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Dr. Jay Wile, Ph.D.:  Homeschool Conference Speaker and Workshop Leader Details



Wile, Jay

Dr. Jay L. Wile
3117 Circle Pointe
Anderson, Indiana (IN)  46012
United States of America (US)

Jay Wile on Facebook
Keynote PresentationsSouth African Homeschool Convention (2004)
Southwest Missouri Home Education Convention (2005)
Saskatchewan Home Based Educators (SHBE) Convention (2008)
Fourth Annual South Korean Homeschool Convention (2011)
2010 APHEA Homeschool Convention (2010, AK)
20th Annual Homeschoolers of Maine (HOME) Convention (2010, ME)
Featured Presentations2014 Appalachian Home Educators Conference (2014, TN)
2013 SHEM Home Education Convention (2013, MO)
2013 SHEM Home Education Convention (2013, MO)
2013 Southeast Homeschool Convention (2013, SC)
2012 Northeast Great Homeschool Convention (2012, CT)
2012 California Great Homschool Convention (2012, CA)
2012 MidWest Homeschool Convention in Cincinnati (2012, OH)
26th Annual MHEA Conference & Curriculum Fair (2012, TN)
2012 CHENH Home Education Convention (2012, NH)
2012 SouthEast Great Homschool Convention (2012, SC)
2012 Southeast Homeschool Convention (2012, SC)
2011 22nd Annual Heart of Illinois Convention for Home Educators (2011, IL)
2011 MidWest Homeschool Convention in Cincinnati (2011, OH)
The Old Schoolhouse Expo (Oct. 2010) (2010, WWW)
Sacramento Christian Organization of Parent Educators (SCOPE) 22nd Annual Homeschool Conference (2010, CA)
2010 SHEM Home Education Convention (2010, MO)
Prairie States Christian Home Educators 2009 Spring Conference (2009, SD)
4th Annual 2009 Greater St. Louis Area Home Educators Expo (2009, MO)
2008 19th Annual Heart of Illinois Convention for Home Educators (2008, IL)
Presentation Titles & Descriptions

What are They Doing Now?

Dr. Wile became involved in homeschooling because while he was teaching at the university level, his best students were homeschool graduates.   Since then, he has expected homeschoolers to become the true leaders of their generation.  To investigate whether or not his expectation is coming true, Dr. Wile tracked down several homeschooled students who are now adults and learned what they are doing.  In this talk, Dr. Wile tells you what he learned.  You will be amazed at what these young adults are doing and how they have already impacted the world.  If you are wondering whether or not homeschool graduates can make a difference in the world, you should definitely listen to this talk!

Why Homeschool THROUGH High School

Homeschooling parents are often faced with a difficult decision when their children reach high school age.  Typically, the parents feel they are just not able to teach the more demanding courses that are required at the high school level.  As a result, many parents feel that they must send their children to school for a proper high school education.  In this seminar, Dr. Jay L. Wile, a former teacher at both the university and high school levels, will explain why such a decision is not in the best interest of the student.

Using data gathered from many different sources, including his own experiences, Dr. Wile demonstrates that homeschooled students are better academically prepared and better socialized than their publicly- or privately-schooled counterparts.  These facts allow Dr. Wile to make a compelling case that the best thing for a homeschooled student is to stay in homeschool, regardless of the parent’s academic abilities.

“Teaching” High School at Home

Once parents decide to homeschool their children through high school, they are faced with several challenges.  Many parents do not know what subjects a child should cover in order to attain a rigorous high school education.  In addition, once parents decide which subjects their children should cover, they find that they either never covered those subjects themselves or have long since forgotten the details. 

In this seminar, Dr. Jay L. Wile, a former teacher at both the high school and university levels, discusses the subjects that make up a rigorous, college-preparatory high school experience.  In addition, he will give you helpful tips on how you can help your child learn these subjects, even if you are not familiar with them.  He will also discuss the record-keeping that must be done at the high school level.  This is a real “nuts and bolts” talk that will give you lots of excellent ideas on how to implement high school in your home.

“Teaching” the Junior High & High School Sciences at Home

In this seminar, Dr. Jay L. Wile explains how any parent can help his or her children learn science at the upper levels.  As a former University teacher and a former high school teacher, Dr. Wile is a staunch advocate of homeschooling a student all the way through the high school years.  He agrees that most parents do not have the ability to teach the high school sciences at home, but he also contends that this is not a problem.  By the time a homeschooled student reaches high school, he or she should have the ability to learn independently or with the help of another.  Thus, Dr. Wile admonishes the parent to learn the subject right along with the student.  With both the parent and the student helping each other learn, an upper level science experience can be equally rewarding for both!

