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Dr. Tedd Tripp:  Homeschool Conference Speaker and Workshop Leader Details



Tripp, Tedd

Shepherding the Heart Ministries
45 Eagle Ridge Lane
Wapwallopen, Pennsylvania (PA)  18660
United States of America (US)

Keynote Presentations2009 Illinois Christian Home Educator's Annual State Convention (ICHE) (2009, IL)
Featured Presentations2013 Southeast Homeschool Convention (2013, SC)
2012 Home Educators Association of Virginia State Convention (2012, VA)
2012 MidWest Homeschool Convention in Cincinnati (2012, OH)
26th Annual MHEA Conference & Curriculum Fair (2012, TN)
2011 MidWest Homeschool Convention in Cincinnati (2011, OH)
Presentation Titles & Descriptions

Getting to the Heart of Behavior
The major theme of Shepherding a Child's Heart is that the heart directs behavior. In this session Dr. Tripp presents an overview of several passages that teach that the heart is the wellspring of life. Since behavior is heart driven (Luke 6:45), it cannot be understood or addressed biblically in isolation from the heart. What a child says and does is a reflection of the abundance of his heart. This session explores some of the common ways that we try to address behavior without shepherding the heart, helping parents gain skill at working back from behavior to the heart unmasking heart issues for their children.

Hard-Wired for Worship! Giving Children a Vision for the Glory of God - Psalm 145
Children are instinctively worshipers. They are made in the image of God and are hard-wired for worship. They love to be awed. They delight in marveling at things. They will either worship God the Creator or created things. We will identify some common idols of the heart as well as our calling as parents is to hold the glory and goodness of God before our children.

Getting to the Heart of Communication
These are three aspects to communication that Dr. Tripp will address in this session - restraint, pleasant words and understanding. Your parenting paradigm will dictate the ways you speak. Harsh words, yelling, scolding will track along with parenting approaches that focus on control. If your model for parenting is nurturing discipleship designed to provide insight and understanding then your style of communication will be marked by restraint, pleasant words and delight in understanding your kids.

Early Childhood: Helping our Children Live Joyfully Under Authority
These early days are wonderful days for helping children understand that they are designed to live under authority. Kind and gracious authority is a blessing for children since they lack wisdom, maturity and life experience. Our task is helping them see that God, who is good and kind, has designed them to function as people under authority. God has promised wonderful blessing for children who learn to honor and obey Mom and Dad.

Getting From Behavior to the Heart
This session will provide a paradigm for understanding and interpreting behavior in terms of attitudes of heart. We will both identify biblical terms that describe the abundance of the heart and learn how to speak to children about those things in constructive ways that will help them gain insight and understanding. The central place of the "good news" of the gospel in correction and discipline will be emphasized.

Teenagers: Helping Young People Embrace the Gospel as their own Living Faith
This is the time to pass the baton of faith from one generation to the next. There are foundational issues in Proverbs 1: the fear of the Lord, remembering your parent's words and disassociation from the wicked. The parent accomplishes the tasks of this developmental stage through rich biblical communication. We will discover that the finest art of communication is to understand the other person, in this case our teen.

The Call to Formative Instruction: Deuteronomy 6
Formative instruction provides children with biblical ways of thinking. It is the process of instruction that enables our children to root all of life in God's revelation in the Bible. Formative instruction is not focused on correcting something that has gone wrong; its focus is providing ways of interpreting and responding to life that are biblical.

Distinguishing Wisdom and Foolishness
The Proverbs and Ecclesiastes provide valuable descriptions of the contrast between wisdom and foolishness. It is imperative in this day in which Christian truth is being eclipsed by secularism for parents to assist their Children to understand the goodness of wisdom and the foolishness of vanity.

Sowing and Reaping: A Biblical View of Consequences
This session will enable parents to use consequences, not to control or constrain the behavior of children, but to underscore the excellence and goodness of God's truth. There are rich biblical truths about life that we fail to teach when our goal in consequences is merely behavior change. It is essential that we root consequences in rich, biblical soil.

Overview of Corrective Discipline: Spanking, Sowing & Reaping, & Communication
The Proverbs makes a clear case for spanking, especially as we deal with small children. This teaching will provide clear guideline for physical discipline that is gracious and kind. The second part of this session will explore the sowing and reaping principle of the Bible and root our administration of consequences for our children in rich biblical soil. Additionally, we will examine some of the biblical principles that can guide our communication. The seminar will end with the reminder that the grace and strength, insight and wisdom for this work are found in Christ.

Single Parents
If you are a single parent, we want to encourage you. We know your plate is exponentially full! Plan to join Tedd Tripp in the Single Parents' workshop for a special time of strengthening. You will be inspired in your call to educate your children.

Tedd's Achievements
  • Graduated: Geneva College,  BA in History
  • Graduated: Philadelphia Theological Seminary, Master of Divinity
  • Graduated: Westminster Theological Seminary, Doctor of Ministry with an emphasis in Pastoral Counseling.
  • Author: Shepherding a Child’s Heart
  • Co-author (with wife Margy):  Instructing a Child's Heart
  • Father of Three
  • Grandfather of nine
  • Pastor since 1983
  • Founder: Immanuel Christian School
Tripp's Bio
Date Created1/27/2011 9:02:12 PM
Date Modified4/20/2016 5:43:35 PM
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My hope is that this list will assist conference organizers in connecting with Tedd Tripp and other workshop leaders and speakers. Furthermore, my desire is to help homeschool workshop leaders and speakers develop relationships with more convention planners and audiences. May your efforts be for the glory of Christ and the strengthening of His saints.

Disclaimer:  Balancing the Sword makes no claims about the speakers' faith, ability, materials, etc.  This speaker profile information is being provided free of charge.  Please click the links and do your own research before issuing an invitation to your conference.  Postings are subject to change.


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