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Mrs. Janice Campbell:  Homeschool Conference Speaker and Workshop Leader Details



Campbell, Janice

Everyday Education, LLC
P.O. Box 549
Ashland, Virginia (VA)  23005-3150
United States of America (US)

Website(s) Everyday Education, LLC
Taking Time for Things that Matter (Education blog)
Everyday Education on Twitter
Janice Campbell on Twitter
Janice Campbell on LinkedIn
Excellence in Literature on Facebook
Keynote PresentationsCentral Valley Homeschool Conference
6th Annual Winter Conference (2009, NC)
Featured Presentations2011 Midsouth Homeschool Convention, Memphis
2011 Southeast Homeschool Convention
28th Annual CHEA Convention, Pasadena
ENOCH of NJ 20th Annual Homeschool Convention
Great Homeschool Conventions: All Locations 2011–2020
2014 Appalachian Home Educators Conference (2014, TN)
2013 Southeast Homeschool Convention (2013, SC)
2012 Northeast Great Homeschool Convention (2012, CT)
2012 Illinois Christian Home Educator's Annual State Convention (ICHE) (2012, IL)
2012 California Great Homschool Convention (2012, CA)
2012 MidWest Homeschool Convention in Cincinnati (2012, OH)
2012 Midsouth Homeschool Convention (2012, TN)
2012 SouthEast Great Homschool Convention (2012, SC)
2011 Home Educators Association of Virginia State Convention (2011, VA)
The Old Schoolhouse Expo (May 2011) (2011, WWW)
2011 MidWest Homeschool Convention in Cincinnati (2011, OH)
VaHomeschoolers 2011 Conference and Resource Fair (2011, VA)
Ultimate Homeschool Expo 2008 (2008, WWW)
2007 Annual Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania Convention (CHAP) (2007, PA)
Workshop Presentations2013 Teaching Parents Association's Homeschool Conference (TPA) (2013, KS)
2011 28th Annual Arizona State Home Educator's Convention (AFHE) (2011, AZ)
28th Annual CHEA Convention (2011, CA)
Presentation Titles & Descriptions


You'll notice that talks are organized under four general topic for ease in planning. These topic areas include:

  • Teaching Literature and Language Arts
  • Teacher Training for a Learning Lifestyle
  • Teaching Teens
  • Microbusiness

Teaching Literature and Language Arts

What to Read and How and Why to Read It: A Practical Look at Student Reading

  • You know you need to cover penmanship, spelling, grammar, history, math, science, art, music, and more. How will your students ever have time for plain old reading? This compelling workshop explains what reading accomplishes in many areas of student development, offers suggestions for what to read, and guidance on how children should experience books from birth through high school.

Why Read Old Books?

  • We live in a world where change is a constant, and almost all movement is labeled progress. But is it really? What do old books have to offer that new books can't teach? Why do we need to understand the ideas of people who lived hundreds or even thousands of years ago? How can they help us chart a clear worldview and understand timeless truths? Join us to learn how old books, both good and great, can help you homeschool more simply and effectively than you ever thought possible.

How Classic Literature Teaches the Worldviews of Western Civilization

  • What if you haven’t yet been able to fit in an entire class on worldview? What if you’re not even sure what worldview is or why you need to be teaching it? Join me to find out how you’re already teaching worldview, and how you can help your students to more deeply understand the ideas that have shaped Western Civilization.  (Middle-High School)
Mr. McGuffey, Meet Charlotte Mason: How to Teach Language Arts, Elocution, and So Much More
  • For over 100 years, the McGuffey Readers were used in countless one-room schoolhouses across America, imparting solid phonics-based reading, writing, and speaking instruction through character-building stories, poetry, and excerpts from important classic works. I'll show you how to make them even more effective by applying Charlotte Mason's instructional methods to the 1857 edition of these timeless classics for a structured, yet simple language arts foundation. (K-12)

The Writing Toolbox: How to Imagine, Organize, Write, and Evaluate Great Essays

  • Essay writing is more than just an academic exercise. A well-designed writing cycle encourages creativity, teaches orderly patterns of thought, and helps students master the mechanics of formal writing. Join us to learn how you can use each step of the writing process to build strong students. (Middle-High School)

Teacher Training for a Learning Lifestyle

Professor Mom: How to Educate Yourself For Homeschooling

  • If you’re an ordinary homeschool mom with with an ordinary education, you might not feel fully equipped to teach your children well. In this workshop, I’ll share how you can model lifelong learning for your family, find the time to learn together, and share a few guidelines on what you most need to know, plus study tips and a list of favorite resources.

