Homeschool Conference Speakers and
Workshop Leaders List with Last Names Beginning with the Letter
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- Please click ADD if you want to add a speaker. If
you have updated information about a speaker, there is a link on the page with the detailed speaker information page where you may send me updated
information on that speaker.
- Inclusion in this list of speakers does not imply endorsement. My hope is that this list will assist conference organizers in
connecting with workshop leaders and speakers. Furthermore, my desire is to help homeschool workshop leaders and speakers develop relationships
with more convention planners and audiences. May your efforts be for the glory of Christ and the strengthening of His saints.
Name | Location |
Lindley Rachal |
Jacksonville, Florida |
Lusi Radford |
Steve Radigan |
New Mexico |
Janet Rainbow |
British Columbia |
Sarah Rainsberger |
Molly Randolph |
Kim Rankin |
Autumn Rasmussen |
Debbie Rathbun |
Fairbanks, Alaska |
Heather Rathnau |
Missouri City, Texas |
David Ratliff |
Leslie Rawle |
Winter Park, Florida |
Betsy Ray |
Salem, Oregon |
Brian D. Ray |
Salem, Oregon |
Debra Raybern |
Duane Ream |
Jessica Reck |
Gary Reckner |
Sebree, Kentucky |
Colleen Reddout |
Bonnie Redfern |
Kingsburg, California |
Tony Redfern |
Kingsburg, California |
Annette Reeder |
Glen Allen, Virginia |
Paul Reese |
Rita Reese |
California |
Sue Reese |
Gregory Rehmke (a.k.a., Greg Rehmke) |
Seattle, Washington |
Charles E. Reichel |
Georgia |
Eric Reinhold |
Donna Reish |
Craigville, Indiana |
Joshua Reish |
Ray Reish |
Craigville, Indiana |
Bev Rempel |
Mill Bay, British Columbia |
Susie Rencher |
Alabama |
Alex Rennekamp |
Carol Reynolds |
Bowie, Texas |
Gina Reynolds |
Niles, Michigan |
Susan Reynolds |
Tim Rice |
Epworth, Georgia |
Yvonne Rice |
Florida |
Lesli Richards |
Alpharetta, Georgia |
Mike Richardson |
McAllen, Texas |
Lynda Richardson Coats |
Kelley Richman |
Susan Richman |
Kittanning, Pennsylvania |
Julie Rick |
Stephen Riddell (a.k.a., Steve Riddell) |
Houston, Texas |
Michael Riddle (a.k.a., Mike Riddle) |
Kirkland, Washington |
Nancy Riddle |
Selena Riddle |
Kansas |
Rob Rienow |
Wheaton, Illinois |
Mike Riggs |
Brian Rigsby |
Dean Riley |
Audrey Rindlisbacher |
Tyler, Texas |
Cyndi Ringoen |
Spokane, Washington |
Melissa Ringstaff |
Deborah Rinio |
Alaska |
Marie Rippel |
Eagle River, Wisconsin |
Connie Risser |
Nampa, Idaho |
Karen Rittle |
Lisa Rivero |
Milwaukee, Wisconsin |
Chad Roach |
Steve Roberson |
Jacksonville, Florida |
Amy Roberts |
Woody Robertson |
San Antonio, Texas |
Fiona Robinson |
Martha Robinson |
Sarah Robinson |
Doc Rock |
Marilyn Rockett |
Beth Rockwell |
Chris Rodgers |
Marchauna Rodgers |
Anita Rodriguez |
Diego Rodriguez |
Boise, Idaho |
Michelle Rodriguez |
California |
Gretchen H. Roe |
Hunt Valley, Maryland |
Laura Rogers |
Curt Roggow |
Kathy Roggow |
Anthony Rondina |
Charlotte, North Carolina |
Jessica Rondina |
Charlotte, North Carolina |
Nick Ropp |
John Rosemond |
Leslie Rosenberg |
Eldon Rosenow |
Modesto, California |
Donald G. Rosie (a.k.a., Donnie Rosie) |
Angie Ross |
Penny Ross |
Torrance, California |
LaVonna Roth |
Tampa Bay, Florida |
Teresa Roth |
Tim Roth |
Washington |
Douglas Rothgaber (a.k.a., Doug Rothgaber) |
Palmyra, Pennsylvania |
Nada Rothgaber |
Palmyra, Pennsylvania |
Mimi Rothschild |
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |
Ruth Rouchard |
Steve Rouse |
Pat Roy |
Paradise, California |
Carissa Ruiz |
Francine Ruiz |
California |
Jeannie Ruiz |
Lucy Rump |
Florida |
Sandra Rusby Bell (a.k.a., Sandy Rusby Bell) |
Richard Rusczyk |
Sandra Rush |
Lee Rushing |
Cindy Rushton |
Tuscumbia, Alabama |
Elisabeth Rushton |
Harold Rushton |
Matthew Rushton |
Sara Rusk |
Illinois |
Danny Russel |
Indiana |
Heather Russell |
Malia Russell |
Louisville, Kentucky |
Renee Russell |
Sheryl Russell |
Tori Ryan |
Lincoln, Nebraska |
Ned Ryun |
Balancing the Sword makes no claims about the speakers' faith, ability, materials, etc. This speaker profile information is being provided free of charge. Please click the links and do your own research before issuing an invitation to your conference. Postings are subject to change.