In order to help the homeschooling parent plan his or her science curriculum, Dr. Wile provides study timelines for both the science-oriented and the non-science-oriented student.  In addition, he discusses the mathematical skills needed in order to maintain the proposed timeline.

What about K-6 Science?

Homeschooling parents are faced with a dizzying array of choices when it comes to teaching science at the elementary level.  In this seminar, Dr. Jay L. Wile, a former teacher at both the high school and university levels, helps parents make sense of it all.   He discusses the two major approaches to teaching the sciences, giving the strengths and weaknesses of each.  He then surveys the major curriculum choices available to homeschoolers in order to help parents focus on what will work for their children.

Homeschooling: The Solution to our Education Problem

In this seminar, Dr. Jay L. Wile, a former university professor and high school teacher, explains why homeschooling is the best means by which a child can be educated in America.  This seminar is filled with statistics that show homeschooled students are better academically prepared and better socialized than their publicly- or privately-schooled counterparts.  These facts will bolster the resolve of homeschooling parents while equipping them to counter arguments from their detractors.  Based on the data and his own personal experiences with homeschooled graduates in his university-level science courses, Dr. Wile is convinced that home education is the best means of educating a child in America, and after listening to this seminar, you will be inclined to agree with him!

Teaching Critical Thinking

One of the biggest failures of our public and private school systems is that they do not teach students how to think critically.  In this seminar, Dr. Wile gives you specific suggestions as to how you can teach your child to think critically, regardless of the subject matter.  You will learn how to help your student evaluate statements, look for hidden assumptions, find political/social agendas, and discover faulty logic.  Although Dr. Wile’s area of interest is science, he will show you how critical thinking applies to all academic areas, as well as all facets of your life.

Homeschooling: Discovering How and Why it Works

Dr. Wile became involved in the homeschooling movement because of the excellent homeschool graduates he encountered while he was on the faculty at Ball State University.  Over the years, he has followed the academic and professional literature to see how others have evaluated homeschooled students, and the results are clear: homeschooling works very well.  On average, homeschooled students are academically superior to their peers, and they are also socially well-adjusted.  In this talk, Dr. Wile reviews some of the studies that demonstrate these facts, and he also speculates on why homeschooling works so well.

Our Story

Dr. Wile discusses the circumstances around which he and his wife adopted their daughter, Dawn, and began homeschooling her.  As the main person in charge of Dawn’s home education, Dr. Wile shares the things that he did to encourage critical thinking, research skills, and study skills in Dawn.  He also discusses what he saw as the major benefits of home education for Dawn.  He then shares Dawn’s own evaluation of her homeschooling experience, including what she thought was better than her public school education as well as what she thought was worse.

Reasonable Faith: The Scientific Case for Christianity

This seminar is based on Dr. Jay L. Wile’s book, Reasonable Faith: The Scientific Case for Christianity.  It provides a step-by-step argument that shows science provides an enormous amount of evidence for the validity of the Christian faith.  He first demonstrates how natural science clearly points to the existence of a Creator.  He then shows how historical and social science show that the best source of information regarding the Creator is the Holy Bible.  Finally, he shows the objective medical and historical evidence that indicates the Bible has, indeed, been inspired by God.  Pulling from such broad scientific disciplines as nuclear physics, chemistry, biology, archaeology, literary criticism, sociology, medicine, and historical science, Dr. Wile’s argument is extremely persuasive.  Everyone who leaves this seminar will have increased faith in the reality of the Christian experience.

The Bible: A Great Source of Modern Science

In this lecture, Dr. Jay L. Wile examines many of the rules and regulations found in the Old Testament and demonstrates how these rules are in perfect agreement with our most modern scientific knowledge.  For example, Dr. Wile shows how the rules regarding circumcision are based on medical knowledge that has been uncovered within the last 30 years;  he shows that the Bible knew about germs long before people knew of them; and that the Bible was the first document to contain modern ideas of sanitation. This lecture makes it clear that the Bible was NOT authored by men!

Building a Biblical Worldview

This is not your standard “Biblical worldview” talk.  In fact, Dr. Wile doesn’t think that a Biblical worldview is built with courses and books about worldviews.  In Dr. Wile’s opinion, a Biblical worldview is built by studying the Scriptures seriously and studying the academic subjects that relate to Christianity seriously.  Thus, he suggests that a student truly needs to build his or her own worldview, rather than being taught what worldview he or she should have.  This leads to a Biblical worldview that might be slightly different from his or her parents’ worldview, but it will be one that the student will be more likely to believe throughout the rest of his or her life.