Handwork and Whole Persons: The Place of Craft in Education

  • Education is about so much more than just the 3Rs; it's preparation for life. In most previous generations, people learned how to create useful and beautiful things as part of growing up. As each different skill was practiced, it built new neural pathways in the brain, developed problem-solving skills, honed fine motor skills, and more. The joy of seeing a creative project through from beginning to end helped students become more confident, creative, and capable in all areas of life. Join us to explore simples ways to incorporate creativity and practical skills into a lifestyle of learning.

Homeschool Encyclopedia: A Whirlwind Tour of Methods, Skills, Vocabulary and People You Need to Know

  • Sometimes homeschool conferences can be a confusing blur of new terms, confusing concepts, and casual references to people and ideas you've never heard of. And what did Thomas Jefferson have to do with homeschooling, anyway? Join us for an overview of some of the most important ideas and people you'll encounter during your homeschool journey, including the classic stages of learning, 7 laws of teaching, learning styles, Charlotte Mason, and much more.

Mind the Gap! Plan Your Homeschool Path with the End in Mind

  • If you've ever been to London, you've heard the automated voice in the subway, admonishing riders to "mind the gap." Homeschoolers worry about gaps too, but it's possible to create a focused plan with routines and systems that ensure you teach the priorities and leave the gaps exactly where you want them, no matter what curriculum you use. With a strategy in place, you'll be able to drop the worry and look ahead with a new sense of clarity and focus.

How to Choose Curriculum that Fits Your Family Without Breaking Your Budget

  • Whether you're just beginning to homeschool or have been teaching for a few years, choosing curriculum can seem like navigating New York City without a map. How do you make sense of all the choices and find the best options for your family? Join us to learn four questions you need to answer before buying anything; foundational skills your student must learn; and ten things to remember in order to choose wisely.

Crisis Schooling: 

  • Things happen. Robert Burns was right when he wrote that the "best laid schemes o’ mice and men" often go awry. No matter what the crisis--illness, job loss, natural disaster, or caregiving, you'll want to keep education happening. In this practical, reassuring workshop, you’ll find that with basic resources and an understanding of what matters, you can sustain big picture learning, keep teens on track for college, and maintain basic records, so that learning continues no matter what happens. If you keep your heart fixed on priorities, your family can survive and thrive, even in the tough times.

Teaching Teens

High School Homeschool: How to Create the Magnet School Your Student Needs

  • Why settle for average? Ordinary families can create an extraordinary education by choosing learning materials and experiences that develop the skills, knowledge, and character traits your individual student needs to live out his or her gift. We'll look at examples of what other families have done, resources that are available, records you need to keep, and strategies to help your student become a mature, independent learner.

Why Wait? How (and Why) to Earn College Credit in High School

  • What if you could earn a college degree when most teens are graduating from high school, save thousands of dollars, and get a head start on life? What if you could do a lot of it from home, at your own pace, using curriculum and resources of your choice? For America's founding fathers and other educated people from the past, it was ordinary for teens and sometimes even pre-teens to begin college-level work as soon as they were ready. Join us to learn where to start and how to find resources, study, and keep records.

Transcripts Made Easy: The High School Transcript as a Marketing Tool

  • A high school transcript may be the most important piece of paper created during your student's homeschool experience. More than just a list of what your student studied or an outline of the grades received, it's like a résumé—a marketing tool that should highlight your student's strengths and skills. Join us to learn how to select the best format, effectively name classes, decide on weighted grades, and present information in a clean, professional style that is easily comparable to others. You'll might find yourself getting fan mail from college admissions counselors who appreciate your work!

