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Miss Sarah Mally:  Homeschool Conference Speaker and Workshop Leader Details



Address 2

Mally, Sarah

Bright Lights
PO Box 11451
Cedar Rapids, Iowa (IA)  52410-1451
United States of America (US)

(Shipping address)
945 7th Ave
Marion, Iowa (IA)  52302
United States of America (US)
Keynote PresentationsChristian Home Educators Support System (CHESS) Heart for
Homeschooling Conference (2008)
Featured Presentations2013 29th Annual Home School Book Fair (2013, TX)
2012 California Great Homschool Convention (2012, CA)
2012 28th Annual Home School Book Fair (2012, TX)
2012 MidWest Homeschool Convention in Cincinnati (2012, OH)
1st Annual 2012 Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention - Spartanburg (2012, SC)
2011 27th Annual Home School Book Fair (2011, TX)
2011 MidWest Homeschool Convention in Cincinnati (2011, OH)
2010 Annual Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania Convention (CHAP) (2010, PA)
2010 IAHE 25th Annual Home Educators Convention (2010, IN)
Christian Family Schools (CFS) 25th Annual Expo Homeschool Convention (2009, CA)
2009 Minnesota Association of Christian Home Educators Conference (MACHE) (2009, MN)
2008 NICHE Conference (2008, IA)
2008 24th Annual Home School Book Fair (2008, TX)
2008 Annual Michigan Home Education Convention (INCH) (2008, MI)
2008 Minnesota Association of Christian Home Educators Conference (MACHE) (2008, MN)
Workshop Presentations2003 Teaching Parents Association's Homeschool Conference (TPA) (2003, KS)
Presentation Titles & Descriptions

 Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends (with siblingss Stephen and Grace Mally)
Many parents say that one of the hardest parts of homeschooling is that their children dont get along together. In this presentation, including practical ideas,stories and skits,the Mally children will share how homeschooling has helped them become best friends.

Will Our Generation Speak? A Call to be Bold with the Gospel (with siblings, Grace and Stephen)
When young people speak, people listen. Today’s Christian home school youth are in a position like Esther. God has raised them up “for such a time as this.” Will we articulate the truth of the gospel with boldness, confidence, and clarity? In this session, Sarah, Stephen, and Grace Mally will share practical ideas, insights, and stories about how to effectively communicate the gospel to those around us. How can we share the gospel boldly? What if we feel scared? How can we begin making disciples?

Preparing Young Ladies For Their Teenage Years
In this workshop, Sarah Mally will share a homeschool graduates perspective on how parents can win the hearts of their daughters. She will share practical ways to encourage young ladies to be strong for the Lord in their youth, avoid rebellion during the teen years, and have direction for their life and ministry. For the past seven years, Sarah has been leading a growing network of girls discipleship groups called Bright Lights.

Teaching Creation Science at Home: Tomorrow's Forefathers
The Mally family will examine the hows and whys of home-teaching creation science, providing an overview of what content to include, video clips and family skits.

Knights, Maidens, and Dragons (with father, Harold Mally)
How to find the right life partner and avoid or slay the many dragons along the path. Using stories, testimonies, and skits, this session looks at a series of Biblical concepts that are safeguards for young people as they embark on their important life journey.

Credentials Without College (with brother, Stephen Mally)
This session will help young people and parents set wise life goals, learn to avoid worldly thinking in the area of education, understand the importance of seeking God's credentials rather than the world's credentials, and consider some of the dangers of college. This workshop communicates the need to be prepared for "life" not just a career, with the focus being on doing a "great work" for God.

Preparing Birdies for Flight (The Mally family)
Often homeschoolers lose their focus and forget the real reasons behind what they are doing. This workshop helps families clarify what the right goals are, what the right goals are not, and how to stay focused on the final product. Includes a chalk talk.

Ministering Together as a Family (The Mally Family)
It is easy to underestimate the tremendous potential we have as families for the Kingdom of God. This workshop will give encouragement, direction, and practical ideas for developing a ministry mindset in children and ministering together as a family. Includes a chalk talk & harp music.

Raising Pure Children in a Generation of Darkness
A young person who is pure will shine with a radiant brightness in this world of darkness. How can our children stay emotionally and physically pure, be strong for the Lord in their youth, avoid rebellion, and find Gods direction for their lives? How can parents protect and guide them? This workshop will help answer those questions.

Raising Pure Daughters in a Generation of Darkness
A young lady who is pure will shine with a radiant brightness in this world of darkness. How can a young lady stay physically and emotionally pure as she waits for Gods best in marriage? How can parents protect and guide? This workshop will encourage young ladies to guard their minds, to desire the very best marriage, to give their hearts to their father, to avoid the dangers of the worlds thinking, and to have a life purpose bigger than marriage.

Peace Treaties in the Living Room
By Sarah, Stephen, and Grace Mally, authors of the book Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends, this workshop is a sequel to the previous Brothers and Sisters workshop. It will focus on fighting the GOOD fight at home and will contain both material from the book and some new material. It will cover how to have meaningful conversations, overcome anger, seek Gods best in family relationship, and maintain a peaceful home.

Preparing Young People for Mighty Works
Sarah and Stephen Mally, two homeschool graduates, will share how important it is for every family to be serving the Lord together as a family team. When a family works together for the Lord, the young people are given motivation and vision, the family learns to overcome struggles and work in harmony, and mighty works are accomplished for God's kingdom. This workshop will give practical ideas, direction and encouragement to help children and young people have a ministry mindset.

Creation Science
Covering some of the basics of creation science, this session has lots of variety and interesting facts. It is presented by the whole family, moves quickly, and includes video clips and skits. In this session, you will learn information about dinosaurs, the flood, the young earth, the accuracy of Genesis and how to teach creation science in your family. By the Mally family.

Sarah's Achievements
  • Author: Before you Meet Prince Charming
  • Co-author: Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends
  • Founder: Bright Lights (ministry for girls)
  • Founder: Strong in the Lord conferences
  • Founder: Radiant Purity conferences
Mally's Bio

Sarah, Stephen, and Grace Mally (homeschool graduates) live in Marion, Iowa, where they are involved full time in their family ministry called Tomorrow's Forefathers. They are the children of Harold and Rebekah Mally.

They speak frequently at conferences, encouraging families and young people to be strong for the Lord. In 2002, Sarah, Stephen, and Grace co-authored the book, Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends.

Sarah is the founder of Bright Lights, a nationwide discipleship ministry designed to equip young ladies to live fully for the Lord. Today over 400 Bright Lights groups have started around the country. In 2006, Sarah also published the book Before You Meet Prince Charming.

As our world grows increasingly dark, it is the desire and prayer of the Mallys that the Lord would raise up mighty warriors for His kingdom in this generation. 

Own Balancing the Sword?Yes
Date Created11/3/2008 11:44:12 PM
Date Modified6/30/2012 9:30:33 AM
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My hope is that this list will assist conference organizers in connecting with Sarah Mally and other workshop leaders and speakers. Furthermore, my desire is to help homeschool workshop leaders and speakers develop relationships with more convention planners and audiences. May your efforts be for the glory of Christ and the strengthening of His saints.

Disclaimer:  Balancing the Sword makes no claims about the speakers' faith, ability, materials, etc.  This speaker profile information is being provided free of charge.  Please click the links and do your own research before issuing an invitation to your conference.  Postings are subject to change.


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