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Pastor Michael Hayward:  Homeschool Conference Speaker and Workshop Leader Details



Phone 2
Hayward, Michael

8479 Lakewood Ave
Cotati, California (CA)  94931
United States of America (US)

TCHEN Homeschool Convention
Pastor Hayward's home church
Michael Hayward on Twitter
Keynote PresentationsMt. Gilead Men's Conference
DCBC Spring Youth Retreat
Mt. Gilead Easter Sunrise Service
Featured PresentationsPleasant Hill Christian School Chapel
Face Him countywide worship event
Awaken countywide worship event
Crossing the Jordan Festival
2013 TCHEN Homeschool Convention
Redwood Gospel Mission Thanksgiving Dinner
2014 TCHEN Homeschool Convention
Workshop PresentationsTri Counties Home Education Network (TCHEN) 7th Annual Convention (2013, CA)
Presentation Titles & Descriptions

A Return to Christ-Centered Prayer: Why the church, generally, seem so powerless? It is often because prayer in the church has become supplimental, and when prayers are offered, they are typically self-centered and rather shallow. In this presentation we will look at the problem with our prayers and the biblical realities of prayer as we develop a new mindset and attitude regarding prayer in the name of Jesus and by his Spirit. we will learn the primary purpose of prayer as well as explore some practical applications of Christ-centered prayer. This presentation can be offered in one "power session," in three, or seven sessions.

Evangelsim By the Book: Have you ever noticed that Jesus never asked anyone to "accept him"? In fact, Jesus said that no one can come to him unless the Father draws him. What if our methods of evangelism rely more on persuasive arguments and emotional appeals than they do the conviction of the Holy Spirit? How do we get in step with the Spirit to lead people to Christ effectively? This presentation is offered in one, three, or five sessions. 

The Economy of the Soul: Based on his book by the same title, Michael Hayward looks at our personal system of give and take - the economy of our soul - to discover why we choose selfishly, how Jesus confronts that broken dynamic, and how he leads us to overcome that dynamic so that we are free to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. This presentation can be condensed into one single session, or can be expanded into as many as five.

Revolutionary Love: If the greatest commandment is to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength then we need to take time to be sure that we are pursuing God's heart rather than lesser things. In this presentation, Michael Hayward gives a view of the mosaic of our lives and how our love for God can be the source of all we say and do, and the power such a life has to impact the world around us. This presentation can be condensed into one session or expanded into as many as five.

Transformation: The measure of success for the church is not attendance numbers, budget figures, or the number of ministries offered. The measure for success is lives transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Discipleship is a life of transformation and in Transformation Michael Hayward demonstrates that following Jesus is about more than information, behavior modification, association with a thriving church, or even Christian service. This presentation can be condensed into one session or expanded into as many as five.

The Treasure of Heaven: All our wealth will pass can't take it with you. The treasure that Jesus spoke of is not silver, gold, or precious stones, but our relationships. In this presentation, taken from his book by the same title, Michael opens the scripture to explore God's direction for building healthy relationships, as well as restoring broken ones. This presentation can be condensed into one session, or expanded into as many as eight. 

- Specifically For Homeschoolers -

The Ten Commandments for Homeschoolers: God's Ten Commandments are foundational for all of life and, yes, they apply to the homeschool journey. In this session Pastor Michael Hayward will look at each of the Ten Commandments as they pertain to the homeschool journey in order to avoid many homeschooling pitfalls as well as foster a healthy and powerful witness to a watching world.

Shepherd Their Hearts: Discipleship in the Home: Homeschooling is really family-focused discipleship in the home. Our goal is not to raise good kids with successful lives. Our goal is to raise disciples of Jesus Christ who know him and love him. How, then, do we balance academics and discipleship? How do we train up our children in the way they should go?

Different Seasons: Preparing for Life After Graduation: We often live as though the homeschool journey ends after graduation, but for parents and students alike, that homeschool adventure must be preparation for vibrant and powerful public ministry. In this presentation Michael Hayward will describe the ministries that are meant to follow your experience and how you can truly leave a lasting legacy of faith. This presentation is a single session.

Leading the Charge: Dad's Role in the Homeschool Adventure: What does it mean to be the head of the house and overseeer of your family? How does that role relate to your families homeschool journey? In this presentation Pastor Michael Hayward will explain that Dad's responisibilities and duties in homeschooling (and leading the family) will vary from one household to another based on each families strengths, weaknesses, approach, and interests, but that there are some basic, biblical absotlutes to guide him in his invovement. Okay dads, are you ready to lead your family? This presentation is a single session.

Culture Shock: Learning to Teach Your Kids: Teaching your kids at home can seem to be a daunting task, especially if you are a product of the public school system. When we first began our homeschool journey, we basically just recreated public school in our living room...and it was miserable. This presentation is here to help equip you various ways your will kids learn, and the various ways you can teach. Here you will find encouragement, support, and freedom in your homeschool journey.

Michael's Achievements

DpTh from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary

Lead Pastor:  Faith Community Church in Rohnert Park, California

Author of The Economy of the Soul: Making World-Changing Investments without Fear (Westbow Press), How Jesus Saves (Independent), and The Treasure of Heaven (Independent)

Hayward's Bio

Michael A. Hayward currently serves as Lead Pastor for Faith Community Church in Rohnert Park, California. After serving six years in the United States Marine Corps reserve, starting a family, and growing in his faith and love for Christ Michael felt the call to ministry and enrolled at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary where he graduated in 2008. Michael's passion is to see lives transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the glory and purpose of God as we grow in our love for God and our love for, and ministry to others. Michael and his wife Patricia have homeschooled their two children since kindergarten and now seek to encourage other homeschool families in their journey. Michael has authored three books, The Economy of the Soul, How Jesus Saves, and The Treasure of Heaven. Visit for more information.

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Date Created4/30/2013 6:16:28 AM
Date Modified10/10/2014 9:08:36 PM
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My hope is that this list will assist conference organizers in connecting with Michael Hayward and other workshop leaders and speakers. Furthermore, my desire is to help homeschool workshop leaders and speakers develop relationships with more convention planners and audiences. May your efforts be for the glory of Christ and the strengthening of His saints.

Disclaimer:  Balancing the Sword makes no claims about the speakers' faith, ability, materials, etc.  This speaker profile information is being provided free of charge.  Please click the links and do your own research before issuing an invitation to your conference.  Postings are subject to change.


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