Five Improvements Everyone Can Make By Noon
No matter where you are in your life, relationships, and career, these five simple tips can be the jet fuel that launches you to the next level. Improve emotional health and find freedom to be all you can be.
Writing Essentials You Have to Know
Win editors and influence publishers. To write like a professional, you need to know what the professionals know. Learn the essential trade secrets that spell the difference for a professional manuscript including manuscript format, structure, self-editing techniques, and focus for your target audience.
Links in God’s Chain of Compassion
All human beings experience pain. Whether a crisis spells danger or opportunity often depends on how we respond. And how we respond often depends on what type of support we receive. When there are no adequate words, how can we enCOURAGE those around us who experience crisis in their lives?
Rahab’s Prescription for Renewed Life
Left to ourselves, the consequences of our sins will affect generation after generation. But God in His mercy, steps in. Whether you come from a dysfunctional, rejecting earthly heritage or healthy family relationships, God invites you to be adopted into His family. Break the chains of the past. Embrace abundance today. Rest secure in a promising heritage for future generations.
Real Beauty
What is real beauty? Is it perfect teeth, a good hair day, and a Barbie figure? Sure, it’s nice to look nice. But true beauty begins far deeper and radiates out. Even if you’ve come to the metallic age of life, sporting silver in your hair, gold in your teeth, and lead in your rear end, you can be stunningly beautiful.
Spend it Forward
Our lives are to be spent. Not to be saved. Each of us decides how we will invest our life. Are you living on purpose? Do you have a plan? Today is an opportune time to take stock and invest your life in ways that will outlive you.
What Kind of Friend Are You?
Do you have healthy friendships? What does a healthy friendship look like? If you long to have deep relationships and be an enCOURAGEment to others, this message is for you.
What To Do When You Don’t Want To Go To Church
Why should you give up a perfectly good Sunday to go to church? "There are two things we cannot do alone. One is to be married and the other is to be a Christian," said Paul Tournier. We come to church to connect and belong. In the process of connecting and belonging in our local congregation, we get vulnerable. Sometimes we get shot, not in the foot, but in the heart. What is the role of the church in our lives?
Let Yourself Go
Are you at a crossroad in your life? Life has a startling way of taking an unexpected turn leaving us confused, insecure, and vulnerable. Begin writing on the blank page of this chapter of your life. Embrace your new beginning.
A Garment of Praise
Shed the spirit of heaviness and embrace the garment of praise. Here are the quick, easy steps to turn your life around.
Live Free From Fear
Fear paralyzes, chokes, cripples, and suffocates. If you'd do more in life were it not that you're afraid, join PeggySue and learn to find freedom from the stranglehold of fear.
Embrace a Life of Peace
Overwhelmed? Frazzled? Burdened? Running like a hamster on a wheel and getting just as far? PeggySue invites you to quiet your spirit and receive rest from the Source.
Got Abundance and Joy?
God intended for us to have abundance. Now! Today! PeggySue shares the tools to help you receive, embrace, and daily live in the Lord's abundance and joy. It's His gift to you.
Passing on the Faith Through Family Devotions
Passing on the faith to our children is the most vital job parents have. This workshop is filled with practical mechanisms for family tested, fun-filled, and simple family devotions.
What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Say To Your Own Family
Here is a peek at what successful families are doing right so we can use their great ideas! Families today are under tremendous stresses because of busy schedules. All families face crisis sooner or later. Learn the secrets of relationship glue that holds thriving families together through thick and thin.
Parenting on Purpose
Effective parents need effective methods. Included are key aspects of parenting in the areas of relationship, personal growth, and spiritual growth. Implement these simple core principles in your own home.
Books Your College Professor Wishes You’ve Already Read
For parents guiding the education of their children. For students preparing for college. For individuals who desire to be well-read. For writers who want to learn from the masters. This session explores titles and authors foundational to an excellent background in literature.
Teaching with Unit Studies
Unit studies involve all the senses and create an exciting and memorable learning experience for the teacher and students. PeggySue has created unit studies curriculum and taught groups of students ranging in number from one to 100. Whether you are new to the idea of unit studies or have already used them, this workshop provides tips and ideas to add ease and fun to your teaching.
Essential Fiction Techniques
Whether you’re writing fiction, or spicing up your non-fiction with fiction techniques, develop dynamic dialog, pivotal plots, creative characters, and sensational settings for page-turning results.
Creative Characters
What makes a character memorable? Scrooge, Ann of Green Gables, Sherlock Holmes were so well crafted that they live beyond the book covers and are household words. Here’s how to create your own larger than life, believable personalities.
Dynamic Dialog
You know well-crafted dialog when you read it and everyone enjoys reading it. Here are the do's and don’ts of effective dialog including styles of speech, cluewords, transitions, and what to do with profanity. Know what banned words should never appear in your dialog. Move your story forward and develop your characters through the fine development of dialog.
Secrets of Sensational Settings
Spice your story with the ideal setting. Incorporate fresh description, significant symbolism, and relevant backgrounds. Craft your setting so that this story could not have happened anywhere else.
Pivotal Plots
Increase suspense and interest in your story through plots and subplots. Weave your unique spin on the nine original plots, enhanced through the point of view that best serves your tale.
Essentials of Winning Queries and Proposals
Selling your work hinges on crafting an irresistible query and proposal. We’ll go through the process paragraph by paragraph, page by page. Short of holding your hand until Simon & Schuster call to ask if you’ve written anything lately, this workshop launches you into the publishing game.
Double the Creativity, Double the Fun
When does the sum of one plus one equal ten? When two creative minds invest their talents in a partnered project. These are the have to know aspects of co-authoring. Writing with a partner takes your project to another level if you craft the relationship wisely. Here is the what to do, and the what not to do, of co-authoring.
Books Writers Should Read
Learn from the masters. This session explores titles and authors foundational to an excellent background in literature and writing. Some names will surprise you. Learn the secrets of the greats who made the rules and those who broke them with finesse.
Business Essentials for Writers
Explore markets, rights, and turning your ideas into multiple bylines. Sharpen your style with sure-sell topics. Organize your time. Create take-home value for your audience that leaves them, and publishers, asking for more of your work. Write to impact culture and society.
Essentials of Conferences – Get the Most for Your Time and Money
Multiply your time, energy, and money at a conference. Here are the tools used by the pros to multiply opportunities to make valuable connections at conferences.