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Ms. Zan Tyler:  Homeschool Conference Speaker and Workshop Leader Details



Tyler, Zan

South Carolina (SC)  
United States of America (US)

Keynote PresentationsManitoba Association of Christian Home Schools (MACHS) Conference (2006)

CHEA's 35th Annual Homeschool Convention (2018, CA)
9th Annual LEAH Long Island/New York City Homeschool Convention (2011, NY)
2008 NICHE Conference (2008, IA)
Featured Presentations2012 Christian Homeschoolers of Idaho State Convention (CHOIS) (2012, ID)
2012 California Great Homschool Convention (2012, CA)
2012 MidWest Homeschool Convention in Cincinnati (2012, OH)
2012 New Mexico Christian Home School Convention (2012, NM)
1st Annual 2012 Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention - Spartanburg (2012, SC)
The Old Schoolhouse Expo (Oct. 2010) (2010, WWW)
2010 Annual Georgia Home Education Association's Conference (GHEA) (2010, GA)
Workshop Presentations34th Annual CHEA Homeschool Convention (2017, CA)
The Old Schoolhouse Expo (May 2011) (2011, WWW)
Presentation Titles & Descriptions

Worldview Training:  Raising Your Children to Be Intentional Christians in a “Whatever” World
The statistics are tragic and startling. Great percentages of children raised in evangelical homes are not continuing in their faith and beliefs as they reach and continue into adulthood. Some of the most important academic and practical training we can give our children as we homeschool them is worldview training. For Christians, our goal is to teach our children to think biblically about all of life. During the course of this workshop, we will delve into why Christian worldview training is an absolutely crucial component of our homeschooling. We will also discuss the following questions:
What is worldview?
What function does worldview serve in my child's life?
How can I teach worldview?
At what age should I teach worldview to my children?
Can I award high school credit for studying worldview?
If we want to see true revival in our culture, we must teach our children how to think biblically about all of lifefrom academics to social issues to daily decisions. A true biblical worldview will equip our children to become powerful thinkers, leaders, and communicators.

How God Uses Our Limitations and Weaknesses as Homeschooling Moms
Do you worry that you are inadequate for all that homeschooling requires of you? The Scripture provides promises of hope, strength, power, and help for those of us who are weak, weary, and imperfect. Come to this workshop and be encouraged.

Cultivating a Servant's Heart in Your Child
Most children do not intuitively know how to serve others; we must model service for them. We will examine some key scriptural principles, and provide practical ideas to teach your children what it means to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

10 Training Tips for the Homeschool Marathon
Homeschooling is more like running a twenty-six mile marathon than the one hundred yard dash. Zan will help you develop a training strategy that builds your strength, stamina, and vision, enabling you to run with endurance the race that lies before us.

Life in the Fiery Furnace
Homeschooling is hard work that places great demands on us as parents. The combination of great demands and great expectations often sets us up for great failure and disappointment. We quickly find out as we homeschool that things dont always go according to our plans. Sometimes, when we are doing our best to follow God and love our families, we unexpectedly find ourselves in the fiery furnace. Why does this happen? How does it happen? What is God trying to do in our lives? When Daniel's three friends were thrown into the fiery furnace, through no fault of their own, they discovered deep fellowship with the fourth man, who is Christ. If we learn to look at the Fiery Furnace through the eyes of Scripture, we can begin to bask in God's love in the midst of trials, rather than being consumed by the flames and burned out by our circumstances. In this workshop, we will look at the things that lead to burnout and talk about ways to avoid them. We will also talk about what to do if you find yourself already thereready to throw in the towel and put your children on that very appealing yellow school bus. This workshop will contain many practical tips on streamlining your life, but it will also focus on vision. We must have a powerful, biblical vision of what we are ultimately trying to accomplish in the lives of our children through homeschooling in order to sustain us through the hard times and difficult days.

Becoming Sarah's Daughter: Replacing Fear with Faith (Women only)
Can I really do this well? Am I adequately preparing my children for the future? In this special time for women only, we will look at how to replace fear with faith, and become the effective, kingdom-minded women God wants us to be.

Praying Powerfully for Our Children
In this workshop we will focus on many passages of Scripture, including Isaiah 45, which will give us vision and teach us how to pray in a compelling way for our children. You and your children will never be the same!

