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Corin Barsily Goodwin:  Homeschool Conference Speaker and Workshop Leader Details



Phone 2
Barsily Goodwin, Corin

Josephine County, Oregon (OR)  
United States of America (US)

Keynote Speaker?Unknown
Featured PresentationsCalifornia Homeschool Network (CHN) Family Expo (2010)

California Homeschool Network Family Expo (2010, CA)
Presentation Titles & Descriptions

Practical Issues in Gifted Homeschooling
In this session, we’ll discuss specific issues and outcomes for gifted homeschooling:  How does non-traditional education prepares our kids for the world of the 21st century?  Will my gifted or gifted/LD child be able to go to college or get a job?  If my kids are never bullied on the playground, will they be able to learn social skills appropriate to adults?  How do I deal with their gifted intensities in addition to adolescent angst without going crazy?  What resources are available, and how can I adjust them to fit my individual child(ren)?  Bring your questions, and we’ll discuss your specific questions regarding giftedness and homeschooling.

Gifted Homeschooling 101 “If we’re homeschooling, why does it matter if my child is gifted?
Gifted children come in all shapes, sizes and abilities.  They may be pleasantly advanced, or they may have more extreme learning challenges.  Come to this session to understand how giftedness impacts education and social-emotional needs and to gain a better understanding of how your child’s brain works.  Bring your questions, and we’ll discuss the basics of gifted homeschooling and whatever else you need to know about this unique population!

Corin's AchievementsHomeschool mother Formerly: HomeSchool Association of California (HSC) Gifted/Special Needs Advisor Formerly: Co-chaired the Legislative Committee for the HomeSchool Association of California Executive Director: Gifted Homeschoolers Forum (GHF) Serves on the SENG (Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted) Editorial Board Her articles have appeared in 2e Newsletter, the NAGC UK magazine, California HomeSchooler, SENG Update, and other publications. Social Media Consultant at Goodwin Communications Former Assistant Policy Analyst/Intern at White House Office of Science & Technology Policy Former Vice President, Board of Directors at Josephine Community Libraries Master in Public Policy from Georgetown University BA in Urban Studies (public policy) from San Francisco State University
Barsily Goodwin's Bio
Date Created11/3/2008 11:44:12 PM
Date Modified8/31/2010 3:13:07 PM
(click here if map not visible above)

My hope is that this list will assist conference organizers in connecting with Corin Barsily Goodwin and other workshop leaders and speakers. Furthermore, my desire is to help homeschool workshop leaders and speakers develop relationships with more convention planners and audiences. May your efforts be for the glory of Christ and the strengthening of His saints.

Disclaimer:  Balancing the Sword makes no claims about the speakers' faith, ability, materials, etc.  This speaker profile information is being provided free of charge.  Please click the links and do your own research before issuing an invitation to your conference.  Postings are subject to change.


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