Biblical and Classical Education (with wife, Marcia Somerville)
During the Industrial Revolution, people analyzed the steps of traditional craftsmanship and built factories that could churn out mountains of products on an assembly line. America’s public schools use this industrial model. Schools segregate children into “grades,” break time up into “periods,” and divide education into “subjects.” The goal of academic mass production is a secular citizen who can work, pay taxes, and vote. This method of education is cheaper than older ways of teaching, but there is no evidence that it is better. In this session, Scott and Marcia Somerville explain how homeschoolers can take advantage of the biblical and classical models of education.
Charter Schools: The Price is Too High
This session explains how and why many state constitutions prohibit Christian parents from using tax-funded virtual charter schools to disciple their children in their homes.
Generation Joshua
Homeschooling parents have taken back their children from the Egypt of public education; now its time for homeschooled children to take back America.
Gifted and Special Education
In this workshop, Scott explains the history and logic of the federal special education laws, and helps families find their way through the maze to their goals.
Homeschool Grows Up
Scott discusses the encouraging results of Dr. Brian Rays 2003 record-breaking survey of adults who were taught at home. Answer the critics with the proof they demand.
Precision Parenting
The Bible tells us to admonish the unruly, help the weak, encourage the fainthearted, and be patient with them all (I Thessalonians 5:14). As parents, we sometimes fall into the trap of admonishing when we should be encouraging, and then we get frustrated because it doesn’t work. It is easier to be patient when we remember which is which! In this talk, Scott Somerville turns to the Gospel of Luke to show how Jesus patiently admonished, helped, and encouraged the people He met. Every parent can benefit from this practical, biblical talk.
Power Tools
In this session, Scott Somerville shows how the "power tools" of praise and peacemaking help men improve their homes. Fathers can praise God, bless their wives, and encourage their children by actively looking for evidences of God's grace within the family. Men who are looking for good things usually find them--and once fathers take up the challenge of discovering what God is doing, everybody notices. Your wife has no greater joy than to hear that her children are walking in the truth-- make it your job to tell her what the kids are doing right! Of course, not everything that goes on at home deserves praise. There's plenty of conflict in any home. Scott shows how the "power tool" of biblical peacemaking turns conflicts into opportunities to glorify God, serve others, and grow to be more like Christ.
Principles for Principals
Scott shares the principles that have changed him from a homeschooling couch potato to a real principal.
The Hidden Treasure in Your Home
Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. There is treasure hidden in the home, and we have given up almost everything to be able to take hold of it. Scott Somerville puts the sacrifices and rewards of homeschooling into eternal perspective.
The History and Future of American Education
In 1647, the Massachusetts Puritans enacted the first compulsory school law to make sure that every citizen of their new commonwealth could read the Scriptures. Today, second-graders in public schools can’t do a book report on a Bible story. How did we get here from there? Where do we go tomorrow?
Your Home is Your Castle
The Constitution protects your home against intrusion by anyone, including social workers and school officials. Scott explains your rights under the Constitution.
What Wives Wish Husbands Knew About Homeschooling
Scott Somerville dared to ask 100 homeschool moms for their personal “wish lists,” and was relieved to discover there is hope for homeschool husbands! These women weren’t asking the impossible, nor were they looking for a whole new man; instead, they wanted their husbands to show their love in some practical, pastoral, and personal ways. Scott combines information with motivation for life-changing results! Husbands who understand this can succeed in their homeschools without sacrificing their other God-given priorities.
Master Plan
Scott focuses fathers on their homeschooling mission, and then identifies and discusses primary resources that any father can use to accomplish that mission: money and time. Power Tools Scott identifies three tools men can use to build up their families and address the danger of placing their desires ahead of God.
Under Construction
Helps fathers lead each member of the family, including themselves, in growth in character with a view of each level of development - deals with kids and adults.
My House, My Rules
The message to dads is, “Your word is already law — how can you make it grace?” Scott gently addresses dads who make arbitrary rules and then get offended by teens who obey them, yet encourages dads (and moms) to take their authority seriously and use it for the glory of God and the eternal good of their children.