Avoiding and Overcoming Homeschool Burnout
Homeschooling is hard work that places great demands on us as parents. The combination of great demands and great expectations often sets us up for great failure and disappointment. We quickly find out as we homeschool that things don’t always go according to our plans. Sometimes, when we are doing our best to follow God and love our families, we unexpectedly find ourselves in the fiery furnace. Why does this happen? How does it happen? What is God trying to do in our lives?When Daniel’s three friends were thrown into the fiery furnace, through no fault of their own, they discovered deep fellowship with the “fourth man,” who is Christ. If we learn to look at the Fiery Furnace through the eyes of Scripture, we can begin to bask in God’s love in the midst of trials, rather than being consumed by the flames and “burned out” by our circumstances.

In this workshop, we will look at the things that lead to burnout and talk about ways to avoid them. We will also talk about what to do if you find yourself already there—ready to throw in the towel and put your children on that very appealing yellow school bus. This workshop will contain many practical tips on streamlining your life, but it will also focus on vision. We must have a powerful, biblical vision of what we are ultimately trying to accomplish in the lives of our children through homeschooling in order to sustain us through the hard times and difficult days.

World View Training: Raising the Daniel Generation
When the heathen King Belshazzar saw the hand appear out of nowhere and begin writing on the wall, the Bible tells us his face turned pale, and his thoughts so terrified him that his hip joints shook and his knees knocked together. That's scared! When no one could read the handwriting on the wall, the Queen appeared and suggested that the King call Daniel, who was known for his extraordinary spirit, knowledge and perception, and the ability to interpret dreams, explain riddles, and solve problems.—Our teens, like Daniel, live in the midst of a secular culture with a host of problems. Our goal as Christian homeschoolers has to be bigger and broader than turning out kids with exceptional talent and high SAT scores. We should be striving for them to use their gifts to impact the world for Christ, to help others by solving real problems, and to bring glory to God in the process. In this workshop, we will study the life of Daniel and learn to apply the powerful principles we find to the lives of our own children and teens.

7 Tools for Cultivating Your Childs Potential
When you look at your children, do you see only little people making demands of your time? Or do you see what God sees—landscape of limitless possibilities? Author and homeschool advocate Zan Tyler wants to take you beyond the here and now to embrace a wondrous, life-giving vision for your children's future. You will learn to recognize the signs of potential in your children's lives, signs that are easy to miss yet ripe for cultivation. You will begin to see every facet of each child's life through the eyes of faith and the lens of Scripture, creating a vision of hope and beauty. You will also look to the Master Gardener as you learn to use the tools He has given you for cultivating that child's potential. Let Zan Tyler show you how to help your kids establish a godly identity, discover their purpose, develop a biblical worldview, and build leadership and communication skills. You will come away with a vision of child-raising so captivating and enthralling that you will know, come bedtime, it's all been well worth the effort.

Mothers Are Kingdom Builders: Putting First Things First
The work you are doing in your home has tremendous eternal significance. Come to this workshop and be inspired and encouraged in your role as a wife, mother, and teacher. We will discuss putting first things first—our relationship with God, our relationship with our husbands, and our relationships with our children. We will discuss the crucial aspect of discipleship while homeschooling and delve into the nitty-gritty of life including household management (from a gentle perspective), the importance of books, and choosing curriculum.

The Ultimate Planning Tools For Homeschool Moms
Planning no longer has to be drudgery and despair. Debra Bell, author of the best-selling The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling has developed a series of planners that can revolutionize your life. The Ultimate Homeschool Planner (for moms) encourages you to seek God first in your planning and gives you ample space to record your spiritual goals and God’s faithfulness to you on an annual, monthly, and weekly basis. The planner is designed to help you raise independent learners who will take more and more ownership of their own education as they grow and mature.

Laughter is the Best Medicine: Lessons from a Real Marriage (with her husband, Joe Tyler)
In this workshop, join Joe Tyler for a discussion not only on the basics, but the BASIS, of a good marriage. From Genesis to Revelation, marriage is a central focus in Scripture. God even uses the marriage relationship to explain the relationship between Christ and His church. Joe will establish a biblical vision for marriage, consider the roles of husband and wives, discuss the unique pressures that homeschooling places on the marriage, and point out ways to divorce-proof our homes. The world is watching as the daily drama of our family lives play out before them. Let’s make sure that our marriages and families point them to Christ.

