Balancing the Sword - A comprehensive study guide to life's manual
Perfect to frame the discussions of your family worship or a church-wide study.


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Suggestions for Leaders

It will take an average group about two years to get through one volume.  The long-term impact that your efforts will have amplified through others over two years can bring massive life-transforming changes.  I was just contacted by a church that finished volume one over three years and is starting volume two.  Joyful Bible students!   I love it. 

Paul charged Timothy to "be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity" (1Ti. 4:12).  Followers rarely strive for standards which are higher than their teacher.  Be the pacesetter!  Let your love of God and His Word be exemplify in your words, tone, and study habits.

Identify key leaders within the group.  Personally solicit their overall support to help keep others motivated.

The most effective leaders are those who learn to lead leaders.  God has ordained that each man is to metaphorically wash his wife "by the word" (Eph. 5:26); answer the questions of his wife at home (1 Co. 14:35); " bring them [viz., his children] up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord" (Eph. 6:4); " ruleth well his own house" (1 Ti. 3:4); and, "diligently" teach his children " when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up" (Dt. 6:7).  Therefore, multiply your efforts by leading heads of household.

It is suggested that the leader stay one week ahead of the group.  This enables you to give fresh overviews of what the group is about to read in the coming week.  Accomplishing this is usually quite easy with the assistance of the Bible on CD or Bible on DVD.

My primary motivation for including so many cross references with each question was to enable group leaders and fathers to prepare to teach in the most efficient manner possible.  You can look up the almost 54,000 cross references on this website as fast as you can click.  The cross references will add substantial width and depth to your perspective of each question.

If the leader feels very comfortable in the Bible, he may wish to open the forum for discussion on  any verse that fell during a given week.  

Collect the email addresses of all of your participants.  Send announcements and try to include great substance that pertains to the reading each week.

Please also see Study Techniques.

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Balancing the Sword is a structured study guide for every chapter of the Bible.