long enough to think about what we’re doing. In this provocative presentation, homeschool graduate Jonathan Lewis will challenge your thinking and invite you to take a critical look at this whole issue of socialization. You’ll come away with a better understanding of how the world thinks about socialization and how we’ve been needlessly surrendering to the world’s views. You might even end up with a new answer to the old question, "What about socialization?"

Why I’m Glad to be a Homeschool Graduate!
What does a homeschool graduate think of home education? Come find out! In this inspiring presentation, homeschool graduate Jonathan Lewis shares the reasons why he’s delighted to count himself among the ranks of the homeschooled. Have you ever wondered if you’re ruining your child’s life by homeschooling? Have you ever been tempted to throw your hands up in frustration and put your child on the Big Yellow School Bus the next time it rumbles by your door? Have you ever wondered if homeschooling can produce normal, well-rounded adults? If so, you need this presentation! Come be encouraged as a real-life homeschool graduate talks about the incredible blessings of the homeschooling lifestyle!

Homeschoolers: Ordinary World Changers
Do you ever feel unimportant and insignificant because all you do is stay at home with your kids? Do you sometimes wonder if you could find more fulfillment out in the "real world," climbing the career ladder? With the world constantly bombarding us with the message that being a full-time, stay-at-home mom is a waste of time, it can be tempting to begin believing the lie. But homeschool graduate Jonathan Lewis believes that every homeschool mom has the potential to be a world changer. Come have your vision for homeschooling rekindled as Jonathan shares why ordinary homeschool moms and dads are the unseen world changers of our generation.

Panel Discussion by High School Graduates
Join Jonathan and other homeschool graduates as they briefly present their ideas on the following questions: What are you doing with your life since graduation? How did homeschooling affect you/prepare you? What advice do you have for homeschooling teens? What motivated you to accomplish what you have done? Then we plan to open it up for questions from the audience. Hoping to explore options after high school, including ideas for those who choose not to go to college, we want to include graduates who have chosen the military, tech schools, motherhood, missions, foreign exchange programs, apprenticeship, entrepreneurship, college, etc.

Home Business for Home Schoolers
Many homeschooling families are interested in having a home business. After all, having a family-based enterprise offers many potential blessings—financial freedom, increased flexibility, greater availability to your family, and the opportunity to give your children real-life learning opportunities as they work alongside their parents. But what is it really like? What are the dangers and pitfalls? Are there valid reasons why a family shouldn't pursue a home business? The Lewis family has years of entrepreneurial experience behind them, and they have personally experienced the good, the bad, and the ugly. Come hear Jonathan Lewis as he shares an honest look at home business for homeschoolers. (This is a great session for homeschooling dads or older teens.)

Homeschooler's Manifesto: Finding Strength in our Convictions
Our convictions define us, and help give us strength to persevere in times of trial. Where conviction falters, commitment wavers. But teaching your children at home is too vital an undertaking to ever waver or consider giving up. If you want your commitment to home education to be above the eroding waves of question and doubt, come along with homeschool graduate Jonathan Lewis as he lays out a comprehensive philosophy of Christian home education. This session is dedicated to helping each of us forge strong convictions that will fire our resolve, strengthen our vision, and inspire us, with God's help, to never give up, never give in, never surrender, never quit!

Another Generation: Passing on the Vision for Christian Home Education
Up to 88% of children from Christian homes who attend public school end up abandoning the church by the time they graduate from high school. On the other hand, over 90% of homeschool graduates continue in the faith of their parents. The implication? There's no vehicle more effective in passing the faith of the parents on to the next generation than the homeschooling lifestyle. However, if we want to launch a multi-generational legacy of faith, then we must not only pass our faith on to our children, but also the vision for Christian home education. After all, if our grandchildren aren't being taught at home, then we're in danger of winning only a single generation spiritual victory. In this practical session, homeschool graduate Jonathan Lewis shares specific strategies parents can implement to propel their vision into the next generation.

Debunked! Answering “Salt & Light” and Other Arguments Against Homeschooling
“We need to send our kids to public school so they can be salt and light.” “An ordinary mom without a teaching degree can’t successfully homeschool.” “Your kids won’t make it in the adult world if you teach them at home.” You’ve heard the arguments against homeschooling, and even if they haven’t persuaded you to send your kids back to school, perhaps you haven’t always had a ready answer. Listen in as Jonathan Lewis provides compelling answers to common arguments against home education. You’ll come away equipped to refute the critics and discover new confidence to stand unapologetically for homeschooling.

Strength in Our Convictions: Eight Reasons Why Homeschooling is Worth It

Our convictions define us, and help give us strength to persevere in times of trial. Where conviction falters, commitment wavers. But teaching your children at home is too vital an undertaking to ever waver or consider giving up. If you want your commitment to home education to be above the eroding waves of question and doubt, come along with homeschool graduate Jonathan Lewis as he lays out a comprehensive philosophy of Christian home education.

Jesus of Homeschooling?: Which is the Answer?
Those of us who are passionate advocates of homeschooling speak in glowing terms about all the wonderful blessings homeschooling brings to families. And truly, the blessings are many. But are we guilty of preaching a new Gospel—one that replaces Jesus Christ with homeschooling? Are we promoting home education as the answer to our children’s deepest needs? In this provocative session, Jonathan tackles this question headon. You’ll come away with a deeper appreciation of why Christian home education is vitally important, even as we exalt Christ as the ultimate answer our children need.

Jonathan's Achievements
  • Editor:  Home School Enrichment Magazine
Lewis's Bio

Jonathan Lewis, 28, is a homeschool graduate—and glad of it!

Homeschooling parents need regular affirmation and encouragement that homeschooling really works.

As a homeschool graduate, Jonathan is convinced that Christian home education is the best approach to life and learning available to families today. Writing and speaking from his graduate's perspective, Jonathan's mission is to convey a message of hope and vision to homeschoolers everywhere.

Taught at home from the last nine weeks of his first grade year through his completion of high school, Jonathan now serves as the editor of Home School Enrichment Magazine, a national Christian publication dedicated to equipping parents to teach their children at home successfully and joyfully! Endorsed by Ken Ham, Home School Enrichment has won praise from leaders in the homeschooling community, as well as numerous moms all across the United States. In his role as editor, Jonathan has had the opportunity to interact with homeschoolers from across the country, further reinforcing his conviction that homeschooling really works!

In May of 2011, Jonathan was married to a wonderful, godly young lady—and homeschool graduate!—following a courtship relationship. Together, they have a passion to encourage other Christian families to follow God's plan for their lives.

Hailed as one of the most articulate communicators of the homeschool vision, Jonathan says, "I believe God is doing an incredible work through the ordinary moms and dads who have chosen the path of Christian home education. I'm delighted to be a homeschool graduate, and my life purpose is to spread the message that homeschooling really does work, and that you really can do it successfully." He is enjoying sharing his message of vision and hope with homeschoolers across the nation!

Date Created8/26/2010 10:01:17 AM
Date Modified7/10/2013 4:35:43 PM
(click here if map not visible above)

My hope is that this list will assist conference organizers in connecting with Jonathan Lewis and other workshop leaders and speakers. Furthermore, my desire is to help homeschool workshop leaders and speakers develop relationships with more convention planners and audiences. May your efforts be for the glory of Christ and the strengthening of His saints.

Disclaimer:  Balancing the Sword makes no claims about the speakers' faith, ability, materials, etc.  This speaker profile information is being provided free of charge.  Please click the links and do your own research before issuing an invitation to your conference.  Postings are subject to change.


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