Is College the Right Choice for Your Student?

  • College used to be only for high-level students planning to enter one of the professions, but over the past century or so, it's been transformed into a seemingly necessary stop on the way to almost any career. Join me to explore reasons for this as well as college alternatives and non-traditional college options, plus ways to discover which path might be best for your student. College may indeed be the right choice, but it pays to know your options.

Why Homeschool? Gentle Answers for Tough Questions

  • Whether you love the idea or think it's the craziest thing since pet rocks, homeschooling is here to stay. We'll start with a look at the top reasons you might want to homeschool, backed by solid statistics, then we'll talk about questions such as: Is homeschooling legal? Is testing required? How much does homeschooling cost? What about socialization? Will it take all day? Even if you already know you want to homeschool, you'll leave this seminar with confidence that you can answer tough questions from those who doubt.


Microbusiness for Homeschoolers: Laying a Foundation of Family Freedom through Entrepreneurial Education

  • Home is where the heart is, and for countless generations, it's where families lived, worked, and learned in a harmonic, holistic way. Entrepreneurship and home education can still lead to habits of mind that produce the kinds of citizen-scholars that founded our country. Learn how to choose and start a manageable microbusiness (or two!),  how to incorporate entrepreneurial education into your homeschool, and how to grant credit for various types of entrepreneurial learning.

Multiple Streams of Income for Homeschool Families

  • You've started a microbusiness and it's doing pretty well, but what comes next? Is it possible to build a home business that brings in a full-time income? Join us for a look at an orderly 5-stage business model that will allow you to build a stable business that generates many streams of income, while remaining home based and debt free, with examples of how other families are doing just that, both online and offline.

Create a Microbusiness Website that Works

  • It doesn’t do much good to have a great product or service if your target market can’t find you. One of the fastest and cheapest ways to build your business is to create a simple blog-based website, then boost your search engine rankings through a variety of simple search engine optimization (SEO) techniques that bring potential customers right to you. We'll discuss how to get your site online in a weekend (for less than the cost of nice dinner out), how to attract visitors and make your site search-engine friendly, and how to keep your posts moving farther and faster than you thought possible.

How to Become an Entrepreneurial Writer

  • Have you always wanted to be a writer, but hesitated because you also need to earn a living? This clear, candid overview of the writing life will help you choose the basic tools and systems you need in order to create a solid freelance career or just use your writing ability to create extra streams of income.
  • You will learn:
    • Multiple ways to earn money by writing
    • How and why to choose a niche
    • How to structure your career plan
    • Fast, cheap, and easy marketing tips
    • How to streamline customer service

I’ve Written a Book! Now What?

  • You’ve just completed your manuscript. All the basics are there, but what comes next? Should you send it to a publisher? Have it edited? Look for an agent? Show it to your writing group (you do have one, don’t you?) and ask for feedback? Get it printed? Depending on your purpose and goals, there are different paths you can take, but there are certain things you must not miss. Listen to this seminar and avoid the 7 mistakes of the inexperienced author and get an Action Checklist that will help you make your book the very best it can be.

Microbusiness for the Self-Reliant Homesteader

  • What is the one self-reliance skill many families forget? If you guessed entrepreneurship, you're right. Even if you're prepared for emergencies and living sustainably, it can be hard to survive without a way to earn money. Join us to learn how to start a microbusiness on a shoestring and earn what you need, doing something you love, from wherever you are.

Special Convention Event

Beat-the-Clock Essay Workshop

This four-hour SAT prep writing workshop can be scheduled in conjunction with a homeschool conference (either immediately before or during the conference). This popular teen event offers hands-on help with the SAT/ACT essay, including two practice essays completed during the session, tips on what evaluators look for, a simple formula for time management, step-by-step instruction in how to approach the essay question, a 30-page handbook, and more. You can find complete details at

I work with convention coordinators to make this special event a drawing card for their conference, providing detailed information for programs; promotional copy for flyers or brochures; website, e-newsletter, and blog publicity; and a 5% per student discount off the regular tuition. This discount can be offered to students if parents register for the convention also, or the organization may choose to offer the workshop at the regular tuition and keep the discount. Organizations may also choose to offer a member/non-member tuition rate, or to use the discount to include an auditing parent in the student registration. I am open to discussing other ideas, so please feel free to contact me if the Beat-the-Clock Essay Workshop is something you might like to offer your conference attendees.

