Teaching Original Intent: Helping Teens Understand What the Founders Envisioned
This workshop will equip you with the tools and techniques to teach the true intentions of our founding fathers in building the unique society of America, and crafting our nation, society, and form of government: The U.S. Constitutional Republic!
Teaching Heritage & History Through Heroes
Catching imagination and sparking interest in any subject is more powerful through personal connections. Weaving into lessons the vivid lives of heroes and heroines of history, faith, and legend, cements concepts and principles for a lifetime. Learn to be a storyteller and become a guide to a bright new world for students through biographies and stories.
The Relationship Between God and Government
Does government matter to Christians? Why is one form of government superior to others? The American Republic and its “rule of law” are the most productive and free ever devised. Why? What are the historical ramifications of rule by referendum or majority in a “pure democracy” and what are the proofs in historical and Biblical accounts?
Our Founding Fathers -Their Classical Education vs. Today's
Education for America’s founders incorporated the historical and cultural knowledge of the Greeks, Romans, and other prominent societies. However, our Founders' education recognized the myths and legends as myths and legends, and clearly perceived the fleshly failures of men, governments, societies in the nations of antiquity. Today’s faddish “classical education” often focuses on the legends, and misses the truths, discards the real lessons of history in pursuit of “intellectual self-esteem” and presents out-of-context myths of democracy and legend as truth. Knowledge of biblical precept, character, principles, and government provided the foundation of the people who built America. This is the strength that helped her to overcome many of the failures of the Greeks and Romans.
The Stuff of Legend - Teaching Heritage and History Through Heroes
Catching imagination and sparking interest in any subject: history, heritage, government, or science, is more powerful through personal connections. Weaving into lessons the vivid lives of heroes and heroines of history, faith, and legend, cements concepts and principles for a lifetime. Learn to be a storyteller, become a guide to a bright new world for students through biographies and stories.
Education in Early America
This seminar will go over the materials, methods, and flavor of early American education: A Biblical foundation, a logical conclusion.
Character Instruction: A Critical Part Of Every Class
In education, the principles of good character are essential to all disciplines. In three parts, “What is Character?,” “How is Character Developed?,” and “Character through the Disciplines,” we teach the fundamentals of character-building within the teaching of subjects from History to Language, Science to Math. Without inculcating character in each subject, the knowledge is vain. |
Mr. Alan J. Scholl is Executive Director and Vice President of American Opinion Foundation, sponsor of FreedomProject Education. He is also a member of the American Opinion Foundation Board of Directors.
Mr. Scholl has been involved in youth education for over 25 years. He has served as Director or primary speaker at over 50 week-long youth seminars. He has been a keynote speaker for many home- school, constitutional, and political conferences and gatherings, and has conducted numerous individual live seminars on American Heritage, History, Government, and Culture, among other topics. He has previously served as the National Director of a busy nation- wide Speakers Bureau, and as Chief Operations Officer and Direc- tor of Mission and Campaigns for JBS Corporate Operations.
Mr. Scholl earned a MBA in Business Administration in June of 2008, at the University of Phoenix. Alan has served as a Deacon in three different churches in Fresno, CA, Livermore, CA, and since 1992 at Grace Baptist Church in Appleton, WI.
Alan and Doreen Scholl were married in 1975, have seven children, sevengrandchildren, and have home-educated for over 25 years.