Seven Things I Want My Children to Know
Your children grow up in the blink of an eye. What do you want them to know by the time they leave home? How do you plan to teach them those things? Knowing God serves as the foundation for discussion of the seven things that Zan Tyler wanted her children to know before they left home: the significance of family, the power of meaningful relationships, the gifts, strengths, and personalities that make them unique, the reward of faith and the relevance of a Biblical worldview, the value of character and discipleship, the benefits of a tailored education, and the ability to read the handwriting on the wall.

Living in the Fiery Furnace: How to Avoid Homeschool Burnout
Homeschooling is hard work that places great demands on us as parents. The combination of great demands and great expectations often sets us up for an intense sense of failure and disappointment. Homeschooling doesn’t always go according to our plans. Even when we are doing our best to follow God and love our families, we find ourselves in the fiery furnace. When Daniel’s three friends were thrown into the fiery furnace, through no fault of their own, they discovered deep fellowship with the “fourth man,” Who is Christ. IF we learn to look at the fiery furnace through the eyes of Scripture, we can begin to bask in God’s love in the midst of trials, rather than being consumed by the flames and “burned out” by our circumstances.
Seven Tools for Cultivating Your Child's Potential: Spiritually, Emotionally and Physically

Seven Tools for Cultivating Your Child's Potential in Worldview Academics, Leadership & Communication

Praying Powerfully for Our Children!


Zan's Achievements

•Homeschooled her three children for 21 years (beginning in 1984)

•Director: Apologia Press

•National Grassroots Director:

•Acquisitions Editor: Apologia Educational Ministries

•Homeschool Editor: LifeWay's Web Network

•Co-author: Anyone Can Homeschool

•Author: Seven Tools for Cultivating Your Child's Potential

•Her writing appears in homeschool magazines, academic journals, and the Court Report

•Former Homeschool Resource and Media Consultant: Broadman & Holman Publishers

•Former president (from 1990 to 2000) and founder: South Carolina Association of Independent Home Schools (SCAIHS)

Tyler's Bio

Zan Tyler is the director of Apologia Press, where her goal is to support homeschooling parents by bringing them the very best in authors and biblically-sound resources.

A longtime speaker, writer, and homeschooling advocate, Zan derives deep joy from speaking to and encouraging homeschooling parents across the country and around the globe. "After speaking at a conference in Japan, I spent time with a mother who said, 'You gave me strength because you gave me Christ.' My heart soared because my greatest desire is to give parents a sustainable vision for raising their children for Christ while providing them the very best education." She is also the author of 7 Tools for Cultivating Your Child's Potential.

Zan and her husband, Joe, homeschooled each of their three children from kindergarten through high school, for a total of 21 years. When she began homeschooling in 1984, she was threatened with jail by the South Carolina State Superintendent of Education. After prolonged legal battles for the rights of her family and homeschoolers in her state, Zan founded the South Carolina Association of Independent Home Schools (SCAIHS) in 1990 and served as its president for ten years. She has been honored as the South Carolina Homemaker of the Year, and in 1998 the governor awarded her the Order of the Palmetto, the highest South Carolina honor a civilian can receive. She has appeared on NBC's Today Show with Katie Couric.

More recently, Zan has served as the National Grassroots Director for She is also a popular columnist, and her articles appear in a variety of online and print publications including HSLDA's Court Report. Zan is also the South Carolina Ambassador for The Home School Foundation, a ministry dedicated to helping homeschool families in need.

Date Created11/3/2008 11:44:12 PM
Date Modified7/11/2012 11:24:30 AM
(click here if map not visible above)

My hope is that this list will assist conference organizers in connecting with Zan Tyler and other workshop leaders and speakers. Furthermore, my desire is to help homeschool workshop leaders and speakers develop relationships with more convention planners and audiences. May your efforts be for the glory of Christ and the strengthening of His saints.

Disclaimer:  Balancing the Sword makes no claims about the speakers' faith, ability, materials, etc.  This speaker profile information is being provided free of charge.  Please click the links and do your own research before issuing an invitation to your conference.  Postings are subject to change.


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