Regina has been a home-based entrepreneur since 2007, after the birth of her youngest child. Her virtual assistant business, Red House Consulting, has provided administrative services to clients worldwide, primarily real estate investors. Her top-notch organizational skills have helped real estate professionals close on numerous properties across the United States. As a freelance writer, she has written articles regarding home-based businesses and an E-book for aspiring virtual assistants.
Definitely a multi-tasker, she is a single parent of 4 young boys at home, plus a mom to three adult children and grandmother to four. A passionate advocate for educational choice, Regina educates three of the boys at home, with the youngest attending a special needs program for autistic children. Two of the boys regularly score at least 3 grade levels above average in both reading and math. The other son completed an entire grade level in less than six months.
Regina is a writer for The Homeschool Post as well as a regular contrbutor to Moms Wearing Multiple Hats. She manages a job board and offers free resume critiquing services to those seeking work from home employment.
Effective time management is critical to running her home and business. Everyone has chores (even the special needs son). The number one question she is asked is: “How do you do it all?” Her answer is, “I am honest with myself. I know I can’t do it alone. These boys are my rocks and my helpers; they push me to do even more.”
Regina’s passion is to help other homeschooling parents and home-based business owners, particularly single parents doing it alone. “I know this is what I am supposed to be doing. I feel it; I see the progress my boys make on a daily basis. I know it can be done.” Sometimes even with all of her careful planning, things go wrong. But, “at the end of the day, we made it…..together. And tomorrow is a new day.”