I Told You That Was Going To Happen!

In this seminar, Dr. Wile explores several Old Testament prophecies that have already come true in history.  He demonstrates the incredible detail and accuracy of the prophecies, which were written hundreds of years before the events took place.  You will see how the Bible accurately predicted the fates of famous cities as well as the details regarding the life, death, and resurrection of Christ.  In fact, these prophecies are so precise that they actually predicted the very day  that Christ entered Jerusalem!  The point of the message, of course, is to demonstrate that the Bible could only have been written by God, as God is the only one who knows the future!

Creation Versus Evolution

In this seminar, Dr. Jay L. Wile, a nuclear chemist, explores the complicated Creation Versus Evolution debate.  He discusses Christian attempts to make the Genesis account compatible with the theory of evolution and what he dislikes about them.  He then presents strong scientific evidence that discounts the theory of evolution.  He discusses evolutionists’ attempts to explain away these data and how such attempts fail.  Perhaps the most intriguing part of this seminar comes when Dr. Wile details some of the fantastic life forms on this planet and how their existence can never be explained using the hypothesis of evolution.  Regardless of how science-oriented you are, this seminar will strengthen your faith and give you an even deeper appreciation for the marvelous Creation that God has given us.

Creation Versus Evolution: Religion Versus Science or Religion Versus Religion?

In this seminar, Dr. Jay L. Wile, a nuclear chemist, shows that the creation versus evolution debate is really a debate between two religions.  He shows that from a scientific method point of view, evolution is no more than an unconfirmed hypothesis.  This puts it on the same ground as creation, which is also an unconfirmed hypothesis.  He then demonstrates that those who believe in evolution have the same essential characteristics as religious believers.  In the end, then, he concludes that the whole concept of evolution is a religious one.

Evolution: The Enemy of Truth and Science

This seminar explores the theory of evolution from an historical and educational viewpoint.  Dr. Jay L. Wile, a former university professor and high school teacher, gives accounts of the lies promulgated by evolutionists in their attempts to cover up the weakness of their case.  He discusses the censorship that occurs daily in our public schools and our institutions of higher learning.  This censorship is aimed primarily at creationists, because the bulk of the scientific evidence regarding the history of life stands firmly in their favor.  From the anecdotes told by Dr. Wile to the statistical evidence that he presents, this seminar clearly shows how the proponents of the theory of evolution do all they can to cover up the truth.  This makes them the enemy of science.

Organisms and Biological Structures That Evolutionists Won’t Show You

Although designed for the general audience, biology teachers have reported the most benefit from attending this seminar by Dr. Jay L. Wile, a former university teacher.  In his talk, Dr. Wile highlights some of the most amazing life forms that exist on earth.  He shows how their complex biological structures and survival mechanisms are powerful evidence for the existence of a Creator.  He talks about sensory mechanisms in creatures that are infinitely more precise and powerful than the most high-tech gadgetry produced by modern science.  He discusses many examples of symbiosis and how evolution can never hope to explain them.

Why I Am A Creationist, When So Many Other Scientists Are Not

In this lecture, Dr. Wile uses his development as a scientist to explain why most scientists are not creationists, even though the scientific evidence for creation is so compelling. His frank discussions of indoctrination, discrimination, and bias show quite clearly that most scientists do not reject creationism on the basis of science. If you've ever wondered why evolution is so heavily entrenched in the scientific community, you will want to hear this lecture!

Can You Trust The Textbooks?

In this talk, Dr. Wile surveys the three most popular biology books used in public schools, concentrating on the statements made regarding the origin of life and evolution.  He highlights the errors, lies, and omissions that work together to make the case for evolution appear much stronger than it actually is.  When those errors, lies, and omissions are highlighted, it becomes clear that the textbooks are not interested in communicating the science related to evolution.  Instead, they are simply trying to force the students to believe in evolution, even when the data do not support it. 

Creationism: The Best Way to Teach Science

The National Center for Science education says, “...creationism--whether it be old-fashioned Young Earth creationism or its Intelligent Design descendant--is simply not science.”  The Iowa Academy of Science says, “Creationism is not science and the Academy deplores and opposes any attempt to disguise it as science.”  The common refrain is that unless you teach evolution, you are not teaching science.  In this seminar, Dr. Jay L. Wile (who holds a PhD in nuclear chemistry) shows that absurd statements like these are demonstrably false.  First, creationism gave us the science that we have today.  Second, creationism teaches us not only the laws of nature, but also the source of those laws.  Imagine teaching a course on United States law without ever mentioning the United States Constitution, the source its law!  If you could manage to construct such a course, it certainly would not be very informative.  To truly understand the laws of nature, you must understand their source.  Finally, and most importantly, it works.  Time and time again modern science confirms the creationist view. 