Janice's Achievements
  • Author: Excellence in Literature: Reading and Writing Through the Classics, a five year literature curriculum for grades 8-12 

  • Author: Transcripts Made Easy: The Homeschooler's Guide to High School Paperwork 

  • Author: Get a Jump Start on College! A Practical Guide for Teens 

  • Author: Evaluate Writing the Easy Way

  • Creator: Beat the Clock Essay Workshop

  • Editor: The Virginia Homeschool Manual

  • Founding Director: The National Association of Independent Writers and Editors 2007-2018

  • Homeschooled four sons from preschool into college

  • Married to Donald since 1981;-)

  • Caregiver to my grandmother, 1992-2010

  • Graduated cum laude from Mary Baldwin College with a B.A. in English

Campbell's Bio

Janice Campbell and her husband Donald homeschooled their sons from preschool into early college using a lifestyle of learning approach influenced by Charlotte Mason, classical learning, and the Thomas Jefferson method. Her books and resources reflect Janice’s focus on twaddle-free, active learning (she did have boys, after all!).

Janice speaks at conferences nationwide on subjects including literature, writing, high school records and transcripts, as well as microbusiness and multiple streams of income for homeschool families. She is the author of the Excellence in Literature curriculum for grades 8-12, Transcripts Made Easy and Get a Jump Start on College, among other things. She was also the founding Director of the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors (NAIWE).

Whether teaching high school students to love literature or teaching writers and entrepreneurs how to create multiple streams of income, Janice’s focus is on lighting lamps so that others can more easily find their way. Her website and blogs offer inspiration, resources, and a free e-newsletter.


Education Blog: "Taking Time for Things that Matter"

Excellence in Literature Resource Site

Follow Janice on Twitter at and

Facebook page:

And on a more personal note, I'd like to share my mission statement and a bit about what's behind it.

My mission is to inspire, encourage, and equip home-centered families and entrepreneurs.

What's behind it: As a mom who has homeschooled four sons from preschool into college and owned a home business for many years, I want to light lamps for those coming behind. My goal is to help other moms make time for the things that really matter by providing practical advice, quality instruction, and warm encouragement with a special focus on the teen years. 

Homeschooling is a truly blessed privilege, and I'm always saddened to see parents quit because they feel that homeschooling through high school is too hard. I want to come alongside, and show them how they can do it, and why it's a wonderful choice. My homeschooling years are finished, but as an "older" woman, I know that part of my  God-given mission is to share what I've learned with younger women (Titus 2:3-5).

And on a more personal note, I'd like to share my mission statement and a bit about what's behind it.

My mission is to inspire, encourage, and equip home-centered families and entrepreneurs.

What's behind it: As a mom who has homeschooled four sons from preschool into college and owned a home business for many years, I want to light lamps for those coming behind. My goal is to help other moms make time for the things that really matter by providing practical advice, quality instruction, and warm encouragement with a special focus on the teen years. 

Homeschooling is a truly blessed privilege, and I'm always saddened to see parents quit because they feel that homeschooling through high school is too hard. I want to come alongside, and show them how they can do it, and why it's a wonderful choice. 

NotesPrefers that she be contacted by phone only if she can't be reached by email.
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Date Created11/3/2008 11:44:12 PM
Date Modified1/25/2020 11:22:32 AM
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My hope is that this list will assist conference organizers in connecting with Janice Campbell and other workshop leaders and speakers. Furthermore, my desire is to help homeschool workshop leaders and speakers develop relationships with more convention planners and audiences. May your efforts be for the glory of Christ and the strengthening of His saints.

Disclaimer:  Balancing the Sword makes no claims about the speakers' faith, ability, materials, etc.  This speaker profile information is being provided free of charge.  Please click the links and do your own research before issuing an invitation to your conference.  Postings are subject to change.


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