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Dr. G. Thomas Sharp:  Homeschool Conference Speaker and Workshop Leader Details



Sharp, G. Thomas

The Creation Truth Foundation
P.O. Box 1435
Noble, Oklahoma (OK)  73068
United States of America (US)

Keynote Presentations2011 MPE Conference & Curriculum Fair (2011, MO)
Featured Presentations2013 29th Annual Home School Book Fair (2013, TX)
Presentation Titles & Descriptions

Darwin and the Decline of the Bible in the 20th Century
I want to properly define Darwinism. I will show why Darwin told Joseph Hooker that he felt as if he had committed murder. Who do you suppose he believed he murdered? I want to trace the historical progression of Darwinian thought through the 20th century to proper illustrate its continual denial of the Creator and the authority of His word...until the West became totally pagan.

The Three Keys of Convictional Faith
Convictional faith is a glaringly missing ingredient in today’s American church. Biblical beliefs, if only held preferentially, are merely opinion and will change if the price is right. The safeguard to this instability is produced by Scriptural clarity concerning our origin and destiny. To know for sure the source of your origin immediately embellishes your understanding of life’s purpose. And to know your ultimate destiny stimulates your sense of accountability. In this presentation, Dr. Sharp will demonstrate the essential nature of Biblical creation and the second coming of Jesus Christ to the formation of convictional faith. Furthermore, he will show the necessity of parental example to this highly sought after life style.

Genesis & The Second Coming
The integral relation between Genesis and the second coming of Jesus Christ is enhanced when you understand that Jesus Christ is both the Beginning and the Ending. It is for this reason that Paul said that He can call those things which are not as though they are. Because God is eternal, and the space/mass/time continuum reside in Him, He is both everywhere and every when. This means that the Creator God does not possess a past or a future, but is always NOW—always present tense! He is the “I AM,” not the “I have been,” or “I shall be!” He is the bookends of Biblical revelation. He began time, and He will end it! In this presentation, Dr. Sharp will provide evidence for the inseparable connection between the beginning and the ending of all things.

Raising Godly Children in a Pagan Culture
The most challenging task facing Christian parents entering the 21st century is the successful rearing of godly seed (Malachi 2:15). This primary ministry of the family (both individual and corporate), is never uneventful in any age, but the magnitude of this godly task today has exponentially increased because America is totally pagan! Therefore, in this most needy presentation, Dr. Sharp shows the demand, design and the destiny of raising godly seed, even in a pagan culture.

The Biblical View of Dinosaurs
This dynamic event presents the Biblical view of dinosaur origins and of their disappearance. Dr. Sharp walks you through the five most frequently asked questions about these amazing creatures.

A Thousand Years in One Day: The Mount St. Helens Catastrophe
When you look at the canyons, mountains, rock layers and fossils of the earth, how do you explain them? Do you use the opinions of secular scientists or do you rely on God's infallible Word? Did you know that God can and has used natural processes in a supernatural way to impact the surface of the earth with thousands of years of change in only ONE day? What do you suppose happened when “all of the fountains of the great deep opened” at the beginning of the Flood of Noah? The Bible has sound, reasonable explanations for these marvelous observations. In 1980, an eleven-year process was begun at Mt. St. Helens that epitomized, on a small scale, the action and results of the Great Genesis Flood. It proved that God could take a catastrophe and do the geological work of thousands, even millions of years in ONE day.

Teaching Bible-Centered Science at Home
Every day our students are being bombarded from all aspects of the American culture with influences that minimize the authority of the Bible in their thinking. Christian education must make every effort to reconnect true scientific thought with a Biblical worldview. This presentation provides a fascinating exposure to scientific concepts that honor our Creator and not the created (Romans 1:25).

G. Thomas's Achievements
  • Producer:  War of the Ages (4-DVD Set)
  • Author:  Rocks, Fossils and Dinosaurs
  • Host:  Foundations For A Biblical Worldview (DVD)
  • Founder and Chairman:  The Creation Truth Foundation (CTF) Inc. (Since 1989) in Noble, OK
  • Founder:  The Institute of Biblical Worldview Studies (IBWS) in Noble, OK
  • Co-founder and President:  Museum of Earth History in Eureka Springs, AR
  • Science educator since 1964
  • Bachelor of Science from Purdue University
  • Masters of Science from the University of Oklahoma
  • Ph.D. from the South Florida Bible College and Seminary with an emphasis in Philosophy of Religion and Science
Sharp's Bio

Since the 1960’s Dr. Sharp has dedicated his life to researching the problems facing the modern Christian society. A science educator since 1964, he has a bachelor of science degree from Purdue University, a masters of science from the University of Oklahoma, and a Ph.D. from the South Florida Bible College and Seminary in the philosophy of religion and science. He eventually founded Creation Truth Foundation (CTF) and the Institute of Biblical Worldview Studies (IBWS), both in Noble, Oklahoma. He is also the co-founder and director of the Museum of Earth History in Dallas, TX (on the campus of Christ For The Nations International). He enjoys an international reputation as a Christian educator, religious leader, businessman and author. He and his wife Diane reside in Oklahoma. They have four children and ten grandchildren.

Date Created4/16/2011 7:20:24 AM
Date Modified8/13/2013 2:08:11 PM
(click here if map not visible above)

My hope is that this list will assist conference organizers in connecting with G. Thomas Sharp and other workshop leaders and speakers. Furthermore, my desire is to help homeschool workshop leaders and speakers develop relationships with more convention planners and audiences. May your efforts be for the glory of Christ and the strengthening of His saints.

Disclaimer:  Balancing the Sword makes no claims about the speakers' faith, ability, materials, etc.  This speaker profile information is being provided free of charge.  Please click the links and do your own research before issuing an invitation to your conference.  Postings are subject to change.


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