Celebrating the Teen Years and Beyond
Having teens or college age children can present many challenges. How you face these life situations will make all the difference in your overall relationship with them. This presentation teaches you how to embrace and encourage your children by letting faith not fear lead you. You will be inspired and empowered to celebrate this time with your children. (40-45 mins)
Defining your Journey= Hitting your Target
Do you know what you are aiming for? Knowing this is critical in raising your children. You may know your children have unique skills, strengths and talents but you need to understand how to help them zero in on their target to fulfill their purpose. You will be able to learn from a homeschooling mother with 21 years’ experience who is successfully helping all five of her children hit their target. (50 mins)
Social Media WORKS for Groups
Communicating and growing your group is so much easier with all the Social Media resources available. There are proven methods of using social technology that will help get your message heard. With the majority of the population using the Internet as their source for information gathering, it is critical that groups know what market researchers have known for years. Connie Albers, former FPEA District 7 Director has been utilizing these techniques from companies and campaigns to the FPEA. You can have great success in your own life, group or company by learning these technics. (40-50 mins)
Finishing Well: Life After Homeschooling
A new season of life is coming your way. What are you going to do? This may cause fears, doubts, uncertainty or excitement which occupy your thoughts. You might wonder, "What is next"? During this time of change it is important that you finish your homeschooling journey well while planning for the future. Connie will share with you how God prepared her for the day when she turned the tassel for the last time after 21 years of homeschooling all five of her children. You will learn to identify the plans and purposes God has called you to do in the next season of life. (50 mins)
Homeschooling your Highschooler, No Problem
You don't need to know everything in every subject to homeschool your highschooler. This workshop will cover the ins and outs of planning your highschoolers classes. How to start, what is required and getting into college will all be discussed. These can be the most memorable years you have together, don't miss out. (60-90 mins)
Homeschooling ALL of Them-How?
It does not matter how many children you have, you are able to homeschool them. All you need is the desire, commitment, and a plan. Connie has a passion and experience to share with you the lessons she learned from teaching all five of her children over the past 21 years, She will discuss practical tips and strategies that will work for your family.
Raising Humble Leaders that aren't Know it Alls
This is not as difficult at you think. It all starts with motivation and heart. Everyone leads someone even if it is only themselves. We will discover specific points you can focus on daily. Humble leaders simply and quietly lead. (45-50 mins)
In addition to speaking on homeschooling, teens and leadership, Connie speaks on topics such as building stronger families, parenting, encouragment and overcoming challenges at retreats, conventions, colleges and schools. If you are thinking about something not listed please contact her at connie@conniealbers.com and join the conversation on social networking site.