The Earth: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

How does a poisonous gas make it possible for life to exist on earth?  Why should we be reminded of God’s love for us every time we look at a compass?  Because from the interior structure of the earth to its atmosphere, our planet has been designed by God so that it is the perfect place for us to live.  In this talk, Dr. Wile discussed the various design features scientists find in the earth that make it very clear the earth was not the result of chance!

The Earth: Is It Young or Is It Old?

In this seminar, Dr. Jay L. Wile, a nuclear chemist, discusses the age of the earth.  The majority of scientists contend that the earth is several billions of years old.  In this lecture, however, Dr. Wile demonstrates that this scientific consensus is not based on evidence.  By providing detailed critiques of modern dating methods, he clearly shows that science does not point to an ancient earth.  Dr. Wile’s discussion of this point is particularly important, as his Ph.D. studies in nuclear chemistry were done at one of the United States’ premiere radiometric dating laboratories.  His knowledge of radiometric dating and how it is used is first-hand, and he can easily show that it simply DOES NOT work!  Dr. Wile does not stop there, however.  He also gives what he considers to be the main scientific reasons to believe that the earth is young.

Why I Believe in a Young Earth

The age of the earth is a controversial topic, even in the Christian community.  While Dr. Wile is a young-earth creationist, he does not take that position as a result of theology.  Instead, he thinks that belief in an ancient earth, and even belief in God-driven evolution, is not contrary to Scripture.  Nevertheless, he thinks that the bulk of the scientific evidence points to a young earth.  In this talk, Dr. Wile discusses both the theology and the science behind his view.  Quoting some of the earliest Church fathers, he shows that a view consistent with an old earth has existed long before science began focusing on the concept of an ancient earth.  He also talks about specific instances in which orthodox Christian theology replaces the obvious, literal translation for a passage of Scripture with a less literal interpretation.  All of this is to show that while a young-earth view is consistent with an orthodox interpretation of Scripture, an old-earth view is as well.  With that out of the way, Dr. Wile then discusses some of the scientific philosophy and evidence that has led him to a young-earth view.

(PLEASE NOTE:  This talk is quite different from “The Earth: Is It Young or Is It Old?”, which has no theology, philosophy, or discussion of the early church fathers.  In addition, while “The Earth: Is It Young or Is It Old?” discusses radiometric dating and its associated problems, such issues are not mentioned in this talk.)

Ask The Beasts

In this seminar, Dr. Wile talks about Job 12:7-10, which begins by commanding the reader to “Ask the beasts.”  In his view, this Scripture is telling us that we must study nature to fully understand God.  While God’s divine revelation (the Bible) is clearly more detailed and precise than His natural revelation (creation), both are necessary to have a full and complete understanding God.  He gives a bit of history to show you that this was the motivation for many of the great scientists of the past, and some great scientists of the present.  He then draws from fields such as astronomy, microbiology, zoology, and botany to share at least a bit of what science tells us about God.

Ecohysteria: A Scientist Examines the “Environmentalist” Movement

In this seminar, Dr. Wile discusses the facts related to the global warming debate that is currently raging in America.  Dr. Wile does not engage in the emotional hysteria that typically surrounds this topic.  Instead, he gives a cool, scientific appraisal of the environmental situation today and shows that, in fact, the global warming “crisis” is mostly an invention of extremists, not the consensus of the scientific community.   As you listen to this seminar, you will be amazed at the distortions and lies that the environmental extremists and their willing accomplices in the media have reported!

How to Be a Real Environmentalist

There are many people who champion causes relating to “saving the planet,” and they all call themselves “environmentalists.”  Unfortunately, many of these self-proclaimed environmentalists are not helping the planet at all.  Instead, many of them are harming the planet by concentrating on doomsday scenarios that are not backed by the scientific evidence.  Unfortunately, this distracts people from the real environmental issues we face.  In this talk, Dr. Jay L. Wile discusses what science says about some of today’s environmental issues, indicating which issues are real threats to the health of the planet and which ones are simply distractions.   You will be amazed at how propaganda trumps science in what you typically hear from self-proclaimed environmentalists.

Vaccines: The Real Story

The safety and efficacy of vaccines have been at the center of a growing debate, especially among Christian homeschoolers.  In this seminar, Dr. Jay L. Wile gives you the facts about vaccines.  Using data that has been gathered from numerous sources, Dr. Wile answers such questions as: “Are vaccines effective?”  “Are vaccines safe?”  “Do vaccines contain fetal tissue derived from abortions?”  “Are the pharmaceutical companies manipulating the data?”  If you are wondering whether or not to vaccinate your children, you should definitely attend this seminar. 

