Biblical and Classical Education (with husband, Scott Somerville)
Scott and Marcia draw lessons from educational history and explain how homeschoolers can take advantage of the biblical and classical models of education.
The Nearness of God is My Good
Marcia offers spiritual encouragement from her own mistakes and lessons and shares her personal discovery that daily time with God is the foundation of our homeschools!
Meeting With God: A Toolbox Approach
A variety of practical approaches to teaching children to meet with God daily and develop an intimate relationship with Him. (Best after The Nearness of God is My Good.)
Tips for Teaching a Houseful
Trying to teach multiple levels with toddlers underfoot? Marcia has been there and done that, and encourages busy moms with practical pointers from years of experience.
Elements of Writing Instruction I
Using Power Point slides and simple, straightforward language, Marcia will outline the process (from K-12) of teaching any child to write well.
Elements of Writing Instruction II
Marcia gives general aid in knowing where to start in evaluating our childrens papers, and leads you through grading samples of student writing (provided by Marcia).
Considering Co-op Options
This session overviews co-ops for people who are new to the idea, answering questions about what makes a co-op a co-op, what makes them worthwhile, and much more!
Building & Managing Co-ops
Speaking from experience, Marcia speaks on pitfalls, first steps, and sound principles in building co-ops, and gives vision for the opportunities co-ops can present.
Cravings & Conflict
Marcia speaks from James 4:1, demonstrating the root of conflict, and giving practical ways in which families can use biblical truths to deal with the conflicts in their hearts.
Which Class is Most Important?
What classes are you most interested in your child passing? Marcia encourages parents to seek the Masters Degree that counts: our Masters approval of a life well-lived.
Teaching With Tapestry of Grace
How to teach your students using the Tapestry of Grace curriculum: instructions from the author.
Options For Schooling From Home
A thorough discussion about the benefits and possible hidden costs of schooling children in classes outside of our homes.