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Homeschool Conference Speakers and Workshop Leaders List with Last Names Beginning with the Letter "P"

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  • Please click ADD if you want to add a speaker.  If you have updated information about a speaker, there is a link on the page with the detailed speaker information page where you may send me updated information on that speaker.
  • Inclusion in this list of speakers does not imply endorsement. My hope is that this list will assist conference organizers in connecting with workshop leaders and speakers. Furthermore, my desire is to help homeschool workshop leaders and speakers develop relationships with more convention planners and audiences. May your efforts be for the glory of Christ and the strengthening of His saints.
Tomi Padgett Terre Haute, Indiana
Randy Page
Crystal Paine
Amy Pak
Rich Palazzo
Jason Palermo
Dianne Panio
Andrew Panza
Greg Para Sarasota, Florida
Allan Paris
David Parkerson Memphis, Tennessee
Roxanne Parks
Jessica Parnell
Beverly Parrish Houston, Texas
Niki Parsley Florida
Clair Passantino
Linda Patchin Boise, Idaho
Heather Patenaude Illinois
John Patrick Ottawa, Ontario
Sue Patrick Wake Forest, North Carolina
Chad Patterson South Carolina
Christi Patterson Rock Rapids, Iowa
Jay Patterson Minnesota
Mary Jo Patterson Georgia
Carleen Paul Norco, California
Alice Pauquette Riverview, Florida
Glenn M. Pav Largo, Florida
Janita M. Pavelka
George Pearce White Rock, British Columbia
Jamie Peavy Georgia
Nicholeen Peck
Christy Peddicord
Angela Pedersen
Jon Pedersen
Michelle Pedraza
Tyler Peek Georgia
Deb Pegram Richmond, Virginia
William Pegram (a.k.a., Bill Pegram)
Mariaemma Pelullo-Willis
Jim Pence Texas
Heather Penner
Jennifer Pepito California
Gavino Perez
Ruth Perez
Christopher Perrin
Bill Perry Florida
Collette Perry
Rhea Perry
Duke Pesta Texas
Barry Peters Eagle, Idaho
Dawn Petersen
Jim Petersen Lincoln City, Oregon
Kim Petersen Florida
Mike Petersen
Andrew Peterson Nashville, Tennessee
Dennis Peterson El Dorado, California
Susan Peterson Lakewood, California
Tammy Peterson Washington
Daniel Peycke Missouri
John Pfeifer
Felicia Pfluger
Brian Philbin
Doreen Philbin
Barbara Phillips
Douglas W. Phillips (a.k.a., Doug Phillips) San Antonio, Texas
Gretchen Phillips
Jami Phillips
Mark Phillips
Rachel Phillips
Anthony Pia
Bradley W. Pierce Texas
Jennifer Pierce Missouri
Nathan Pierce Sacramento, California
Kim Pierson
Jill Pike
Greg Piper
Traci Piper
Ronald Pitcock (a.k.a., Ron Pitcock) Fort Worth, Texas
Shari Pittenger Washington, Illinois
John Pittman
Bill Pitts
Michael Platt Fredericksburg, Texas
Ginger Plowman Opelika, Alabama
Peggy Ployhar Conroe, Texas
Michelle Pohl Lake St. Louis, Missouri
Bryan Pollock Tacoma, Washington
Steven Ponce Vero Beach, Florida
Shari Popejoy Buffalo, Missouri
Elizabeth Porier
Nikole Porter Smyrna, Georgia
William Mark Posey Columbia, South Carolina
Matthew Poston (a.k.a., Mr. Science Teacher Poston) Effingham, Illinois
Jordan Potter
Lauren Potter
William Potter (a.k.a., Bill Potter) Alpharetta, Georgia
Kent Powderly
Ian Powell Tigard, Oregon
Rebecca Ingram Powell Goodlettsville, Tennessee
Richard Powell (a.k.a., Rich Powell) Goodlettsville, Tennessee
Cindy Powers
Gary Powers Wisconsin
Theresa Powers
Delia Poythress
Becky Preble
Cindy Prechtel North Fort Myers, Florida
Kristin Pressley
Audrey Preston
Susan O. Prewitt
Janice Price Illinois
LeSean Price
Louis Paul Priolo (a.k.a., Lou Priolo) Wetumpka, Alabama
Irene Pritsker San Diego, California
Bart Probasco Loveland
Cindy Probasco
Zachary Probasco
Abigail Proctor
Lori Pruett
Sue Pruett Brighton, Illinois
Cathy Ptak Sleepy Hollow, Illinois
Andrew Pudewa Locust Grove, Oklahoma
Fiona Pudewa
Cathy Puett Miller (a.k.a., The Literacy Ambassador® Puett Miller) Huntsville, Alabama
Alice Purcell
Sue Purchferran
Sonny Purdue
Thomas Purifoy Nashville, Tennessee
Sharon Pursley Huntsville, Alabama
Sharon Puryear

Balancing the Sword makes no claims about the speakers' faith, ability, materials, etc.  This speaker profile information is being provided free of charge.  Please click the links and do your own research before issuing an invitation to your conference.  Postings are subject to change.

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