Be Open-Minded, but Don’t Let Your Brain Fall Out!

One of the most important steps in critical thinking is to look at all sides of an issue.  It is very easy to get trapped by false ideas if you continue to look at an issue from only one side.  At the same time, however, it can be uncomfortable (and sometimes dangerous) to read the viewpoints of those with whom we disagree.  How does a Christian deal with this tension?  Dr. Wile first discusses why it is so important to look at an issue from many different sides, and then he explains how to avoid the pitfalls that could result.  Those who are interested in serious investigations of theological, scientific, or political issues should definitely hear this talk.

Life and Its Amazing Design

When scientists first realized that life is made up of tiny building blocks called “cells,” they thought that cells were very simple.  One scientist said that the cell was just a “simple lump of albuminous combinations of carbon.”  Somehow, they thought, simple cells could join together to make complicated living organisms like animals and people.  As scientists have learned about the cell, however, they have found that it is anything but simple.  In fact, it is more complex than the most technologically up-to-date city in the world.  In this talk, Dr. Wile takes you on a tour of the cell, showing you its amazing design.  In addition, he refutes the two most common objections to the obvious fact that life is the product of design.

Modern Science: A Product of Christianity

One of today’s popular myths is that science and religion are incompatible.  People who promote this myth obviously don’t know the history of science, as today’s modern science is a direct result of Christianity.  In this talk, Dr. Wile demonstrates how Medieval Christianity provided not only the metaphysical assumptions necessary for science to flourish, but also the institutional support that science needed to progress.  He also shows that in countries where the Medieval Christian Church did not have a strong presence, science could not advance.  Along the way, he destroys several other myths, such as the nonsensical idea that the Medieval Christian Church thought the earth was flat.

Jay's Achievements
  • Author: Reasonable Faith: The Scientific Case For Christianity
  • Author of the award-winning "Exploring Creation With..." Series of  Junior High and High School Science Texts
  • More than 30 of his articles have been published in nationally-recognized, peer-reviewed journals
  • Recevied more than $200,000 in National Science Foundation Research Grants
  • Former nuclear chemistry researcher for the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation
  • Former assistant professor of chemistry
  • Former High School Teacher for Gifted and Talented Students
  • Ph.D. in Nuclear Chemistry: University of Rochester
Wile's Bio

Jay Wile learned about his love for chemistry when his dedicated parents bought him his first chemistry set. Many stink bombs and a few explosions later, he was hooked! Although he loved chemistry, he also had many other interests. For a while, he thought about becoming a concert pianist, but unfortunately, his fingers were not long enough (no kidding!). As he was finishing up his high school years, he became extremely interested in the theater and began to pursue a career in acting. Partly because he learned the science behind some of the special effects of the plays in which he performed, he eventually went back to his first love: chemistry.

 He went to the University of Rochester in upstate New York to study chemistry, and while he was there, he began working on nuclear chemistry experiments. He became so fascinated with nuclear chemistry that he stayed at the University of Rochester and got a Ph.D. in that field. For several years, he did research in the field under the auspices of the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation. This research led to several grants and many publications. While doing research, Dr. Wile was also an assistant professor of chemistry.

Dr. Wile's love of science is demonstrated by the many awards he has won for excellence in teaching and research. He has also presented numerous lectures on the topics of Nuclear Chemistry, Christian Apologetics, Homeschooling, and Creation vs. Evolution. He has published more than 30 articles on these subjects in nationally-recognized, peer-reviewed journals, and has 9 books to his credit, most of which belong to the award-winning “Exploring Creation with” series of junior-high and high-school science courses.

Dr. Wile and his wife of more than 25 years, Kathleen, homeschooled their daughter, Dawn, from the time they adopted her until she graduated high school. Dawn is a Butler University graduate and is currently working in the field of veterinary medicine.

Dr. Wile's website has a list of the conferences where he plans to speak:

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Date Modified9/14/2011 1:59:44 PM
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My hope is that this list will assist conference organizers in connecting with Jay Wile and other workshop leaders and speakers. Furthermore, my desire is to help homeschool workshop leaders and speakers develop relationships with more convention planners and audiences. May your efforts be for the glory of Christ and the strengthening of His saints.

Disclaimer:  Balancing the Sword makes no claims about the speakers' faith, ability, materials, etc.  This speaker profile information is being provided free of charge.  Please click the links and do your own research before issuing an invitation to your conference.  Postings are subject to change.


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